Need some help



  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    oh I see, I first claimed universal credit 28th or 29th October 2019 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Yes I remember you saying in a previous thread. 
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    So I won’t get any backdated payment only from December to January and get paid on the 5th feb 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    If you're awarded LCWRA then your first extra payment would be 5th Feb but as we are almost into Feb now then you won't have a decision by that time, so if you're awarded it will be backdated. They can't pay you the extra if no decision's been made.
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    When I phoned universal credit Thursday I explained I did the work change on my journal and asked about the questionnaire and they said print it off and send it back so I filled it out and sent it back to them Friday and they said I will get payment but not a full amount on the 5th feb I will need to look at my statement on Friday as it comes then. Then I will get the full amount next month and when I know which group I am in the extra payment if I am in that LWCRA group.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I've already advised you regarding this but we still seem to be going round in circles with the same thing. As long as you're still receiving SSP then because you're only entitled to the standard allowance for under 25's your UC will be reduced to zero, like it has been since you claimed UC. Reducing your hours on your journal won't made a difference to the amount you're entitled to. I can only guess that the person you spoke to thought you were over 25.

    There's no timescales for the waiting time for work capability assessments, some wait just a few weeks after sending the form back but others wait several months. It really depends on backlog in your area and what the waiting times are.
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    I said to the person I am 21 and I am receiving sick pay and they said you will be getting the payment universal credit and my statutory sick pay payment too.
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    Hopefully they would of got the questionnaire back today as I sent it 1st class signed for, then maybe hear within a couple of weeks time. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I've lost count on the amount of times DWP have given the incorrect advice to someone, which causes confusion for the person claiming the benefit. It has also been known for people to claim the wrong benefits. All because they rang DWP for advice....
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    I will wait and see and on Friday I will look at my statement. They did say I was getting it, I will see 
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    I have got my universal credit commitment meeting on Thursday and it’s the first time for me, what happens at the meeting? 

    Thank you 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    As you haven't yet been assessed as having limited capability for work then you'll need to agree to your work commitments during this appointment.
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    I have got my assessment on the 15th this month not Saturday coming but the following. I just wanted to know what happens on Thursday when I go to my job centre for the commitment appointment.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Good luck for the work capability assessment.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @avakarlsson. At the commitment appointment your work coach will discuss and agree with you what your work commitments should be (whether you should be looking for work, how many hours for, etc). You'll need to accept these if you're to be paid any UC you may be entitled to.
    However, as Poppy mentioned, with your SSP it may mean your deductions for 'wages' are higher than your UC anyway. 
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    Yes, I do get statutory sick pay until the end of March but it might change depending on the 15th when I have my assessment they may say I am on LWCRA and then I will get payment, 2 weeks I phoned and explained and I said I am on statutory sick pay and the questionnaire form needed to be done so I filled that out on a Wednesday and sent it back 1st class signed for as when I first did it, it got lost in the post, then I phoned last week and they said they had got it, and they told me when your statement comes on the 31st Jan you will get payment your statutory sick pay and your universal credit payment so I phoned up after when I saw the statement was £0 to be paid this Wednesday and they said they have giving you the wrong info, you have to wait until the assessment then it will change probably 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    The reason your UC amount is reduced to zero is because of your SSP that you're receiving reduces it to zero, which i did try to explain to you. DWP really are not the ones to ask for advice because very often they are not correct, which has been the case here.
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    Hopefully when I have my assement on the 15th and if I am put on the LWCRA group then I will get payment? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    It may take a while for the decision to be made as there's no timescales. If you are given LCWRA then it will be paid from this month, so they will owe you money.
  • avakarlsson
    avakarlsson Online Community Member Posts: 332 Contributor
    Hopefully after the assessment I won’t have to wait to long, it’s a shame they don’t back date it, but if there system works like that obvisouly that is how it is.