Getting a UC50

MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener

Hello, Ladies and Gents,

Last month I was given a UC50 printout from my work coach and a printed address. I received it on 2/5/19 so I assumed I had until 2/6/19 to send it to the printed address. I filled it in with attached documents and paid £7.40 for Special Delivery. I posted it on 28/5/. I was WITHIN the one month time limit. Or so I thought. What I DID NOT know was the fact that my "live referral" was no longer "live". I only learned this because I phoned the place on the 18/6/, a Tuesday, in Wembley, where Jared told me it's NOT live referral anymore. I still don't know why. I went into my local JCP the next day where I spoke to Leon who referred my to my case manager Joanna, (talk about going round in bloody circles!). I phoned HER on Thursday the 20/6/. SHE told me that she referred me on the 17/4/. Is that referring me to Atos and THEY send me a UC50? WHO ACTUALLY SENDS OUT THE UC50s? Anyway, 17th of April plus one month takes me to 17th of May. Am I right in assuming that it was THIS month my referral was "live"? If so, then NOBODY TOLD ME!!!!  My work coach is lazy and indifferent. I finally got  A!  UC50 on the 2/5/ as a print out. If it was a proper letter a submit by date would be within.  And, I also think my work coach and case manager are not communicating with each other with me  caught in the middle! When me and my case manager talked she told me she would refer me again and would get a UC50 sent out to me. If one doesn't come by this Thursday, the 27th, I need to phone her AGAIN!! Can someone, please, explain this muddle for me? And, if nothing comes by the 27th what must I do further to get a UC50? Complain? REALLY rock the boat? I am so confused and despairing!

All last year I had numerous hospital appointments; MRI and CT scans, X rays, consultations. On the 22/10/18 I had knee replacement surgery. I was looking for work up until the 25/9/18. On 21/1/19 I had surgery to remove three lumps from the back of my throat. Some time soon I'll be having an ear operations on my "good" ear. I'm deaf in my left. Am I right in assuming I should have had a UC50 LAST year? Any time last year would've been good. Just before my knee operation would've been good too! Also, I won my ESA appeal at the Tribunal in late May; I got 24 points which I took with me to my regular meeting with Stephen, my work coach, who put it into "the system". At least, I'm assuming he did. Let's say that he did. For months he told me that I'd be on the correct benefit and that it'd be back dated.......... blahdi blahdi blah....  I've recently been told that this 24 points letter is not the worth the paper it's written on! Is this true?

So, how come I am still on only basic UC of £73.10? Somebody help me, please!

And, what is a "Revision of Decision"? and should I ask for one?

Thank you all for your time and kind attention.





  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,984 Championing

    There's 2 questions here so to answer your first question.
    Your work coach doesn't print out the UC50 form, i'm not sure why they did that.

    You need to be referred for a work capability assessment. Once this happens then you'll be sent the forms. ATOS don't do work capability assessments, it's the Health Assessment advisory service and they send the forms out to you.

    Has you work coach referred you for the work capability assessment? Are you sending in fit notes from your GP?

    The ESA Tribunal that you won in May, was that May this year or last year? Which group were you placed into for that ESA decision, WRAG or Support Group?

    When did you originally claim ESA?

    When you were found fit for work for ESA how long after that did you claim Universal Credit?

    The standard allowance rate for over 25's is £317.82 per month and not £73.10 per week.
  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    My work coach wittered on ALL last year about an assessment. He never said anything about a UC50. He said; you have to wait, be patient, there's back log. you'll be assessed and then all the money will be back dated..... He's NEVER referred me. I've been told HE, Stephen, can't, ONLY my case manager, Joanna, can.
    I started to claim ESA from 2012.  Maybe earlier. 
    I won my Tribunal Appeal in May last year,  29/5/18.   Nothing changed. I was placed in NO group..
    I DO get £317.82. What does THAT mean?  317.82 MINUS 292.40 equals 25.42. What the 25.42 for?
    I'm 61. 
    I've been on Fit Notes for several years now. Before and since my knee operation on0 22/10/18.
    I'm on UNfit for Work fit notes. I''ll need a new one in September.
    I was moved on to UC in  June of 2017. I had no choice. My ESA was stopped in June, 2017.  I appealed. I lost. All the time handing in Fit notes. I tried again in early 2018. Lost again and appealed. THIS time I won 24 points. By this time my mental state had really deteriated, gone down hill in a hand cart. bloody spelling. i'm sick of it.  And, I was in constant pain with my knee. 
    On the 2nd of May, this year, I had a doctors appointment for 4.40 pm. My work coach said he'd have one ready for me. At 4.01 pm he phoned me and "Where are you now?" He sounded worried, if not scared. I replied, "I'm home putting my shoes on."  He then told me that he's leaving at 4 pm instead of his usual 4.30 and that he'd leave it with someone downstairs. He did. When I got there I was given the printout and the address typed on a piece of paper. I DID ask about the envelope. There wasn't one. 
    My work coach is utterly indifferent about this. When I got angry with him about getting this UC50 SO LATE he said, "I'm drawing a line under this now".  He is USELESS! Should I complain about him? And, ask for another one?
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Welcome to the community @MariaR! Please do let me know if you need help with anything else :)
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,984 Championing
    Why are they deducting £292 per month from your UC claim? Are you claiming Contributions based ESA and are you in the Support Group for ESA?

