Pip assessment on Monday



  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Ok thanks poppy I wasn't sure but I thought when looking at the health professional report she put on that these conditions have been going on 3 months or more and more than likely last more than 9 months so if they go by the report it would be 5 months since I was awarded standard care of pip on march 8th until I had my second face to face assessment on the 5th of August ? do you think the decision maker will look into its been going on 3 months and more than likely last more than 9 months according to the health professional report or is there a chance they could cancel my application because it's not been 3 months since 8th of march since I was awarded standard care of pip and make me apply again am worried sick now as I have been waiting since may to hopefully receive the care and mobility award I know I need to live independently poppy thanks ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    You would have had the worsening conditions for 3 months by the time the assessment took place which is why that box was ticked but the 3 month rule won't apply from the time you reported those changes.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Ok poppy so it's more than likely I won't get the award then and I would have to reapply now thanks ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    No, that's not what we are trying to say. As advised, they mostly go with the report so it's very likely you will be awarded what's recommended in the report BUT it may not be backdated to the date you reported the worsening of conditions.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Thanks poppy I feel a bit better now hearing that as it's been a tough time these past 6 months with my physical and mental health conditions and losing my job in April because of it ! so if I was awarded pip on march 8th this year and the 3 months would take it till June 8th if I get awarded enhanced mobility or care would they backdate it from the 8th of June as that would trigger the 3 months from my original award poppy so to ask and be a pain as getting some backdated money would help me to get a new orthopaedic mattress so I can try and get some sort of a decent sleep thanks poppy ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Potentially the 8th June yes. It will be the difference between your existing award and the new award, so backdated the Enhanced mobitlity rate. Of course you'll still need to wait for the decision letter to know for sure. Hopefully not too much longer.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    thanks poppy that sort of clears it up why they called me yesterday about dates ! at the end of the day it's about me being recognised as having disabilities and have struggles with day to day activities and getting the financial support to help me to live independently is the most important thing poppy and having that extra financial help always makes life that little bit better ! hopefully it won't be long to hear back now as they must be dealing with my claim now going by the call yesterday poppy ?
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    Called pip earlier and the woman said that my pip assessment is with a case manager and she said it wasn't about the award it's the date's but she said I see on the system you have scored enhanced on mobility and standard on care and she said that the would normally go by the health professional report and additional evidence I have sent in ! and hopefully you will get news on your award soon so fingers crossed 
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 715 Trailblazing
    @RABSTER_78 near the back of the report there is two big tickboxes.

    "The functional restriction affecting the mobility/daily living activties identified in this is likely to have been present for:"

    One is for mobility and the other is for daily living.

    Did the assessor tick the "at least 3 months" box?
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    yes I have just checked as both of mobility and care state that they have been presented for at least 3 months is that good thanks ?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    worried33 said:
    @RABSTER_78 near the back of the report there is two big tickboxes.

    "The functional restriction affecting the mobility/daily living activties identified in this is likely to have been present for:"

    One is for mobility and the other is for daily living.

    Did the assessor tick the "at least 3 months" box?
    That's not the exact issue here. The issue is potentially when the money will be backdated to because the decision made on the existing claim and the date the changes were reported for this claim isn't 3 months. Therefore backdated money will most likely not be paid from the date the changes were reported. It will be from June, if you read through the thread.
  • RABSTER_78
    RABSTER_78 Online Community Member Posts: 31 Listener
    That's exactly what I was thinking poppy as I said I was told yesterday by pip it's not the award that's the problem it's the date as I was awarded standard care of pip on march the 8th this year and I reported the changes I think it was 20th of may so I will wait and see the outcome as they must be dealing with my case now if I am was called for the dates so hopefully get my decision soon poppy
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 715 Trailblazing
    edited September 2019
    Sorry but I dont see anything clearly stating thats what they specifically looking at just the vague term "dates", that the posts have been hard to read and its very easy for things to get misunderstood.

    I dont see why there would be a confusion to start date, as the start date is the date you informed them of the change, which is why I asked you to check those boxes, you have already checked the descriptors, so I dont understand why you cant just look at those two boxes, and see which are ticked.  Its much easier to do than what you have already done which is to check the descriptors.

    Never mind I see he stated that the boxes were ticked, missed it as the posts are hard to read  but would have been easier if just said yes to my question.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    worried33 said:

    I dont see why there would be a confusion to start date, as the start date is the date you informed them of the change, which is why I asked you to check those boxes, you have already checked the descriptors, so I dont understand why you cant just look at those two boxes, and see which are ticked.  Its much easier to do than what you have already done which is to check the descriptors.

    Never mind I see he stated that the boxes were ticked, missed it as the posts are hard to read  but would have been easier if just said yes to my question.
    As previously explained. It's the 3 month waiting period that is most likely in question here for the backdated money. The 3 month box being ticked in the report has nothing to do with the backdated money.

    When the assessment took place the 3 month wait had already passed so that's why it's ticked. The HCP wouldn't have known when the decision was made on the existing claim or when the change in circumstances were reported.

    When reporting a change of circumstances if the worsening of condition has been present for at least 3 month since making the call then it will be backdated. If not it will be backdated from the date of the 3 months.