Prinzmetal variant angina caused by breathing in cold air. More than 28 days abroad?



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,669 Championing
    lol i doubt that. It really wasn't difficult to guess that you would most likely have a face to face assessment because most people have them and there's no timescales, as i advised. Some wait weeks, while others wait months.

    Good luck with the assessment and don't forget a week after that you can ring DWP to request a copy of the assessment report. This will give you some idea what the decision is likely to be because they mostly go with the report.
  • clasship
    clasship Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    I hear what you say about the DWP going with the assessment which worries me after hearing the horror stories. I submitted a cardiologists discharge note from a few years back stating my exercise tolerance was 40-50 feet and a 2015 care plan stating if I got any worse (words to that effect) I would need to live in a care home, and I have suffered major events since. You would think I should feel confident being awarded PIP and enhanced at that, but I don't, I fear I'll have to go to a tribunal and that will take up to a year!  On the basis I have had 19 heart attacks over 19 years, but not had one in the last two years, could I be forgiven in thinking it is a war of attrition on claimants? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,669 Championing
    Did you send more recent evidence to backup the evidence from 2015?

    Whether you're awarded will totally depend on how your conditions affect you, as PIP isn't awarded based on a diagnosis.

    Yes, reading the horror stories certainly doesn't help because you'll mostly only ever read the bad ones. Lots of people successfully claim PIP without any problems at all but we rarely hear the good stories. This is because if someone's had a decision they're happy with they have no questions to ask so we don't hear their story.
  • clasship
    clasship Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    What is peeving me off is there is still no decision to my request back on 20.8.2019 to spend more than 28 days abroad for medical reasons being cold air causes me documented heart attacks (Prizemata Variant Angina). If the DWP don't agree  / give their consent without affecting my ESA / PIP to the 13 weeks or 26 weeks, what is the procedure to have the decision overturned?  
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,669 Championing
    edited October 2019
    If they refuse your request to receive benefits for more than 28 days while out of the country then your next step as always is the MR followed by Tribunal. If you are refused then before requesting the MR you need to get expert face to face advice because usually to receive a benefit for 13 or 26 weeks outside of the country you must be receiving medical treatment. As you're not receiving medical treatment during your time abroad then it may not be possible to receive those benefits.

  • clasship
    clasship Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    In my case, cold air is the direct cause of my Prinzmetal Variant Angina (PVA), there is no debate on the cause. Warm air prevents attacks and also is a treatment to stop the spasms which have caused heart attacks, hence I can only go outside breathing in warm air from my 12 volt hair dryer powered by a 12 volt battery, and It's all documented with letters from several GP's. My case is 100% genuine. 

    I can only surmise a legal expert could argue my case and win, but I have no funds, so for now much depends on the DM at DWP. That's unless I can be pointed towards free legal advice / face to face advice, can you help with this?   
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,669 Championing
    I never said you weren't genuine but it may not be classed as receiving treatment to be able to continue claiming benefits while abroad.

    You definitely do not need to pay for legal advice. When i mentioned expert face to face advice i meant from welfare rights or a law centre both of which are free.

    At the moment all you can do is wait for the decision and there's no timescales for any decision.

  • clasship
    clasship Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    I had my PIP assessment yesterday, all seemed to go well, only time will tell. One issue came up I had never thought about, I pay for a lady to do the shopping for me, clean places I can't which is basically anything within 18" above the ground, put the rubbish out and do things like cut my toenails etc. Gill the lady who does the above work has given me notice she won't do this anymore from the end of the month, for personal reasons. My brother who was with me thinks the IAS interviewer was surprised I was paying for this myself, and that I had never had anyone come to me to evaluate my needs, I bought all the appliances for  disabilities myself. Is it possible my brother could receive any payment if he decided to do the work Gill is doing? I looked up Carers Allowance, but 35 hours a week seems too much time, I am guessing 8 hours a week more appropriate. Does anyone know if there is a financial benefit of any kind that might suit my needs? 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @clasship, I'm glad the assessment went okay!

    Have you ever had a needs assessment? You can refer yourself online and this could allow you to access money to pay a carer for this amount of time. I hope this helps!
  • clasship
    clasship Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Chloe, Thanks for your help, no I never had a needs assessment. In your opinion is it best to see if anything comes from the PIP assessment interview, my brother thinks something might come from that other than just the PIP, or should I apply now using the link you gave. My thoughts are maybe the DWP are working on something as I was asked to fill in a ESA 50 form a  month back. I was told when I submitted the one in 2017  and was given ESA supported that I would never have to fill that form again as it's considered and accepted I will never improve, or am I deluding myself? I don't really understand the benefits system.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,669 Championing
    ESA and PIP are different benefits with different criteria. For ESA they can reassess you anytime from 3 months. The only ones that are exempt for future reassessments are those that are placed into the severe conditions group and to be placed into this group there's very specific criteria.

