Priority supermarket delivery slots



  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 677 Trailblazing
    edited March 2020
    You just made the assumption that I am "choosing" to not go to shops, what if I am "unable" to go to shops?

    So was I probably doing my shopping before outside of delivery? no.

    The 1 hour window, means nothing to me as I cannot get myself to those shops, for me its about access to deliveries.  I am pretty sure I am not only one in this boat.
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 677 Trailblazing
    aylasnan said:
    worried33 said:
    sadly it doesnt, the classification of putting people in the coronavirus vulnerable group is not the same as someone been disabled, I am not in that vulnerable group but I am disabled, if the government and supermarkets try to classify the corona vulnerable people as been in need, then they are leaving disabled people out.
    It says anyone can apply if they think they qualify.  I think the disabled qualify.
    I did register for this reason, thank you for posting the link. :)
  • aylasnan
    aylasnan Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
    I am disabled and high risk still have not heard anything. Impossible to ask GP if I have been added to list 
  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    worried33 said:
    You just made the assumption that I am "choosing" to not go to shops, what if I am "unable" to go to shops?

    So was I probably doing my shopping before outside of delivery? no.

    The 1 hour window, means nothing to me as I cannot get myself to those shops, for me its about access to deliveries.  I am pretty sure I am not only one in this boat.
    Since the widespread 'outbreak' I have not been able to get ANY home deliveries from ANY supermarket, despite me having an account with Odado.  Furthermore, those that I know who have managed to have home deliveries, find that up to 70% of items are not available or have been sold out. 

    A further problem is that those of us on DWP benefits cannot pay for the items until our payments are received and so pre-ordering for next week or the week after perhaps is not an option to us, and by the time we get paid we are back to square one again...

    I may not be considered to be 'extremely vulnerable' however I am physically disabled and seriously ill which has always prevented me from leaving my home unaided since I was diagnosed. I have no other choice but to shop online, but the chances of me being able to now is a lottery, which is affecting us all and not only the disabled... There is no short fix to this, but what can be done about it is obviously a difficult question to answer. WE ALL NEED food, and although there may be plenty of it stocked, actually getting your hands on it is another story.  
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @aylasnan   @Roddy   @worried33   @OverlyAnxious


    Any one else on here please if I can ask if you do a stock check of everything food you have.

    I am prepared to offer choices, options and ideas to help you.

    Do not mind giving my time to do this, be a pleasure.

    Create a menu some recipes for you to use.

    Any food solutions and any problems can assist ask me can advise .

    Also give you some ideas to buy the right produce and food items.

    Lots of confusion what to eat and there are things you can do and still eat excellent on little.

    Thought if you all need some helping hand not too sure as what to eat happy to advise any time.

    Please contact me.


  • anisty
    anisty Online Community Member Posts: 549 Pioneering
    I might take you up on that @thespiceman as time goes on. Very kind of you!

    I managed to get a big pack of  cous cous last week and that is a great store cupboard staple. Just make it up with some chicken or veg stock (stock cube) and then put through what ever you have: chicken, tuna, ham, fried onion, sweetcorn, pepper, peas. Anything at all.

    Filling and cheap.

    Another simple but delicious meal. Tin of mackeral. Boiled potato. Frozen garden peas.

    Mash the spuds with the mackeral. Microwave the peas seperately and then stir them in.

    Takes minutes. Healthy, tasty and filling.
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @anisty Thank you for reply great to be helping you anytime, just thought share a few recipes using Couscous.

     In North Africa where Couscous originates from, use it for breakfast cereal.

    Add Yoghurt and Stir in top with Honey and Nuts. make it up could use boiling milk to cover cool down and then add in the morning the rest keep in the fridge.

    If you have an allergy against nuts leave them out I suggest use hot milk and cool it down before going into the fridge.

    Dried Fruits Prunes, Apricots, Apples rehydrated .

    I would also look at as you mentioned adding things to it but can add antipasti jars look out for those.

    These are used in Italy topping for bread and are useful..

    Great in Pasta sauces.

    Oven roasted vegetables and have a smoky flavour make up stock cube add Lemon Juice Olive oil add Couscous to a bowl stir in Mint sauce or Pesto any one you have Herb green ones or Red ones.

    In Morocco and Tunisia and those Countries flavours of Mint useful and would add in Chickpeas a tin drained, if you can get jars better but can be pricey.

    Add in drained vegetables from jars with chickpeas and Couscous great  to have.

    Other one this is Tin Cherry Tomatoes, make up as I mentioned before stock cube lemon juice Olive oil.

    Add Tin Cherry Tomatoes to a bowl microwave warm through flake in tins fish Salmon Tuna or anything add in any drained antipasti jars or any frozen vegetables.

    Microwave after leaving a few minutes in there.

    Defrosted. Stir in great to use.

    Fantastic recipes you given as well good to share.

    We be OK . If everything works out fine, pleasure to help.

    Have to be resourceful and adaptable which you are doing..

    Please anything can help with some suggestions given to you but please ask me happy to be a friend and advise.


  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    I shop at Iceland and even if you click on the button saying that you are vunerable or over 70 there isn't a delivery slot! I checked on Monday and they are full all week! 
  • thespiceman
    thespiceman Online Community Member Posts: 6,283 Championing
    Hello @deb74   Sorry to hear this, I know we have all of our favourite places to shop.

    If you have mental health like my self and like routine not used to adapting or changing can be hard .

    Can be difficult dealing with new websites, delivery drivers and anything else.

    This is one reason I stress to every one who suffers if they do mental health to consider if you can other shopping websites.

    Even if they do not have mental health please try to remain calm, patient and keep in touch with the community.

    I do understand be worth looking at all websites of shops in your areas.

