PIP assessment

Norbs66 Community member Posts: 49 Contributor
I have just received a text to say my assessment for PIP has been booked for July 24th at 10.30 in Redhill. its over 9 miles from where I live and I don't know the area as I have never been there. The assessment centre in Wandsworth is closer in distance and this is the centre my friend went to who leaves one road from me. Can I change location as I am already stressing because I dont know that area. I did request a centre on ground level which I know Wandsworth is. The text says I will receive a letter but having looked Redhill up the building appears to be a office block. I walk with crutches and cant do stairs and I got turned away from a ESA assessment for that reason because they said if there is a fire the lifts would shut down what would I do. I said I couldnt do the stairs so they sent me away and rebooked for a centre on the ground floor. Has anyone had any dealings with Redhill or Wandsworth? 


  • wilko
    wilko Community member Posts: 2,439 Championing
    @Norbs66,  Contact the assessment centre using the contact details  on you invite, explain your details and needs and see what options they have they may have ground floor assessment rooms so you are not at risk if the fire alarm goes off even only a practice drill and you would not be able to use the lift or stairs because of your use of crutches. Let the community know how you get on don’t delay.
  • Norbs66
    Norbs66 Community member Posts: 49 Contributor
    Thank you Wilko and I will 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 584 Listener
    I'd give them a call and ask about it.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,491 Championing
    Do be aware that if you cancel that appointment then you won't be able to cancel another.
  • Norbs66
    Norbs66 Community member Posts: 49 Contributor
    Thank you Poppy123456 I am aware of that. Thank you