Priority supermarket delivery slots

aylasnan Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
edited March 2020 in Everyday life
I have not received the promised email regarding Priority supermarket delivery slots. Have you? I am in receipt of full PIP. Amongst other diseases I have lung disease and am immunosuppressed. I am housebound and live alone. Can anyone help me to get on the priority list? Can anyone shed any light? I've tried ringing emailing etc but no replies. Thankyou. 


  • aylasnan
    aylasnan Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
    I have not received the promised email regarding Priority supermarket delivery slots. Have you? I am in receipt of full PIP. Amongst other diseases I have lung disease and am immunosuppressed. I am housebound and live alone. Can anyone help me to get on the priority list? Can anyone shed any light? I've tried ringing emailing etc but no replies. Thankyou. 
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,769 Championing
    Hi, which supermarket is it for?  They will have different approaches to this.  They'll generally use the date of birth that you signed up with to automatically qualify if you're over 70.

    If you haven't used the service before, or haven't given any information to suggest that you're vulnerable or disabled, you will just have to keep trying to contact them today - they will of course be very busy with a lot of people trying to do the same so you'll just have to be patient unfortunately.

  • aylasnan
    aylasnan Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
    I am with a few supermarkets. I emailed them all a couple of weeks ago. No replies. Phones are just not being answered.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,769 Championing
    If you're with Sainsburys, definitely try again today, I had an email from them yesterday saying they were specifically sending out the automatic emails yesterday, and that if you didn't receive one, then to contact them today (Monday).  I'm sure there will be a large volume of people for them to get through though.  
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 692 Trailblazing
    edited March 2020
    As far as I know its only sansburys doing this?

    But of course its the same question really, how are they deciding who is disabled.

    For my address right now there is no slots available at all for "any" supermarket, the nightmare scenario.  My local coop due to extremely bad timing, which was a few doors away from me closed on 13 feb.  I have no shops within my walking distance now, and of course I should be isolating as well.  

    It feels like the supermarkets are reacting way too late, and its concerning the government seems to be assuming everyone has a family member who will ensure everyone is fed, that is a wrong assumptum to make.

  • aylasnan
    aylasnan Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
    No way to contact them. Phones just go dead. On your email is there a way to contact them?
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 692 Trailblazing
    What email? this why we are asking the question as there will be many disabled people, not been contacted.
  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    I've also been trying @aylasnan and it seems that if you do NOT already have an existing account with any of the supermarkets, they are not taking new customers. How long this will continue I cannot say, although most boroughs have Key Workers who you  may want to contact via your council.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @aylasnan   Sorry to hear this.

    Please if I can suggest you do need to sign up to any of the on line shops.

    Understand some websites are not taking any new customers.

    Some have limited hours for disabled and vulnerable groups an hour.  I believe can shop.

    Some you can sign in have to if you want priority enrol.

    I went around yesterday because of concerns for the community and found a lot of the delivery times are booked for a month.

    I think what is essential is to see and how we can help you as a member.

    Please if I can advise look at the links first super markets. See if any delivery slots open.  OCADO have announced sent email to me.

    Open again, if in your area.

    Other suggestions are these organisations in a crisis.

    Please if I can add also make a stocklist of what you have.

    Remember it is food and if that means being unconventional so be it.

    If that means having Soup or Veggies or Pulses Beans for Breakfast why not.

    In cold Countries they do, I just had Chickpea Curry lovely filling.

    It is all about what you can do.

    Ready Steady Cook look at that this afternoon, have a look on B.B.C. websites.

    Anything I can advise.

    Simple short easy recipes all over the forum created scroll back have a look.

    Many have antibacterial properties and are healthy.

    I am putting a lot of posts on forum store cupboard essentials what to buy some recipes to freeze.

    Please take care and safe, keep in touch.


  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,769 Championing
    edited March 2020
    aylasnan said:
    No way to contact them. Phones just go dead. On your email is there a way to contact them?
    There isn't sadly, it just says to check the website.  (As I type this, the website is down due to high volume!)

    If you do not receive an email and you consider yourself to be vulnerable, please visit our Groceries Online website on Monday for information on how to contact us. We are also working as quickly as possible on an option for people to register themselves as disabled and vulnerable on their online shopping accounts. 

    Hopefully the online registeration process will be added asap.  If I receieve another email regarding that, I'll update this thread again.

  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 692 Trailblazing
    Please do.

    I rang ocada, call centre closed.
    I rang sainsburys call centre closed
    I rang tesco call centre closed
    I think I will stop there you get the picture.

    Every supermarket no delivery slots, and not even click and collect for my postcode.

