PIP stopped now Mandatory Reconsideration.



  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tumilty if you have been turned down on your MR then you can appeal you can get advice from citizens advice to help you do this 

    Its worth appealing you have nothing to loose  why would you have to pay money back ?

    You need to go through why they have turned you down and basically  you need to explain why they are wrong to turn you down on  

    Others will reply  but I think citizen advice would be able to help 
  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 132 Empowering
    Yes thanks, its to do with a payment just placed a day or so before it was stopped.

    I'll try to go through the points awarded in a letter. 

  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tumilty I don't realy know if they would ask for the money back

    But you have a good plan to go through the decision it would be good to do it a section at a time but you vould still ask citizens advice if you get stuck with anything  or ask on here 

    Hope it goes well for you 
  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 132 Empowering
    The letter read that unfortunately we've paid you too much money and that I'll get a letter letting me know if I need to pay back money.. The person I talked too didn't think that I would.
    My family are helping and going through each qustion is a good way. 
    I'll update. 

  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tumilty thats good thst you have got family to help I hope you don't have to pay money back as it seems it was their fault 

    Once you have put everything down  whst you want to say you can send it off then 

    Yes please it will be good to know how you get on  I wish you luck and hope all goes well 
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,681 Championing
    Hi @Tumilty - I'm sorry to read that your Mandatory Reconsideration was unsuccessful. You can appeal this. I know sometimes it doesn't feel that PIP helps people with mental health issues, but it can, & does. The following website is about completing a PIP claim form, but is helpful, as it shows where points may be gained, & may give you a better understanding......we all need a bit of help completing these forms don't we? Please see: https://www.mentalhealthandmoneyadvice.org/en/welfare-benefits/pip-mental-health-guide/help-with-your-pip-claim/how-to-fill-in-the-pip-form/
    As Poppy has said to you before, you need to concentrate on where points should have been scored, & why. It's the same with a tribunal. You should try & give a couple of detailed examples for each activity/descriptor that affects you, e.g. what us difficult, why do you find it difficult, do you need help, or prompting from someone else, what happened the last couple of times you attempted/did an activity, &, if relevant, how did it leave you feeling afterwards?
    Also can you do the activity safely, can you do it again as often as you would want, does it take you longer to do, & can you do it to an acceptable standard?
    You can certainly send in more information for your appeal. The DWP don't contact your Drs, or any others that may help you, rather you have to do this. You could also ask a family member to write a supportive letter showing where you have difficulty with the activites/descriptors mentioned above.
    As you say, most tribunals are still being done by phone. Again as Poppy mentioned, there might be a small overpayment due at the moment, but, if your tribunal is successful, you will get a back payment to the date when your award was stopped.
    Hope this helps. :)
  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 132 Empowering
    My gp surgery today told me today that dwp contacted them in December and that it happens regularly, my Dr filled out the form & sent it back. 

    I am appealing and also writing the letter, also one from a family member, to the person who did the assessment detailing where i should score more points as because they tried to contact me and my phone was off which it  is regular for me & they didn't try the landline which i asked as someone else would answer.

  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @Tumilty hope things go well for you 
  • auntiep69
    auntiep69 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    Have you got a copy of your last award and what you scored points on? If nothing has changed and you are still claiming for the same ailments they can’t stop your pip. My husband went for an assessment and it came back he wasn’t entitled but his condition hadn’t changed (actually a bit worse) we did an m.r and went to a tribunal and he won. We didn’t know it had been stopped until my carers allowance stopped. He got his pip back but getting my carers back took months . 
  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 132 Empowering
    Thanks auntiep69, I will have a look I must have still got it. Things haven't changed in fact gotten worse since the virus started. 
    It all boils down to the call out of the blue when I panicked as i had no idea they were calling. I then did the reconsideration where my then answers conflicted. 

    The person said I could send more evidence in but I can't get a gp note however apparently pip contact the gp. 

    I will be writing a letter explaining each points I lost and how my condition affects each one. All I can do at the moment.

    Can I ask about your appeal, did you have to attend or take part in a video call?


  • auntiep69
    auntiep69 Online Community Member Posts: 9 Listener
    It was a few years back and we went to a place. There’s a dr there a nurse and someone from pip.. I think.. there was 3 people. I was allowed in with my husband
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    edited January 2021
    Tumilty said:...however apparently pip contact the gp.
    They are not usually proactive in that way. They may but you should assume they know nothing except what you tell them/send them
  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 132 Empowering
    Thanks to you both, apparently they sent a form to gp to fill in then to send back. The gp receptionist says it happens regular although not as thorough as a personal letter which I had initially 


  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 132 Empowering
    I've sent my letter to the decision maker. The appeal looks quite daunting with video calls.
  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 132 Empowering
    does anyone know if i appeal and lose do i get sanctioned financially?


  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,005 Championing
    Tumilty said:
    does anyone know if i appeal and lose do i get sanctioned financially?


    No. The appeal is simply your opportunity to ask the tribunal service to make a decision on your claim in place of DWP.
  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 132 Empowering
    I'm wondering if anyone recently has done the appeal?  It's stressing me lots wondering if i'll have to attend or do video call. I recall the original face to face assessment i went with a family member and the lady assessor was really nice. 
    Any advice on the appeal appreciated. 

    ASDIBS Online Community Member Posts: 72 Contributor
    I'm currently waiting for my appeal to be listed for a hearing. When I registered the appeal, there was a choice to attend in person, via video, phone or for a decision to be made without being present. I ticked the 3 options to attend in the hope that my son's anxiety will allow him to attend in person if that is what is requested. However, I know from my job that the majority of court hearings are currently being heard via phone or video due to covid and therefore I'm hoping for one of these.
  • Tumilty
    Tumilty Online Community Member Posts: 132 Empowering
    Many thanks,i have the form SSCS1 that makes me very panicky because if they see i can attend in person or vid chat i'd be seen well enough whereas if i didn't attend i'd seem not bothered enough,. Only if a feamily member went with me i could attend & they are not well & elderly. I wrote a letter to the person who assessed my mandatory reconsideration as said i could with medical evidence however i can';t get a gp letter because the virus...All seems overwhelming. 

    ASDIBS i wish you all the success in your appeal & i appreciate your post, many thanks

    ASDIBS Online Community Member Posts: 72 Contributor
    @Tumilty. It is so difficult. Aren't you able to call your GP to ask if a letter could be done and emailed. I asked the GP for a letter to assist my son's disability claim for university.  Also, if you're comfortable doing so, you may be able to collect the letter from the GP surgery. 
    Thanks for your well wishes, I'm really hoping that he doesn't have to attend in person as we'll find that difficult due to his anxiety/medical condition. Good luck with however you opt to proceed ?