The DWP seem to think a degenerative disease means improving!?

puddlesmudge Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
Ive just had my pip reduced for the 2nd time despite recently having to have a total hip replacement due to 30+ years of arthritis! What planet are they on? And is there someone who can really help with this as I'm now not only still disabled but can't afford to live! 


  • puddlesmudge
    puddlesmudge Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    thanks Woodbine. I was actually waiting for foot surgery due to arthritis when my hip became worse than my foot. Although the hip is now much better, I still have the foot pain and abnormalities and cant wear proper shoes. I also have arthritis in my other hip. All explained during the telephone assessment! ? But apparently according to report I have zero lower limb problems? Really I cant wait to wake up tomorrow now Ive been deemed normal! No pain no having to be careful how I put my foot down with every step its gong to be absolutely marvellous!!!
  • puddlesmudge
    puddlesmudge Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I was in agony with hip for about 9 months before surgery & of course the recovery time so 14 months in total - got nowhere with them. I was actually waiting for foot surgery due to arthritis when my hip became worse than my foot. Although the hip is now much better, I still have the foot pain and abnormalities and cant wear proper shoes so when its safe to have surgery I still need foot doing 

  • puddlesmudge
    puddlesmudge Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    But according to them, Ive no lower limb probs? 
  • puddlesmudge
    puddlesmudge Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    I was on DLA as of 35 years ago then put on to pip when it took over. I was on the highest level originally (ie when i was alot younger and the disease had only just started diforming my joints). Then they took me off the care part and recently when I needed more help as Id been chucked out of hospital to fend alone after just 2 days in hospital and major surgery - then by the time they actually got round to replying (months later) they have taken the mobility off but it wasnt due to hip problem i had mobility in the first place it was due to foot deformities - ive got disclotated foot joints very painful and swollen - BUT Im fine according to them!>??
  • puddlesmudge
    puddlesmudge Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    down now to lowest level  Im 64 still trying to work  ( due to being a Waspi woman). Self employed cos no one would employ me and I couldnt meet an employers demands anyway

  • puddlesmudge
    puddlesmudge Online Community Member Posts: 7 Listener
    Im thinking of using my savings to pay for fightback phone call but its £80? would you recommend?