    Yes, you can request a different work coach.
  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    I get 317.82. I'm in no group. I'm on UC. In June, 17 I was moved on to UC. I had no choice. I live in Southwark. And, where I live we were all put on UC. I don't know about other people but I do know that I am still battling to be in a group becos of my health and numerous hosp apts and two operations and another one coming up.  I had no choice. My ESA was stopped. I've battled to be back on it. I won 24 points last May, 2018, and NOTHING IS CHANGED. I'm on UNfit to work fit notes.
  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    I am coming to the end of my tether with this. My insomnia is back. I'm not sleeping and I'm so bloody tired and fed up and angry. And I can't stop crying.  Can I go to my JCP and speak to a Line Manager? A Supervisor? THE ORGAN GRINDER, not a menial monkey?
  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    Can I phone the Health Advisory Service for an UC50? What about seeing a Supervisor or Line Manager in my local JCP? I NEED to by pass my work coach. He's a hindrance to me. I'm going to ask for a new one. How do I do that?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,984 Championing
    I'm trying to help you but i can't do that if you don't answer my questions.

    In an above comment you said they were deducting £292 from your UC is this correct or not?

    When you went to Tribunal last May you were awarded 24 points but which group did they place you into? This doesn't tell me which group, was it Support Group or WRAG (work group)

    As a community champion here on scope, please be mindful of your language. It's against the rules here on scope to use bad language. I realise you're very angry and frustrated but i am trying to help you.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,984 Championing
    @Adrian_Scope @Hart86 any advice here please?
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @MariaR, I can understand your frustrations, it must make you so angry. If you're able to give us a bit more information then members of the community may be able to support you better. We can empathise and only want to help you resolve these issues :)
  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    OK. sorry for swearing. the £292 I got from £73.10 X 4 (weeks) = £292.  pennies. I do get the £317 amount. just tell me; during all of last year to the end of the year should I have been on ONLY uc? And, when getting a new work coach can I just pop into my JCP  and see someone and ask for a new work coach? what's the procedure? i am to tired too discouraged and too depressed to carry on. i hate this laptop and i hate the dwp and the people in it.
  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    and where i live the lifts are broken in a 12 floor tower bloke. again. this time for two days now. will the post man climb up 12 floors? dont know. dont care anymore. i'm sick of it all.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,715 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @MariaR, this all sounds like quite a mess and I’m so sorry you’ve had to battle for it.

    I’m still a little unclear of your situation so I’m going to be asking some questions that I know you’ve already answered but it’s just so I can get my own head around things, I hope that’s okay? And then I’ll do my best to help you.

    When you moved over to UC in 2017, did you have an active appeal waiting for ESA? What was the outcome of that?

    When you first applied for UC, did you register as having an illness or disability? If so, have you supplied Fit Notes to UC non-stop since 2017? Have there been any gaps in these? 
  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    my 24 point letter said for me to be in a support group. 
  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener

  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,984 Championing
    Right so the ESA amount isn't deducted from your UC payment.

    The amount you're receiving from UC is the standard amount for over 25's, which is correct. ESA was a weekly amount and UC is paid monthly so it's a slightly higher amount and that's the reason you're receiving slightly more.

    However, you still haven't answered my question and it's really important that you answer this please. When you had the Tribunal in May 2018 which group were you placed into..... work group or Support Group? 24 points doesn't tell me which group you were placed into. I can't help you unless you answer this question. If you don't know and you still have the decision letter from the Tribunal then please look to see what it says. Does it say limited capability for work or limited capability for work related activity?

    To request a new work coach ring DWP/UC and ask for a new one.

  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    I got this letter in April in my UC journal. Since then the problem I've described. If I get no UC50 in the post by thursday, 27/619 then I must phone Joanna, my case manager AGAIN. Ans she'll referr me AGAIN and send me a UC50 AGAIN. blahdi blahdi blah........................ ad nauseum............. going round in circles.................... 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,984 Championing
    @Adrian_Scope sorry, only just seen your reply. Thanks for answering this thread, much appreciated.
  • MariaR
    MariaR Online Community Member Posts: 23 Listener
    I got this one in feb......... note the sentence; "This is because Limited capability .......... at the top.