


  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Thank you. That's good to know that a lot people with fibromyalgia score at assessments. Just I'm getting myself all worked up over it. Many thanks. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    Yes, i claim PIP, standard daily living and Enhanced mobility, never had a problem claiming but i have other conditions too.

    As you know PIP isn't awarded based on a diagnosis and you can't compare 2 people. It really depends how your conditions affect you.
  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Many thanks poppy. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    May i ask if you've read the links i posted above? It will definitely help if you do read them.
  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Yes I have but also got some copy's from cab when I went to see them. They also said they would fill forms in for me. I'm also going to send off to the hospital for all my medical records. Many thanks. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    No problem. I wouldn't advice sending all your medical records, especially if it's a huge amount because they won't read them all. Take a look through them as see what's relevant against the PIP descriptors. Less is more when it comes to evidence and sending mountains of evidence that isn't relevant won't help.
  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Thank you poppy will do sort out what's needed. Many thanks. 
  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    Hi @ Joycemcnally1961 I wrote a list of my disabilities and limitations and went to the cab to help me fill in the form. They were really helpful and my pip was approved first time.
  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Deb thank you. So best to make a list of my medical problems. Could I ask if you use a stick. So you got awarded first time. Many thanks deb. 
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Joycemcnally1961 and a warm welcome to the community! I wish you the best of luck with the claim and please do let us know if you have any further questions. The above advice has been really helpful.
  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Thank you chloe for you message. I'm just waiting for forms from the DWP pip. Many thanks. 
  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Hi just sent my pip form back today with help from cab. Sent all the information that was required . How long does it take before you have to go for a medical. And what questions do they ask you at the assessment. Thank you 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    It will depend on the backlog in your area but it can be anything from a few weeks to several months.

    During the assessment you will need to verify what you wrote in the form, so hopefully you kept a copy to have a read through before the assessment. If they need any other information they will also ask you during the assessment but what they ask will depend on how your conditions affect you.

    You'll be watched from the minute you arrive to the minute you leave, this is all part of the observations.

  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Thank you poppy. Yes I know they watch you from the minute you arrive to the minute you leave. When I went to cab they didn't actually ask how your medical affects you. Didn't actually ask how long it takes you to get out bed or what's your sleeping pattern  like at night or is there times you don't get out bed nothing like that. So can I write down all this before I go for assessment. Many thanks. 
  • cristobal
    cristobal Online Community Member Posts: 984 Championing
    @Joycemcnally1961 - I had my my assessment at home, so it's possible that it might be different if you have to go to and assessment centre..

    My memory is a bit patchy so to help me I had a copy of my PIP form in a folder to refer to. I had made a few notes on it - for example I get tired very easily and made a note of how often, how long for, what effect it had. Similarly I had a few different examples to the ones I'd given on the form.

    I believe, and others may correct me, that the assessment should be about how you were when you filled the form out although this didn't seem to be the case with me.

    Bear in mind also that you have to be able to carry out tasks 'reliably' - i.e. safely, repeatably, to a good standard, and in a timely manner. When I was asked "can you do x" if I couldn't do it 'reliably' then I answered 'no' - and the assessor asked more questions to find out why.

  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Thank you cristobal. So I could go and get my pip form photo copied and take with me to pip assessment and write few notes down. I didn't fill form in cab filled in due to my consitrasion I have lot medical problems including my main one fibromyalgia. I do get tired a lot. Many thanks. 
  • scape03
    scape03 Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor
    Completely agree with @cristobal's advice about having notes in front of you to jog your memory, however this was used against me by the HCP who commented that I was fully capable of finding and referring to information on a sheet. I never professed to not being able to do this! Needless to say I wasn't awarded PIP but was successful at MR.
  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Hi cressida. Thank you for your reply. The stick I have was done through my GP someone came out to see me. Thank you. 
  • Joycemcnally1961
    Joycemcnally1961 Online Community Member Posts: 35 Listener
    Scape03. Thank you for your reply. So writing down notes you can take with you when you go for your assessment. Many thanks.