What is your favourite way of reading books?



  • ShirleyW
    ShirleyW Online Community Member Posts: 353 Empowering
    ShirleyW said:
    I love reading on my Kobo ereader.  I don't like Amazon so sourced a different Ereader to their Kindle.

    It's also waterproof and I can read it in the bath!

    I love real books and have hundreds sitting pretty on the bookshelves in my library (the boxroom which used to be my son's bedroom 🤣).

    Because I have severe osteoarthritis in my hands, wrists, arms and shoulders, using an ereader has been a lifesaver for me.

    Even holding the weight of the ereader is difficult for me.  So I use a Pill-O-Pad to prop in on.  Works great for mobiles and ipads as well.
    I love reading e-books. At first I thought that the idea was so-so, then I bought an e-book and now I can’t put it down. They send me the work and I look through it in electronic form too. In general, this is an ideal option for learning, you do not need to carry 100 books with you.

    Reading on Amazon is a pleasure.

    That's as may be but I object to anything Amazon related on principle. 

     They are slowly taking over the world.  Their employees and 3rd party sellers are treated badly and they squirm out of paying taxes. 

    I avoid Amazon in all their various guises like the plague. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    I love a hardback book. A little controversial amongst my friend group! 
  • Albus_Scope
    Albus_Scope Posts: 9,354 Scope Online Community Coordinator
    I do love a hardback, they just feel better to hold.  Plus I think they tend to look better on bookshelves. 
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    Especially when it is a hardback with pretty sprayed edges.
  • bookrabbit
    bookrabbit Online Community Member Posts: 220 Empowering
    I used to forever have a book with me but I can't see well enough to read normal books without a powerful spotlight on the pages, and even then I get headaches quickly. For a while using an e-reader worked but now those give me headaches too so I only use audiobook s these days. I use the library and listening books and audible. 

    I am currently listening to the 3rd wheel of time book and regretting that the actress from the series hasn't recorded anymore of them because she is brilliant but I can't dredge up her name right now.

    I previously read them all several times as they came out and it is a comforting familiar thing to listen to to stop me thinking too much at night and it doesn't matter if I fall asleep because I know the story well enough for it not to matter if I miss bits and can't find my place again. Losing your place when you fall asleep is the worst thing about audiobooks. I think someone should come up with a dead switch that you hold when reading in bed so that when you fall asleep it you let go and it stops the audiobook so you don't keep having to guess your place.
  • Hannah_Alumni
    Hannah_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,866 Championing
    @bookrabbit I've seen many Booktubers vlog, do reading sprints and have book club meetings over the Wheel of Time books. You enjoying re-reading them again?

    A dead switch is a good idea. I think maybe something like pressing a button when the chapter ends or a voice command so you can say next chapter. If you don't after say or press two minutes, the app powers down. That way you can be hands free. It'd work great in my hammock. Although I think my neighbours may wonder why they keep hearing "next chapter" :D