Navigating through lockdown



  • Wini1960
    Wini1960 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    MarkGibbons1 Yes getting out into the garden is a good idea. If you have a lounger you can relax with a good book.
  • MarkGibbons1
    MarkGibbons1 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 20 Contributor
    Yes that's what I do love reading books wini1960 
  • Wini1960
    Wini1960 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    MarkGibbons1 Keep that going. All the very best going forward.
  • Awesomelorenzo
    Awesomelorenzo Online Community Member Posts: 114 Connected
    The government is ****. The virus is ****. The handlement is ****.
    Everything is ****!
  • Ronni
    Ronni Online Community Member Posts: 158 Empowering
    Not everything. Just quite a bit at moment. 

    Cant do out about the **** government. The virus and million and one other **** things.

    But u dont stop searching or fighting  amongst that **** theres some good. 

    We just gotta stop looking in the wrong places.

    Strangely though. It's those places and people meant to support us that are full **** right now. 

    But theres some good out there too.
    Stop looking in the places your meant to look to. And look elsewhere. Worked for me. 

    Stop focusing on the ****. It will just bring you down.

    Hope you find some none **** out there.
  • Awesomelorenzo
    Awesomelorenzo Online Community Member Posts: 114 Connected
    I stopped focussing on that ages ago. My driving actually went right for once!
  • Ronni
    Ronni Online Community Member Posts: 158 Empowering
    You can drive that's good. Wish I could. I would get a comers drive of take photos. Simple things
     Preferably away from the choas.

    Hope your driving will get you out more. Grab a camera. Or phone camera. Find a silent place sunset or sunrise. 

  • Wini1960
    Wini1960 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    Wini1960 My view on this pandemic is twofold either it's an opposition or an opportunity. I love to knit but I've not done it for a while do to my mental health. I would knit baby accessories for the local hospital. It's about making the time we are in lockdown a productive one. When you do nothing it's far more damaging in the long run. Lack of self confidence, self esteem, self worth. However, we see ourselves, is what we are attracting. If you believe in the law of attraction.
  • dkb123
    dkb123 Online Community Member, Scope Member Posts: 169 Empowering
    I agree  if it wasn't for the lockdown no one would have and the time a space to think about how to help other, they would have been just to busy with life, I hope that the lessons learned regarding how life is so temporary and goes by so fast will help people to value what they have  and to be more compassionate to each other 
  • Wini1960
    Wini1960 Online Community Member Posts: 125 Empowering
    dkb123 Totally agree life is what you make it. Of course we have our dark moments but when we are in a good space, milk it for all it's worth. Its amazing what comes out of dark places for me so much creativity. Have a great week?