PIP Reconsideration

lisamw17 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
Hi I’m new here. My son’s PIP was turned down so I’m writing a reply to have it reconsidered. My question is that the previous claim was turned down and awarded no points as was this one. I attended the Tribunal and won. Should I mention the previous Tribunal in the current claim? 

Many thanks


  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    edited August 2019
    Hi @lisamw17 and a very warm welcome to the community! Great to have you here.

    Were both these claims for your son? Was this a reassessment?

    I wouldn't mention this on the Mandatory Reconsideration (MR) letter as they'll only be interested in what was in the initial report (for the current claim) and how this is not accurate. In the letter it is best to use 3-4 real life examples about how your son would meet the criteria.

    Here is some information about the MR process.

    If you need support with anything else then please do not hesitate to ask! :)
  • lisamw17
    lisamw17 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    Hi thank you for your welcome. Yes both for my son and I thought it would be a reassessment, but it had to be new claim from scratch!! 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @lisamw17, unfortunately this is the process. Once the award has ended the reassessment is the same process as the first claim that was made. I really hope you don't need to take it to tribunal again.

    If there is anything we can do to help then please let us know. Many of our members have been through this process and will be able to share their advice and experiences. :)
  • lisamw17
    lisamw17 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    Hi me too. I find it so frustrating it feels like they don’t read anything or gain correct information at the face to face assessment. It’s difficult as my son has Aspergers, ADHD and anxiety, but thank you for your input it’s appreciated 
  • lisamw17
    lisamw17 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    Ps the claim only lasted 2 years and the Tribunal for the previous claim was last year so feels like only yesterday I’m here again!!!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,052 Championing
    It really makes no difference whether it's a new claim or a review because all claims should be classed a new claims by a claimant. When filling out either of the forms you should always make sure you put as much information as possible about how your conditions affect you.

    Good luck with the MR and Tribunal if it gets that far.
  • lisamw17
    lisamw17 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Connected
    Thank you 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    I hope it goes more smoothly for you this time around!