    For the needs assessment you can refer yourself with the link above.  For the needs assessment they will also asses you and give you any aids/adaptions that you need to help you with your daily life.

    This has nothing to do with the PIP assessment and nothing other than possibly being awarded PIP would be achieved from this.

    For the PIP, if you wait a week then ring DWP to request a copy of the assessment report. This will give you some idea what the decision is likely to be because they mostly go with the report.
  • clasship
    clasship Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    poppy123456, Once again thank you for your advice and input. By the way I posted a signed for letter Monday to DWP requesting a copy of the assessment report. I also  requested my brother is sent a copy of all correspondence including the decision to my request  back on 20. 8.2019  to spend more than 28 days abroad as I will be away in December escaping the cold UK because I suffer PVA. I think I will wait until my return  before requesting a needs assessment. 

     Interestingly despite me writing a letter to DWP and also IAS, and IAS calling me confirming it was OK to record the interview, when we arrived at the interview, the interviewer had not been informed we intended tape recording the interview, which we were actually allowed to record. 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @clasship, you are able to apply for a needs assessment while waiting for PIP as they are completely separate. I hope this helps. :)
  • clasship
    clasship Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Chloe, Thanks, leaving until my return from 28 days is more to do with me being away. Should the DWP allow me more than 28 days abroad, and hopefully I will know in a few weeks, I will be on the next plane abroad again, so I think it's best I wait for now. 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    That's understandable @clasship! I hope you find out soon. :) 
  • clasship
    clasship Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    PIP PIP hooray, following my PIP application on 16.7.2019, on 10.12.2019  I was finally awarded the enhanced rate for Daily Living and Mobility. So a big thank you to those who contributed help and information.

    I am still confused as ever, the DWP write as I live in sheltered accomodation they will not be back dating the Daily Living to my application date. I don't understand this as wonderful as the warden is, I receive no financial benefit at all from living in sheltered accomodation, I have personally  pay for a person to do my shopping, clean the flat where I can't and do things I can't including cutting my toe nails. Despite being a medical priority to be moved to the ground floor, I still live on a first floor with stairs. Do I have a case to request the DL is backdated? If so is the correct procedure to request a MR?

    The second issue is dealing with the reason for my original post, on 20.8.2019 I wrote to the DWP to request consent to spend 13 / 26 weeks abroad rather than the set 28 days so I can breathe in warm air, with a mountain of irrefutable medical and event evidence I suffer heart attacks breathing in air up to +14c (+57f), apart from one short phone call I made to the decision maker, after receiving a one page out of three page form of internal paperwork by error, I have had no consent, not even a reply? I am abroad until 26.12. 2019 happily breathing in warm air, what should I do now so I can book my next flight abroad because I don't want to keep booking for 28 days a time when I hope to be able to stay abroad for 13 / 26 weeks each time? 

    Once again I want to thank all those who have contributed to my post requesting help. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,669 Championing
    Great news. To be honest i've never heard of anyone not having PIP backdated because they live in sheltered accomodation. If your claim was a first claim and you were transferring from DLA then it should be backdated to the date you rang to start your claim, unless you were in hospital for more than 28 days at anytime since applying.

    Your question about being abroad, as advised through out the thread, it's 13 weeks for PIP anything longer than that and you need to ring DWP to report the changes. You can only claim for up to 26 weeks if you're abroad for medical treatment.

    For any other benefits it's 28 days and you'll need to ring DWP after this, if you plan on staying abroad for any longer.
  • clasship
    clasship Online Community Member Posts: 76 Connected
    Thanks for you info, I was not transferred from DLA, I first applied for PIP in 2013 and was turned down as I was living abroad to breathe in warm air, so I moved back to the UK on 16.7.2017.   I applied for PIP after habitually living back in the UK for the requires 104 weeks on 16.7.2019. So what should I do about the DL not being backdated? Do I simply write to them or request a MR?

    Regarding my 20.8.2019 request to spend 13 weeks abroad, and having no reply from DWP albeit they acknowledge I have requested permission, what should I do now? 

    From the stroke I am not the sharpest tool in the shed, If I understand correctly now I have been awarded PIP, it is possible for me to apply for LCWRA? Is correct? If so can you kindly advise me how I do this? 

    Once again Poppy your help is a life saver, thank you. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,669 Championing
    edited December 2019
    You're welcome,

    Regarding your daily living award, i've just done some research, it depends how your accommodation is paid for if it is funded by the NHS or the Local Authority then the PIP daily living is not payable, it you self fund then it should be. See this here on rightsnet.

    May i ask if you're receiving the PIP daily living award money going forward? Or is it just not being backdated?

    Your PIP award will not have any relevance to a LCWRA award because they are different benefits with different criteria, although there's no harm in sending the PIP award to support any future claim.

  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @clasship, congratulation on your PIP award! I hope @poppy123456 has very kindly been able to clarify things for you. If there is anything else we can do then please do let us know. :)