Long waiting time

carrienic Community member Posts: 5 Listener
I have been waiting 60 weeks now for my PIP appeal. I have had £5 a week after bills to feed me and my 6 year old. I was on high DLA care and low mobility. I am now seriously in debt. The tribunal courts say possibly another 8 weeks wait !!!! My original PIP was zero points due to not taking into account any mental health illness. I am struggling ???


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing

    Unfortunately, Tribunal waiting times in a lot of areas are huge and some are waiting in excess of 1 year for a hearing date. If you're successfully awarded then it can take another 8 weeks to pay backdated money. Hopefully you'll receive a date very soon. Good luck.
  • carrienic
    carrienic Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thankyou Poppy !! It’s so much added stress and has made me more ill :(
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,586 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hello @carrienic and welcome to the community. 
    I'm really sorry to read about your situation. Have you had a benefits check up recently? I'm wondering if you're receiving everything you're entitled to as you shouldn't be having to rely on PIP to feed you and your daughter. 
    You mentioned that you're now in debt as a result, have you been in touch with StepChange at all? 
  • carrienic
    carrienic Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    I have help but I need pip to survive !! As my disability isn’t physical. Yep after paying rent and bills and debts back due to DLA being stopped to go into pip it leaves me £5 a week !! I got Esa but now they are making me wait 5 weeks as been swooped to universal credit now !!! It just gets worse !! They stopped child tax credit too !!!!! Not sure why they try drive people over the edge this way :(
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    carrienic said:
    I have help but I need pip to survive !! As my disability isn’t physical. Yep after paying rent and bills and debts back due to DLA being stopped to go into pip it leaves me £5 a week !! I got Esa but now they are making me wait 5 weeks as been swooped to universal credit now !!! It just gets worse !! They stopped child tax credit too !!!!! Not sure why they try drive people over the edge this way :(

    The reason they stopped your tax credits is because you claimed universal credit. The tax credits will now be paid as child element of Universal credit, which will be paid monthly as one payment.

    If you're still waiting for your first payment of UC then you can ask for an advance payment. This does need to be repaid back from your future payments so do be aware of that.

    May i ask what was the reason why you had to claim Universal credit?
  • carrienic
    carrienic Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Because I moved house. They said I can claim an advance from 2nd August !! So for four weeks I have nothing ??
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,586 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @carrienic. The advance is only usually available until the end of your first assessment period, by the 2nd August I imagine it'll be too late. 
    Have you had your initial ID interview with Universal Credit yet? If so, there should be an option on your online account to apply for an advance. 
  • carrienic
    carrienic Community member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thankyou will enquire