Car insurance for ex-motability customer

Redeemed Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
edited January 2020 in Transport and travel
So the dreaded hand back of car to Motability nears and I'm scouring the cheapies at local dealers for a car.
I rang RSA and was told I would have to wait for a letter detailing my claims history which isn't conducive to getting a quote atm.
I have been using, RSA recommended Autonet but I'm not convinced I should have to pay 7p a minute to ring them!
Anyone find or know of a good insurer?


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 62,574 Championing

    You'll need to shop around to find the cheapest quote. Everyone is different and it depends on a lot of things, age and area that you live being just 2 of them.

    Some will accept the letter from RSA and some won't. It will also depend on whether you were the main driver of the mobility vehicle.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Hi @Redeemed, how are things doing?
  • Redeemed
    Redeemed Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    Hi Chloe just got off the phone sorting my insurance. My findings are: get the cheapest quotes
    The AA generally offer the cheapest prices.
    It will cost more than the screen price as an underwriter has to find a broker who will take ex-motability.
    I am buying a 57 plate Zafira and screen price insurance was £331. Final price from underwriter was £350.
    Some places quoted close on £1000 BEFORE knowing I was ex-motability!
    Autonet definitely NOT the cheapest for me.
  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Looks like you are making some real progress though @Redeemed! I hope it continues to go okay. :)
  • Redeemed
    Redeemed Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    all sorted thanks  - got best deal through AA. Important thing DO NOT rely on the price generated by online quote systems, being ex-motability it comes down to an individual risk assessor at the company getting you thge best price.

  • Chloe_Alumni
    Chloe_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 10,506 Championing
    Glad to hear you got it sorted @Redeemed!
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,987 Championing
    Thanks for the update, I’ve been following this thread with interest in case I am in the same position in a couple of years.
  • skullcap
    skullcap Posts: 165 Contributor
    edited February 2020
    I didn't realise that there could be an issue with proving NCB and getting a decent quote whilst having had a Motability car. So thankful that I never went down that route although I could have done for the past 20 years. I never could find the car that I would want to drive. I lease a new Mercedes GLC SUV every 3 years for not much more than my PIP mobility payment. The only expense is the insurance which works out at about £365 a year. All of the other ongoing costs are in with the lease payments excluding car tax which I don't pay anyhow.