Back dating llimited capability for work and work related activity



  • JTC88
    JTC88 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    But when is the date of the decision decided that's what I want to know please. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    JTC88 said:
    But when is the date of the decision decided that's what I want to know please. 
    There is no fixed timescale. You said you have had the assessment, now you have to wait for the decision.
  • JTC88
    JTC88 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Hi, so if I get awarded LCWRA will I get a backpay dating from 2018? 

  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    JTC88 said:
    Hi, so if I get awarded LCWRA will I get a backpay dating from 2018? 

  • WeepingWillow
    WeepingWillow Online Community Member Posts: 30 Contributor
    JTC88 said:
    Hi, so if I get awarded LCWRA will I get a backpay dating from 2018? 

    I think calcotti has been explicit in his reply. To put it another way if you are found  to fit the criteria for LCWRA    for example on the 18th of March your award will start on that date and you will only get the extra money from that date as previous to that date you were on LCW and got paid at that prevailing rate so there is no backpay to be paid  for that period.
  • tru88le
    tru88le Posts: 200 Contributor
    Hi @LEEDScb. It's more difficult for them to calculate as when you join (or split) a claim it basically acts as a new claim. You probably noticed all the journal history and statements were wiped? But you should still be entitled to the full backdate. I hope they sort this out for you quickly. 
    Thanksfor that snippet, I will copy my journal and payment list now just in case they 'accidentally' wipe mine
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,735 Online Community Programme Lead
    It happens quite frequently @tru88le. If they have over or underpaid someone they also go back and edit past statements so they reflect what a person should have been paid, rather than what they actually were paid. This can cause quite a bit of confusion unfortunately.
  • tru88le
    tru88le Posts: 200 Contributor
    I wont believe mine will be backdated till its in the bank, i was told it would be then that it wont be but its over 15 months since first  fit note was given in and three werks since award letter.
    My next payment of UC is going to be £25! For a month.
    Thats with an 8ncorrect CA deduction of £290, a crisis loan payment of £66 they trawled up but no details or letter saying how much is owed from when no info just a deduction suddenly, it can only be from income support over a year ago as ive had no loans from UC or advances of any amount.

  • Greenking
    Greenking Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Hi can any one tell me why I’m getting a letter 7days after my LWCRA letter is it another form I’ve Gotta fill out??
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    What does the letter say? 
  • Greenking
    Greenking Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I don’t know just been told that I will receive letter in 7days time lol 
  • Greenking
    Greenking Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Ahhh nope I read it wrong it’s telling me I will get a message on my ice account with in 7days I think I know what it is 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing
    edited March 2022
    Greenking said:
    Ahhh nope I read it wrong it’s telling me I will get a message on my ice account with in 7days I think I know what it is 
    What it means is if they owe you any money you will receive a letter on your journal telling you how much they owe you. It can often take longer than this though. 
    Whether they owe you any money will depend on what date exactly you reported your health condition and the dates of your assessment periods. (or when you usually receive your money each month)
    This is because there’s a waiting period of 3 full assessment periods and then extra money is paid from the 4th month of your claim. 
    Based on the very limited information you gave in your other thread here the extra money is paid from March or April. This means there may not be any backdated money owed. 
  • Greenking
    Greenking Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    My assessment appointment was on the 7of March the next day I got the award Letter on my uc account. would the 3 months wait start from the 7 of March or will it be from the 24th of November when I handed in my fit note 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing
    Greenking said:
    My assessment appointment was on the 7of March the next day I got the award Letter on my uc account. would the 3 months wait start from the 7 of March or will it be from the 24th of November when I handed in my fit note 

    It's from when you reported your health condition, provided you sent a fit note within 7 days of that and you continued to send them with no gaps. The extra money is then paid from the 4th month of your claim. 
    Your extra money will be from either March or April depending on the dates of your assessment periods (or when you usually receive your money each month)
  • Mikeyamattison1984
    Mikeyamattison1984 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Hello, has anybody actually seen this back pay cause I'm very untrusting of the job centre and I just don't believe I'm gonna get it. Have spoke to j.c and said I'm lcwra and defo getting it but can't give me a date just by the end of the month which is not helpfull and I don't believe they can't give me an exact date or even a date in such and such there a specific amount of back pay or does it depend on dates and how much extra do u get? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing
    Hello, has anybody actually seen this back pay cause I'm very untrusting of the job centre and I just don't believe I'm gonna get it. Have spoke to j.c and said I'm lcwra and defo getting it but can't give me a date just by the end of the month which is not helpfull and I don't believe they can't give me an exact date or even a date in such and such there a specific amount of back pay or does it depend on dates and how much extra do u get? 
    You haven’t given any information for anyone to be able to help you. 
    It’s not paid at all during the waiting period, which is 3 full assessment periods. It’s then paid from the 4th month after you reported your health condition.
    So, what date did you send your first fit note and what date do you usually receive your payment each month?
  • Mikeyamattison1984
    Mikeyamattison1984 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    I'm not asking that, I know all that, I gave my first note on April the 9th,ive passed the assessment got the letter back on 15th july, have been told I am getting back pay but not when just some time round the end of August.all I want to know is when will I get my back pay because I really need it.all I want is for someone to tell me when I will get it but I'm constantly being fobbed off and told the same thing again and again, u must wait 3months etc
  • Mikeyamattison1984
    Mikeyamattison1984 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Actually I get my money on the 9th every month and the first sick note was the 7th,8th or 9th of April, not to sure now
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,289 Championing
    edited August 2022
    I'm not asking that, I know all that, I gave my first note on April the 9th,ive passed the assessment got the letter back on 15th july, have been told I am getting back pay but not when just some time round the end of August.all I want to know is when will I get my back pay because I really need it.all I want is for someone to tell me when I will get it but I'm constantly being fobbed off and told the same thing again and again, u must wait 3months etc

    If you usually recieve your money on 9th of the month your assessment periods are 3rd to 2nd of each month. So you reported your fit note in AP April to May.
    Did you send your fit note on 9th April 2022? Sorry but you didn't say which year and it's very difficult to advise without all the information.
    If it was 2022 then your waiting period will be as follows... May/June, June/July, July/August.. LCWRA starts from assessment period 3rd August to 2nd September, first payment will be 9th September. No LCWRA element is owed. If you've been told they owe you money for the LCWRA element then you've been incorrectly informed.
    The waiting period is 3 full assessment periods and it's not paid at all during that time.