    If you can sign up to many as you can if this is possible.

    I know everything is anxiety and stressful.  Be aware of going on daily to see any vacant slots.

    I am also aware if you have a limited stock cupboard or have not much food please speak to me.

    Happy to suggest ideas for you and it is essential try not to worry.

    Please if I can bring some reassurance and comfort .

    I know we as a community are here for each other.

    I am here much time as I can if you need to ask or need to know anything.

    Please keep safe, warm and take care. You are not alone.

  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    I am able to go shopping but have gone into self isolation. Hopefully only for a week.  I think I already have the virus! I usually do my shopping in Iceland and have it delivered. There has been so many people walking around over the last few weeks completely unaware of how easily the disease is spread and I am shocked how many people are still out and about!  Walking the dog has been fun, she is completely confused because our routine has changed. This morning I took her out for a walk at 7:30 I am walking her while no-one is around!
  • deb74
    deb74 Online Community Member Posts: 816 Pioneering
    I should have added that I have a heart condition and ME. I am a little bit worried that the virus might trigger thing off as my ME was started by a virus. I don't really want to go out even after the 7 day isolation just incase I get ill again. I hope non of this makes me sound selfish!
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 677 Trailblazing
    edited March 2020
    Hart86 said:
    Just to add, I saw someone comment about not being able to order or pay in advance (May have been another thread about it), ASDA and Tesco and most others don’t take any money from you until day of delivery. They do hold between 1p-£1 (depending on shop) to try the card but they don’t take out the cost of the shop until they’ve picked it and know that’s in stock on the day they deliver. And you can edit and amend your order until the evening before your delivery too. 
    The only exception to this that I know is Iceland and maybe Ocado.
    I am in a queue on the asda website now, not sure if the queue is working as unlike ocada there is no animation or info telling you where you are in the queue, but I will be amazed if there is a slot.

    I have just finished emailing all the CEO's my dad has also emailed his MP.

    I am just dumbfounded why no campaign has been started about this, I feel instead of individual's fighting for slots etc. there needs to be a concentrated effort to raise awareness of this problem.

    Instead of just randomly adding slots at unannounced times, they need to have a system where its only the elderly and disabled.
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 677 Trailblazing
    I got a slot for 2 april but website has crashed while doing order and still broken, so may lose it.
  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    It is a well known fact that ALL supermarkets are in league with each other… Their pricing structures are corresponded between them as so too are their individual promotions. Most of them also share the same food suppliers and makers of ready meals & supermarket named brands.

    Furthermore, I would argue that the supermarkets are directly responsible for the closures of most other privately owned grocery shops, butchers & bakers etc. & etc. the length and breadth of UK. There is barely a town where at least one major supermarket doesn't "rule the roost" and has the monopoly to almost dictate to us all what we eat, when we can eat it and how much it will cost us. Many of the empty shops that we once used in our communities, have in fact been purchased by supermarkets in order to prevent competition, whilst also paying borough councils millions of £s and having infrastructures such as new roads, traffic-light & pedestrian systems together with bus routes and other facilities to enable THEM to become the sole providers of the food that we eat, week in week out 365 days each and every year... They even know who eats what and the eating patterns of most households and/or post codes, and the number of individual people that live in them.

    Although I can understand and accept that to deliver foods to every person is almost impossible, however there can be no excuse whatsoever what supermarkets are running out of basic essentials between them all, and are not co-ordinating the deliveries of essential foods to those who are unable to collect them for themselves, such as the many thousands of people who are able bodied and have at least one driver/car owner who is capable & able to shop perhaps one day per week for what they need. 

    Whoever it is that is responsible right now for the co-ordination of the Home Delivery Services of each supermarket, should either shape up or ship out. It is indeed a logistical nightmare perhaps, but Rocket Science it is not. It is just a case of having the wrong people in the wrong job all doing the wrong things. 

  • Roddy
    Roddy Online Community Member Posts: 445 Trailblazing
    … Just to add, that there are some in my village who have got together and are having the ONE home delivery which they then share between the 3 to 4 people who each list the items they needed. This is a good idea for those who have friendly neighbours perhaps, although some items will be either limited per order or out of stock. The person that places the order then distributes each persons items by leaving them outside the front door or wherever has been mutually arranged for safety, accessibility & security.  
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 677 Trailblazing
    I just got dumped back in the queue now. Whilst in the middle of trying to add stuff.
  • worried33
    worried33 Online Community Member Posts: 677 Trailblazing
    edited March 2020
    Thank you, in the end managed to do next 3 weeks of orders at asda.  Saved the list after 2nd order so the 3rd was very quick.
  • Abs_Scope
    Abs_Scope Scope Membership Team Posts: 295 Cerebral Palsy Network
    Hi @aylasnan @hart86 has just shared this useful information .
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,736 Online Community Programme Lead
    I'm really glad you managed to get this sorted @worried33. If anyone else is struggling for slots, it's worth checking back throughout the day as sometimes more slots are released or others either relinquish their slots or don't check out in time.
    You can always 'fill your basket' ready in case a slot becomes available to save time.
  • skullcap
    skullcap Posts: 165 Contributor
    anisty said:
    I managed to get a big pack of  cous cous last week and that is a great store cupboard staple. Just make it up with some chicken or veg stock (stock cube) and then put through what ever you have: chicken, tuna, ham, fried onion, sweetcorn, pepper, peas. Anything at all.

    Years ago I went to live in Tunisia for 4 years when it was certainly not westernised as it is today.
    Out of 7 days a week, I was served up cous cous with either mutton or goat. for a main meal. It was eaten with a type of hard bread and with using fingers only.

    If I never see another plate of the damn stuff I will be happy.