(Carers Element) Universal Credit

Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
Hi, I’m just wondering if anyone on here possibly knows more about the carers element what I’ve claimed for and It’s been verified  and I asked them to backdate it because I didn’t report the change earlier but I told UC I never got told to and soon as I did I reported the change that im caring And now it’s with a decision maker, I’ve had 2 payments of £9 which got deducted for caring which I should get my Carers element backdated from them as well as this month as well, please let me know? 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Hi and welcome,

    I answered this on another thread where you asked the question.

    It will depend on a few things. Does the person caring receive the LCWRA element?
    Does the person being cared for receive a disability benefit such as PIP daily living/DLA mid/high rate care or Attendance Allowance?
    Did the person caring report being a carer? and when? It can be difficult to get this element backdated unless they reported this when you actually became the carer or when you first claimed UC, which ever came first. .

    I'm not sure what you mean by £9 that got deducted for caring.
  • Adrian_Scope
    Adrian_Scope Posts: 11,742 Online Community Programme Lead
    Hi @Connor_Delaney77. They do backdated the carer element in some circumstances but it depends on whether they accept your reason for 'late reporting'. Am I reading your post correctly that they've been deducting Carer's Allowance from your UC for the past 2 payments? If so, you could try to argue that as they deducted Carer's Allowance they knew you were a carer and being in receipt of Carer's Allowance entitles you to the carer element. Let us know how you get on. :)
  • Connor_Delaney77
    Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
    Yeah, I’ve had two payments so far whilst caring and they’ve been deducted and been leftwith £9 from two payments that’s because I’m caring but I never told them at time I was but they should already know this? And I’ve had to phone up and ask what else I can claim they said I needed to report a change I’m caring so I did that straight away and then I’m just waiting for the backdate it’s with a decision maker, the person I care for is reviving PIP as well.
  • Connor_Delaney77
    Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
    I am entitled for them two payments ££9 backdate  and this payment coming what’s been verified in my journal, they said “that carers element is added and will be in your next payment” So that’s 3 months backdate it’s £486 all together, I’m surely they will take it off as well!!
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    As you're claiming carers allowance then yes it's deducted in full from your UC payments. If you're not working and receiving any other income then there will be no further deductions from your UC.

    Just so that you're aware, when claiming UC you don't need to claim the carers allowance to be able to claim the carers element of UC. The only difference to claiming the carers allowance is it pays class 1 NI credits and UC pays class 3.
  • Connor_Delaney77
    Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
    I’m not working, I haven’t been for 4 months, so would the y deduct the carers element when I hopefully get it backdated? 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Deduct the carers element from what? There's nothing to deduct it from.
  • Connor_Delaney77
    Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
    I don’t know that’s what universal credit are like, they can take money off it 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited July 2020
    That makes no sense because if there's nothing to reduce your maximum entitlement by then how can they reduce it.
  • Connor_Delaney77
    Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
    They’ve took full money off off my UC PAYMENT because IM caring and I was just thinking if they would so same with my carers element I’m getting 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Yes because that's exactly what should happen. Claiming carers allowance means it's deducted in full from your UC payments. They very often don't add the carers element when claiming the UC because you have to report the changes on your journal.

    They wouldn't reduce your carers element because there's nothing to reduce it with.
  • Connor_Delaney77
    Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
    Thanks, does advance what I have to re pay get deducted from that?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You're welcome. The advance payment does need to be repaid back and yes they can and do reduce your furture payments.
  • Connor_Delaney77
    Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
    So my backdate then I receive will get money took off from the advance  I owe them 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I have no idea when they will start to reduce your UC to repay the money you owe them but advance payments always need to be repaid back. Your work coach should have advised you this when you claimed the advance loan.
  • Connor_Delaney77
    Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
    Does any one no how long it takes for decion maker 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    There's no timescales. Hopefully you won't be waiting too much longer.
  • Connor_Delaney77
    Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
    Thanks for your time 
  • Connor_Delaney77
    Connor_Delaney77 Online Community Member Posts: 30 Listener
    As any one ever received a Carers Elemnt backdate? Any info on the backdate?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    You're welcome. Yes there has been some threads on here in the past where people have received backdated money from this. Of course it does depend on whether you reported being a carer but as you're claiming carers allowance there shouldn't be any issues.

    All you can do now is wait.