PIP Paper Based Assessment



  • TheFutureEmbrace
    TheFutureEmbrace Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    So I spoke to someone at Captcha. She said there was no way the report would be done yet as its a paper based assessment and they take longer because the assessor has to contact the health care professionals about the evidence sent and wait for replies off them.
    I'm starting to wonder whether it would have just been better to have a phone assessment if paper based takes so much longer.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    I see the forms were only sent back in September, which really isn't long at all. It could potentially take several months for a successful claim.

    If there's enough of evidence to do a paper based assessment they will, otherwise she could still have a telephone assessment. They could potentially contact someone off the list, if you provided any contact details when filling out the form.

    My daughter had a paper based assessment for her last review and the whole process took almost 5 months, if i remember correctly.

    There's really no timescales for telephone assessments or paper assessments. Backlogs are just part of the reason a decision can be delayed.

    All you can do now is wait.
  • TheFutureEmbrace
    TheFutureEmbrace Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    Hi guys just a quick update.
    I rang the DWP and they said that my partner's report is now with a case manager. They received it on 15th October, 2 weeks ago.

    I requested a copy of the report and they're sending it out.
    Judging by what the assessor said on the phone I'm optimistic but I don't want to be too hopeful.

    I just hope the report corroborates everything said in the paper based assessment.

    Now it's waiting, but we're in the final stretch (for now).
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Thanks for the update fingers crossed the wait isnt too long now
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hopefully the wait isn't too long @TheFutureEmbrace and best of luck with the outcome.

    Thanks for the update.
  • TheFutureEmbrace
    TheFutureEmbrace Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    Thanks for the support everyone.

    Does anyone know the difference between case managers vs decision makers? Are the same thing, or will my claim have to be passed onto a decision maker after the case manager has looked at ir?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    Case Managers are a lower grade than Decision Makers and are usually only trained to make PIP Decisions whereas a DM may have experience of other benefits and would also be responsible for making eligibility Decisions as well as entitlement ones.
  • TheFutureEmbrace
    TheFutureEmbrace Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    @poppy123456 Do you know whether there is a difference between case managers vs decision makers? Are they the same thing, or will my claim have to be passed onto a decision maker after the case manager has looked at it?
  • TheFutureEmbrace
    TheFutureEmbrace Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    @poppy123456 Thanks for the reply, sorry about the double post.

    I'm hoping for a decision within the next 2 - 4 weeks, do you think that's reasonable as the case manager has already had it for 2 weeks?
    Also, does the backpay always go into the account before the decision letter arrives if the claim is successful?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,045 Championing
    edited October 2020
    There's no timescales for any decision, it's made when it's made. It's like asking how long is a piece of string. Not what you wanted to hear i know but there's nothing more you can do but wait.

    If the deciison goes in her favour, It's highly likely the money will be in the bank before the decision letter is received.
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    Good luck keep us all updated 
  • TheFutureEmbrace
    TheFutureEmbrace Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    The report arrived today. My partner scored 17 points on daily living and 10 points on mobility.
    If the case manager goes with this recommendation we'll be happy.

    Fingers crossed.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Great news fingers crossed they go with the report
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    That’s what I scored . Fingers crossed let us know I really hope she gets her pip . 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,682 Championing
    Thank you for the update @TheFutureEmbrace - I'm glad you're pleased with your partner's report. :)
  • Cress
    Cress Online Community Member Posts: 1,005 Trailblazing
    Great news for you and partner!
    Must be such a relief  :)
  • TheFutureEmbrace
    TheFutureEmbrace Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    @cupcake88 Did they go with the recommendation on your report?
    How long was it between receiving your report and the money being in your bank?
  • TheFutureEmbrace
    TheFutureEmbrace Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    @Cress yes, but still worried that the case manager can go against the report.
    I won't be completely relieved until I see the money in the account or the decision letter lol.
  • TheFutureEmbrace
    TheFutureEmbrace Online Community Member Posts: 32 Connected
    @chiarieds Thanks so much.
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,412 Trailblazing
    @TheFutureEmbrace hi there yeh they went with the points but not with the length the report said a year and they have given me till mid 2022 so that’s  just over 2 years . I had the money in my account before the report ha and before the decision it was bout 2 weeks I would tell your partner to check her bank and you will find the money wil prob be in there before her decision