Need a counsellor



  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    edited November 2019
    Hi @caz50 Like @puffuto10, I'm here also....please know you now have friends in this community. I'm incredibly saddened to read your story, however some can, in different ways, identify with this; myself included, in a part of the difficulties you face. Anytime you hope to talk someone here they will do so as soon as they can.
  • shadow66
    shadow66 Scope Member Posts: 25 Contributor
    I hope you are ok @caz50. Were you able to contact any crisis helplines yesterday?
    Don't forget we are here if you need to talk.
  • caz50
    caz50 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    Yes I was thank you but I prefer to talk to same person each time as I huge trust issues and takes me ages to explain things . But I agree with girl that I would be best to be closer to my sister in Antrim and have that support 24/7  but cant get transfer to where she is . People don't understand how mental health really effects people unless there people like on her who also live with it xx
  • paffuto10
    paffuto10 Online Community Member Posts: 383 Pioneering
    edited November 2019

    So glad to hear from you again. 
    I hope your head is a little clearer today. 

    You've been through such a lot and I can understand you wanting to talk to the same person each time. 
    There are many friendly people on here who understand mental health problems so you are always welcome. xx

    Is there any possibility at all that your sister could come and visit you for a while? 
  • caz50
    caz50 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    No her son has severe autism so that not possible.  Everyone on here is amazing and so nice n understanding as you all are going through mental health issues also. Yes I been through hell and back and I live it every day I know I need help n support.  I also have fibromyalgia which is awful but my mental health is worse I think. 
  • paffuto10
    paffuto10 Online Community Member Posts: 383 Pioneering
    edited November 2019
    It's a shame your sister can't visit but understandable with her son.

    My adult son also has severe autism, my daughter has borderline and I have ptsd so we're a right motley crew!   :p
    Daughter and me sometimes end up counselling each other with hubby supplying endless cups of tea  :)

    Daughter also has fibro like yourself and yes, I think you're right, the mental ill health is worse. 

    And yes, this place is amazing. I joined about 3 months ago, I only came for some advice for son's PIP and been here ever since!  :D

    Did you manage to get some sleep last night, btw? 
  • caz50
    caz50 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    No I not slept in 2 nights I'm stressed out which gives me a flare up of fibromyalgia.  I been fighting pip with there decision and they nightmare.  Its good that you n your family understand each others situation and going by what I see my sister goes through with Jack it's hard so I'm sure it hard for you also . PTSD is an awful thing for you to go through. 
  • paffuto10
    paffuto10 Online Community Member Posts: 383 Pioneering
    Another person fighting for PIP then? 
    Just makes you feel worse, doesn't it? 

    What stage are you at? (sorry if I've missed it) 
  • paffuto10
    paffuto10 Online Community Member Posts: 383 Pioneering
    And sorry you're not sleeping, my daughter is the same. If she knows she has to go somewhere the next day she doesn't sleep all night, poor lass. 
  • caz50
    caz50 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    I went for a face to face in July got told it pushed back as I not have my medical records so now I'm waiting again for another face to face its ridiculous I'm sure you understand that as well. 
  • caz50
    caz50 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    I feel for her fibromyalgia is awful because people can't see it then they just  judge you or say it's a lazy decease. 
  • paffuto10
    paffuto10 Online Community Member Posts: 383 Pioneering
    The whole thing is a nightmare isn't it? 
    Another face to face, that's weird isn't it? 
  • caz50
    caz50 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    Yes because you have to request your medical records as pip no longer does that .can I ask what is level 2 mean on here and something about 10
  • caz50
    caz50 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    I even was told that is it any wonder I'm still single as I lazy 
  • paffuto10
    paffuto10 Online Community Member Posts: 383 Pioneering
    edited November 2019
    I don't really know, caz. I was wondering that?  ;)
    I know you get badges for having a certain number of likes etc. 
  • caz50
    caz50 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    Lol its weird 
  • caz50
    caz50 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    Its good to talk to people who are dealing with mental health issues themselves as you all dont judge where as people who don't have it they just don't get it and what it does to people like us

  • paffuto10
    paffuto10 Online Community Member Posts: 383 Pioneering
    You're right there, people just don't understand. 

    You said you're single? Do you have any support at all? 
  • paffuto10
    paffuto10 Online Community Member Posts: 383 Pioneering
    Have to go for a while now caz. 
    Have a look round, there is a mental health section and fibro and advisors for PIP. 

    Catch you later xx
  • caz50
    caz50 Online Community Member Posts: 28 Contributor
    No I don't as my kids dont have anything to do with me when I left my ex 9yrs ago after my daughter moved out few days later I moved out my sister trys her best God love her but with jack it to hard for her my mum passed away a year on 21 this month I was there when she passed away and I been living with  seeing that every day. My friends left me as they stuck with my ex as they dont believe he did it to me . Rest my friends said I'm unreliable so no I honestly have no one I live on my own .