My New GP is refusing to prescribe...

Emily_Emz33 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor
edited June 2020 in Cerebral Palsy Network
Hi, I wasn't sure where to turn or who to talk to about this so I thought the best place to start was here.

I have just recently changed to a new gp practitioner due to moving areas. 

I was due a repeat prescription and as I am new I had to have a phone consultation for my first prescription. A GP phoned me and I told her what I needed which was my slow release oxycodone and my instant release oxycodone which my pain Management consultant put me on almost 18 months ago. 

She refused point blank to prescribe my oral solution which tops up the pain relief on days I can barely move. So not only has that been suddenly stopped my pain levels will Increase because of a sudden stop of strong medication. 

I cried my eyes out on the phone and asked what am I supposed to do. She just said "well u have ur cocodamol and amitriptyline and I am not going to prescribe you the oxycodone solution. We dont do that here"

I'm lost. I've no idea what to do and already feel ignored by a new gp. Instantly I feel like I wont be understood. I feel like I'm back to square one after years and years of this happening. I'm now terrified to go and see these drs. My pain is real. My pain is excruciating and I now feel alone and unsupported.


  • Emily_Emz33
    Emily_Emz33 Online Community Member Posts: 16 Contributor
    @woodbine Thank you. I will give them a call and hopefully they can contact my new gp somehow

    Thank you ? 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi @Emily_Emz33 Welcome to the community great to have you on board.

    I hope you manage to get your problem resolved with the GP 
  • Boomtown
    Boomtown Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    I've not moved GP yet iam going through thing my practise has stopped my Ketoprophine gel for my and was told to use voltarol at £20 a tube and I can't afford that then they stopped my versatis lidocaine medicated plasters  for my joints and like who do I turn to ?????
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @Boomtown - It's going back a couple of years, but my GP prescribed me Voltarol. If this is refused, there are some options to buy it from Amazon for example, which seem cheaper than £20 a tube. Please see:       or Superdrug:
    Might this be an option? You only use a small pea-sized amount at a time, so it should last a while. Or try your local chemists. :)

  • Boomtown
    Boomtown Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    Thanks for the reply ☺️☺️☺️☺️
  • Cress
    Cress Online Community Member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    I used to love buying the latest anti aging I walk past them to get to the voltarol...
    Marvelous stuff, the sooner they start to sell voltarol impregnated bed sheets and pyjamas the
    I usually apply it and then cover the area in cling film, makes sure it stays put for longer...

  • Boomtown
    Boomtown Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
  • Cress
    Cress Online Community Member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    You should take something for that....sounds nasty.
  • ASJ
    ASJ Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Hi, I'm new on here. I have a crushed spinal cord and like you I've had some strong pain meds stopped. The first to go was nerve block injections and like you I cried when they told me over the phone, then I asked for a repeat of morphine and was told no you're not allowed it anymore. It'm having a lot of trouble coping, knowing the pain will keep increasing and all the doctor's have said is try and move to stop muscle wastage.
  • Cress
    Cress Online Community Member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    Is it normal for pain meds to be stopped with no warning and no gradual lowering?
    And nothing else in place?
    Sounds beyond cruel....
    Welcome to the forum...
    I hope you can find the help or advice you need.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Hello and welcome to the community @ASJ :) This category isn't used much any more, so I've created a new post for you in the Chronic Pain category. This will allow more members to see your post. 

    I'm sorry to hear that you're in so much pain at the moment, but hopefully one of our members will have some advice for you. 
  • ASJ
    ASJ Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you for your support
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    ASJ said:
    Hi, I'm new on here. I have a crushed spinal cord and like you I've had some strong pain meds stopped. The first to go was nerve block injections and like you I cried when they told me over the phone, then I asked for a repeat of morphine and was told no you're not allowed it anymore. It'm having a lot of trouble coping, knowing the pain will keep increasing and all the doctor's have said is try and move to stop muscle wastage.

    HI and welcome,

    I take morphine and have done for quite a few years. Your GP should definitely not have just stopped giving you this without first weaning you off it. Have you spoken to a different GP? If you haven't then i'd advise you to do this.
  • Boomtown
    Boomtown Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    Has far as iam aware each GP surgery has a lady/man somewhere in the surgery who says and what goes in the way of prescriptions so you need to get to them and ask why if you don't get the answer your looking for then get in touch with your local welfare team who should be able to help you with this matter. 
  • roberttaylor570
    roberttaylor570 Online Community Member Posts: 574 Empowering
    @Emily_Emz33 I have seen this happen a few times with family members and an attempt was made some time ago to do this to me.

    May I ask are you under a Hospital Consultant who has prescribed your medication?  It sometimes helps if you contact either them or their Secretary.  Having trained as a Medical Secretary I can tell you that they are there to look after their bosses but also the patients.  They are the gatekeeper so if you get them on your side much can be done.  

    If the consultant says you NEED this medication they can write to your GP and tell them to carry on prescribing.  This was done with someone I know when a Professor in Oncology backed up his patient and wrote to the GP.  Needless to say the GP was not happy but relented after making some choice comments about having friends in high places.

    What I am suggesting can do no more harm to you than having the solution withdrawn.

    Your GP may think they are protecting you by reducing the amount of "harmful" medication they are giving you but at the end of the day it is what is best for your quality of life not their balance sheet.

    I hope this helps.
  • ASJ
    ASJ Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Thank you all so much for your advice. I had been under the care of the hospital for about 15yrs, soon after the lockdown started I got a letter from them discharging me. The reason my doctor gave for stopping morphine was because I take pregabalin and codine at max dose I can't have morphine because they're all opioids. I'm am speaking to her this afternoon and telling her I need more pain relief.
  • roberttaylor570
    roberttaylor570 Online Community Member Posts: 574 Empowering
    @ASJ I suspected you were talking about Oramorph.  It depends on your situation and your quality of life.  Doctors are right not to prescribe too much in the way of Opioids as they damageyou and cause dependency.  You should speak to the specialist who deal with chronic pain management.  They are best placed to advise and prescribe. There is a clinic at most hospitals or in your local area.  Good luck this afternoon.

  • Boomtown
    Boomtown Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    Yes iam under pain management at my local hospital and have been for nearly 20 years and i know the medication iam takeing and i can tell you that its definitely morphine patches iam wearing each week has well with other medication if you want i can send you a picture of the box they come has well has all my other medication iam taking just let me know if you want me to do it and I'll gladly send you the pictures. 
  • roberttaylor570
    roberttaylor570 Online Community Member Posts: 574 Empowering
    @Boomtown I'm sure you know exactly what you take and what you need.  No need to forward anything.  I am surprised the pain clinic are not supporting you and telling the GP what is needed.  Often GPs have Pharmacists within the surgery and they will be following the guidance issued by various agencies which is meant to protect patients.  Tell the pain clinic your new doctor is not supporting you and ask them to intervene on your behalf.  Good luck
  • Boomtown
    Boomtown Online Community Member Posts: 15 Connected
    Thanks for the reply but i think theres been a mix up of communication some where along the way i have not got a new GP i do know that there  was a lady who posted a comment on that she had gone to s new practice not me.