Upcoming employment tribunal pre hearing feeling really anxious

cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
edited September 2020 in Work
@helenzx6r @Markmywords @janer1967 @Username_removed  hi I started a new thread as I didn’t want to take over @helenzx6r  thread . 

I’m al prepared for my pre hearing in the next couple of weeks they still have time like a few day’s left for there response to my et1 . 
Apparently according to the senior staff member who I still speak to she’s told me there planning on writing no comment so they don’t get fined in hopes I drop the case . As much as a like this staff member and I think we are friends she’s still there senior staff member so I have discussed much with her but she claims she don’t like the company and to be fair when I worked there she was very supportive but my guard is still up .

im gonna be pretty p off after them requested a extra 28 days if they just respond with no comment . I’m fully prepared and I hope that they do respond with more than no comment . And I hope I get a apologie one day from them .

usually do the tribunal sent over the et3 by email ASAP or do they take there time . Because they might all ready of replied . 

Can any one tell me what to expect at a pre hearing . I have been worried bout what there et3 will say will they insult me who knows . 


  • Markmywords
    Markmywords Online Community Member Posts: 416 Empowering
    You shouldn't be going into this with the hope of getting justice or vindication or an apology. They are not one of the possible outcomes. The only thing you could possibly get is money and even punitive damages are extremely rare.
    All you can do is hurt their finances as they have hurt yours. They cannot and will not change their ways.

    Delays are fine, you just add that to the loss of income, the loss of interest and the psychological distress to the damages claim.

    Sorry but you should hope they do insult you. Only the court would see it and it will show a level of impropriety that will aid your case.
    In my experience, managers who behave this way assume they can do whatever they want and don't see a need to be careful. That makes them easy to beat.
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    Thank you for your advice I know an apologia isn’t possible as it shows they are admitting fault . 

    By hurting there finances I’m showing them they can not treat people like this and get away with it plus there not happy with having to go threw a tribunal process . So far ok going for injury for feelings and loss of income and compensation for my health getting worst because of them which I’ll let the judge decide , 
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    They were very rude to me in the email when I was reporting what was happening to me the email the owners sent me is the major edvidence I have against them saying they knew I was being bullied and they don’t have time for mentally ill staff yes they were stupid enough to actually say that and many other insults 
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    It be really interesting to see how there hr is going to explain all what’s happen 
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,455 Championing
    Hi @cupcake88! I don't know all the context, but I didn't know if this article on ET3, case management, and preliminary hearings might be useful? 

    Keep us updated!