    This has turned into chaos for people who cant get to a shop, or are supposed to be self isolating.  I am surprised it has got to this point, there should have been a plan for this weeks ago.

    Luckily my sisters who previously were not sympathetic to my situation have both agreed to take it into turns to bring food to me.
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 692 Trailblazing
    beliveroo will deliver me tins for £4 per tin, this is the direction we heading in. :(
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 692 Trailblazing
    Guys I am asking if you contact your MP's to try and this raised in parliament so the government takes control of food distribution, maybe alot of you have family who are keeping you fed and are not bothered, but please to try to think of us who dont have that option.

    I think it is pretty evident at this point that the supermarket situation is the weak point of the lockdown, there is people who are able going into supermarkets to feed their families, exposing themselves to the virus.

    Then there is people like me and other disabled, who cannot order food online.

    Today I had my final morrisons delivery, all tins were removed from the order completely, not even listed as out of stock, just deleted.  The driver told me there was a slot I could book available on the 15th april, on my computer only slots up until the 14th april were unlocked. 

    I rang morrisons, after 2 hours in the queue they insist there is no priority slots, and could not give a reason why I cannot see the 15th april slots.  I asked if they planning to prioritise disabled people, they said they talking about it and that all they could tell me, at that point I asked do you know what you doing, your website is constantly down, there is no slots, you not fulfilling orders, you cannot explain why I cannot see the 15th april, I asked are you working with government, I asked did you plan ahead, all i got was ummm;s and lots of sorry, to be fair the call centre worker is not the one running this shambles.  So I did say sorry at the end of the call.

    Essentially the point of my post is we now have a survival of the fittest on food distribution, those able will go to shops, buy their food, those unable, will starve as there is no way to order online.
  • aylasnan
    aylasnan Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 692 Trailblazing
    sadly it doesnt, the classification of putting people in the coronavirus vulnerable group is not the same as someone been disabled, I am not in that vulnerable group but I am disabled, if the government and supermarkets try to classify the corona vulnerable people as been in need, then they are leaving disabled people out.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    edited March 2020
    I had a look around at online shopping last night, & Iceland had a link to click if you are over state pension age, vulnerable or disabled. If there's an Iceland near you @worried33 that link may help you to get some food within a couple of days. Sainsbury's have a number to call if you're elderly, disabled or vulnerable. Tel: 0800 328 1700.
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 692 Trailblazing
    Thanks for the info on iceland, no slots, and they dont really ask for proof so I expect people just tick the yes box and abuse it.

    The problem with sainsburys is I am not registered there and its only for their existing customers.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @worried33   I am sorry to hear having problems.

    Please if it possible my suggestion and seems my friend @chiarieds has done the same do know got emails late last night went around websites.

    There are slots available but is all depending on supermarkets you have.

    Some are in a months time but some are being available as members of the public some has had deliveries. Problem is need to be quick looking and be on line in touch all the time.

    Please if I can add one other aspect of supermarkets is the availability of freezer shops.

    Got Farm Foods or Heron might be worth if you can afford it . Try to get a taxi to any of these if you can, just some ideas.

    I would first look on line see if any available in your area also using a taxi might be worth looking at.

    Talking to a company may be able to offer a discount or a deal.

    I know there wanting business or you could do click and collect order food ask taxi to take you to collect.

    I know you mentioned disabled so I am , I am aware every one is different.

    I have mental health as well.

    Please if you care to look at any of the recipes I given the last few days many are freezer friendly and many are easy to do and cheap.

    Happy to advise and be supportive, if I can help with any please contact me.

    Please keep safe, take care.

  • aylasnan
    aylasnan Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
    worried33 said:
    sadly it doesnt, the classification of putting people in the coronavirus vulnerable group is not the same as someone been disabled, I am not in that vulnerable group but I am disabled, if the government and supermarkets try to classify the corona vulnerable people as been in need, then they are leaving disabled people out.
    It says anyone can apply if they think they qualify.  I think the disabled qualify.
  • skullcap
    skullcap Posts: 165 Contributor
    The reason why there are two groups is surely down to the fact that one group is high risk with the added issues whilst the other is just disabled. Presumably they work on the basis that if you are not high risk (and should not be even leaving the home) then being disabled 12 months ago is just the same as now. 
    Unless you are in the high risk situation then you are still allowed to go out and do your own shopping as you were probably doing so before.
    If we use that yardstick of - well you might as well register - is going to open the flood gates for all and everybody to abuse the 1 hour shopping window.
    Up until 2 weeks ago I was hardly at home and did the shopping with my wife every Friday with no issues.
    Now that I am being forced to stay at home for 3 weeks who is going to do the shopping now. There is no point in registering for delivery or collect as there are no slots.