Highly Sensitive Person



  • Seanchai
    Seanchai Online Community Member Posts: 396 Pioneering
    edited January 2020
    Yep...Your right Fran ....we are being dragged along kicking and screaming ...but as soon as I knew the results of the election last month, I knew the sick and the poor would be in a fair mess.
    With this government there is always going to be a wider gap between rich and poor and I know the present government think the old and the sick and the poor are a drain on society and I just cannot understand why the people in that bracket would vote for them....its a bit like turkeys voting for Christmas in my humble opinion . Many will come across Universal Credit and many will just not be able to cope with the process.  I must admit that without my wife I would have given up long ago . .....but to be honest I think that's half their plan ....for people to find it to hard and just give up claiming anything , we have just recieved a letter today telling us that we owe them over £ 200 in rent arrears . yet we have still not heard anything from UC....the rent office know we are waiting to hear from UC but the last we heard was that the rent office hears before we do . I was waiting a couple of months ago to hear how my assessment had gone ...and while we waited the rent office got in touch and told us our circumstances had changed and due to these new circumstances I would hot have to pay rent . I think that kinda forewarned me of the decision by the PIP. So maybe ( just maybe) the UC has not came to any decision as yet.... or, they have come to a decision and it's not good ....but...of course I am only going on past happenings and I know that nobody is sure about UC ...including the people dealing with it . 
    My wife and I are rather happy to be going out of this life and not coming into it .
    We ( in Scotland) were just hoping for another referendum on independence but boris said no ....but the SNP says yes ...so we will indeed have another referendum and I know that many Scots wished they had voted yes last time ...but the were scared stiff by the politicians telling everyone that in two years there would be no oil in the ground surrounding Scotland and we would have foodbanks to help people that were starving and many more would he homeless on the streets . As it is , the political leaders were correct about foodbanks to help people who are starving , and there is more people on the streets ..,but the thing is ...they are finding new oilfields in the north sea all the time . I know the Westminster government ( and the English people ) will be struggling without oil revenue so boris and his motley crew will not allow us a vote on independence as they know fine how the vote will go . Most Scots now realise we are being dragged along on the coat tails of the Westminster government . I,m afraid nomatter who Scots vote for we can never have enough influence and we have to go along with the English vote . 
    Sorry to go on about politics but that's what it's all down to.... who the majority of people wanted in power ???? I,m afraid many working class people do not bother voting ....and that is part of their own downfall.
  • Seanchai
    Seanchai Online Community Member Posts: 396 Pioneering
    edited January 2020
    I hope your right Fran and the government realise before it's to late that their idea of " one benefit suits all" is a good idea  ...our case is only one such case that screams out that it's a terrible benefit and certainly does not suit all people on benefits . I have been in touch with my MP but the hassle even he has to go through to get answers from the DWP is unbelievable ...not only does he need my written permission to go into my DWP files ...but the government have closed the door on any MP,s asking questions of the system,  our MP,s have now got to ask permission of the DWP to go into their files on their constituents but they have to explain why they want the files and what their complaint is about before they even get into the files ...this is certainly not democracy working here....I think we are up the swanny without a paddle ....but the ordinary people will realise it ...but ...it will be to late for many .??
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Online Community Member Posts: 1,441 Championing
    I guess we are permitted to talk about politics on here now, now the election is over. I had a nasty feeling they would get back in. I'm a lifelong Labour voter, remaining true to my working class roots, and as the big majority in the UK are working class think it's an absolute shame that they either dont vote, thinking it's a foregone conclusion, or they vote, as my parents did, to climb the ladder from working to middle class. Where I live now is a big conservative stronghold. And the majority of the people round here are comfortably off. One person I used to work for occassionally said to me a few years back now she couldn't understand the need for food banks. Why dont these people just work, she said. So there appears to be little or no understanding between the classes still. In my current situation, not worked for just over a year due to poor mental health, I was refused charitable help from a local church as they said I was doing nothing to improve my situation - whatever that means. The gap is widenning  for sure.
    If I were a Scot, and my roots are in Scotland, from Glasgow, I'd be voting for independence. 
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Online Community Member Posts: 1,441 Championing
    It's a horrible thought but really does seem to be the way that the current governments plan is to make claiming any benefit so complicated and stressful on the claimant that they just give up eventually. I've read a fair few horror stories on this forum. Even wca's,  like my upcoming one, if you can produce enough paperwork from health professionals confirming your condition and how it affects you, why do they have to drag you in for a face to face? I'm sure these type of interviews put unneeded stress and anxiety on just about all called in for them. 
    With the whole benefit system, no one is treated as an individual.  It is not a caring system at all.
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Online Community Member Posts: 1,441 Championing
    And the dwp does appear to be a law unto itself, and have far too much power. All a bit frightening really.
  • Seanchai
    Seanchai Online Community Member Posts: 396 Pioneering
    yes indeed Fran .... it's very frightening . The atory MPs with money wanted to leave Europe for one major obstacle to their multi million deals was getting in the way. The European MPs wanted to make the Westminster MPs given the money they make would have to be declared from  off shore accounts .....and the Tory,s did not like that one bit .
    Divide and conquer  is a sharp instrument and cut....a deep hole between Scottish have, a n u
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Online Community Member Posts: 1,441 Championing
    I've been reading some other interesting threads on here, assuming all the info is true and correct.
    The torys have always been the same and always will be. Cant believe we're coming out of Europe either. The vote was so close and I think so many people knew little or nothing about what they were voting for. I see trouble ahead.
  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
    Hi All, thank you very much for all your comments. However, I think we are going a bit  far away from the topics of Highly Sensitive Person. I am to find more why somebody consider themselves the Highly Sensitive Person. and from when. I can see discussion directed towards the system which I agree is not very supportive. I am the warrior over the system myself as I had to fight for my ESA benefit in the Court. My case once extended for quite few years. I know your feelings and sympathises with you. But please can we stay with my topic area as I want to find out more why and from when do you (if you ) consider yourself Highly Sensitive Person. Thanks all. xxx

  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering

    Hi,  please open the attachment to see the characteristic of Highly Sensitive Person. 

  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering

    Hi,  please open the attachment to see the characteristic of Highly Sensitive Person. 

  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @iza   Thank you for your post.

    Sorry this does happen, I know the original post was Highly Sensitive person.

    Apologise this is one of the main things about the forum, is it been a problem.

    Please also several members have commented on several aspects of their mental health and illness .

    I know nothing in relation to your post we as Community Champions can not ignore this.

    I am a Christian have a heart, compassion if some one comes on talking about pain, their problems.

    I have to answer.

    Please can I add had this done to me by the way on many of the posts.

    Including recipes.

    I do understand the emotions the struggles of being a sensitive person, I do think answered everything you wished to know.

    Although answers supplied and some one wishing to know more. I can give you more if you wish to.

    I hope that might help you.

    Please ask me.

    Please take care.


  • Seanchai
    Seanchai Online Community Member Posts: 396 Pioneering
    hi guys ....sorry if anyone is offended by my ( our) comments. I feel that that this government is being very insensitive towards people who are sensitive . I also think that many sensitive people are affected by the laws and new laws we are subject to ...but I understand what you mean iza and I take that onboard.
    I know that 'benefits'are a highly sensitive subject and I have aired my views and I,m sure that others will feel the same way ....but of course not everyone will share the same views as Fran and myself.
  • Bettahm
    Bettahm Online Community Member Posts: 1,441 Championing
    Ditto all that @Seanchai has said. We kind of got into a private conversation there, so apologies for hijacking this thread.
  • iza
    iza Scope Member Posts: 695 Empowering
    Hi ALL, 

    Thank you