Rejected by WH Smith's!

[Deleted User]
[Deleted User] Posts: 1,651 Connected
edited February 2021 in Work

I made the fatal mistake of declaring my disability and the fact I can't work 50 hours a week due to carers etc.

It's supposed to be illegal to discriminate but they do it anyway!

I know it'd please Dad if I said "screw this I give up", but I am NOT proving the  (Removed by moderator)



  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    Have you had any job/work support? 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @MrAllen1976 when you go on indeed type in part time work and your area its alot easier that way 
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,290 Trailblazing

    I know the struggle of being disabled and job hunting I personally have stopped thinking bout work now as it’s not some thing I can do but it does worry me I’ll be discriminated against when iam ready but I will always tell the truth bout being disabled on the application form that’s me personally you will find the job for you don’t give up . 
  • woodbine
    woodbine Community member Posts: 12,117 Championing
    The reallity is in the present circumstances all employers expect some flexibility from their staff and the fact is they can pick and chose, you don't know they have discriminated against you as you didn't I assume even get an interview? And they wouldn't have asked you or anybody else to work 50 hours, it's not allowed. Your comment about the daily mail is unfounded and unjustified unless you can prove otherwise it's purely opinion and not fact.

    Having read all your threads on job searching I have to conclude that you sound to me like your own worst enemy, my advice for whatever it's worth is don't mention your disability until you get either 1) an interview or 2) the offer of a job.

    good luck
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,651 Connected
    @MrAllen1976 when you go on indeed type in part time work and your area its alot easier that way 
    I've been doing that most of last week and applying for stuff, but because my working hours are very specific due to the carers situation, I keep getting rejected because they want more flexibility to cover long hours.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,651 Connected
    @MarkN88 I get work related support from a local Autism specific firm called Big Ambitions.

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Retail will always expect some flexibility in working hours as that is the nature of the business to deal with customer demands and to cover staff illness and holidays 

    They trade for long hours and expect staff to share out the more undeniable hours 

    I have said to you before in my personal opinion home working is your best option 

    No matter what we say to you you seem adamant you are discriminated against but places like wh Smith and others you have applied for would not do this 

    I always advocate declaring disabilities then st least you know it is out in the open so employers can support with reasonable adjustments 

    Have you ever had your cv checked over or had some training on job applications? 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    One thing I would say though is disclosing a disability should be done in the right way too. 

    Its not the place of your CV/Covering letter to declare this, in my opinion anyway. 

    If the equal opportunities side of an online application form asks if you have a disability, then yes, answer this honestly and if it asks what the nature of the disability is or what adjustments they could go on to provide then again answer honestly. 

    If on the other hand its a job on indeed that accept applications through indeed and basically ask for name, email, contact number and to attach a CV and covering letter, I personally wouldn't be declaring it on those and either following the application up with a separate email to their HR department, or waiting until as interview is offered and then declare you require reasonable adjustments under the equality act . 

    It would be worth reading this too:

    Take note of this text from that document too:

    What if I can’t afford to make a particular reasonable adjustment, or if it’s not practical for me to do it?

    You are only required to make adjustments that are reasonable in all the circumstances. Factors such as the cost and practicability of making an adjustment and the resources available to you may be taken into account in deciding what is reasonable. Ultimately, it is for an Employment Tribunal to decide, in the event of a claim of alleged unlawful disability discrimination, what adjustment should be made for a particular disabled employee, and whether you were correct to decline to make an adjustment on grounds of practicality or cost. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Totally agree @MarkN88

    People are under false impression that employers have to make reasonable adjustments they have to allow a request for them and consider them but if not practical so as such not reasonable for them as an organisation they do not have to put them in place 

    Also agree only declare fidnoloty st application if you are asked the question  or expect adjustments at application stage 

    I would not put it on cv or covering letter 

    @MrAllen1976 fails to accept is how hard it is for anyone at present to get a job there are more applicants than jobs and with his restricted working hours it will not help when other applicants have more flexibility 

    This I'd not discrimination just a major requirement for most retail roles 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    Yes, there are definitely more people applying, there was an article in the local newspaper a while back during the start of all of this that one employer advertised a bog standard entry level admin role basically paying min wage and they had 600 applications through Indeed and from very experienced individuals with decades of experience, highly qualified people that had lost their jobs. 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @MrAllen1976 I am on job support with scope  and my cv includes my disability  as its advised to that as it shows honesty and transparency  from the beginning  

    I have applied for several  jobs but I don't expect  to have replies for all of them  as I know that there are more experienced people than myself applying .

    My job support is also arranging computer training remotely  and other short courses to help get me where I want to be 

    I am at the moment applying for jobs outside of my comfort zone  but jobs I have done before  do fit into the jobs I am applying for one way or another 

    Applying for jobs is an experience in itself  and xsn be frustrating  today in job support I have done some changes in my cv and I have applied for jobs  it just takes time and patience  @MrAllen1976 

    I am 58 trying to do a job change  but its an exciting challenge and that's how you should look at it as a challenge that you embrace and will participate to prove your worth as a person with disabilities  that is able to work if given the chance to prove they are capable and willing to do the job

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,651 Connected
    I have carers, any time I lose with them would be permanently removed by the social services.. I still want to work though, part time but my working has to work around the carers.

  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    @MrAllen1976 I am on job support with scope  and my cv includes my disability  as its advised to that as it shows honesty and transparency  from the beginning  

    I totally agree with honesty and transparency. However I believe there is a right moment to declare a disability and wouldn't agree the CV is the right place to declare it. 

    However, everyone has their own opinions, and I respect yours. 
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,651 Connected
    @MrAllen1976 I am on job support with scope  and my cv includes my disability  as its advised to that as it shows honesty and transparency  from the beginning  

    I have applied for several  jobs but I don't expect  to have replies for all of them  as I know that there are more experienced people than myself applying .

    My job support is also arranging computer training remotely  and other short courses to help get me where I want to be 

    I am at the moment applying for jobs outside of my comfort zone  but jobs I have done before  do fit into the jobs I am applying for one way or another 

    Applying for jobs is an experience in itself  and xsn be frustrating  today in job support I have done some changes in my cv and I have applied for jobs  it just takes time and patience  @MrAllen1976 

    I am 58 trying to do a job change  but its an exciting challenge and that's how you should look at it as a challenge that you embrace and will participate to prove your worth as a person with disabilities  that is able to work if given the chance to prove they are capable and willing to do the job

    That's the kicker though, I am applying for stuff I could do in my sleep, but there's still the disability issues and the restriction that I can't work daft hours due to the carers.

  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,651 Connected
    MarkN88 said:
    @MrAllen1976 I am on job support with scope  and my cv includes my disability  as its advised to that as it shows honesty and transparency  from the beginning  

    I totally agree with honesty and transparency. However I believe there is a right moment to declare a disability and wouldn't agree the CV is the right place to declare it. 

    However, everyone has their own opinions, and I respect yours. 
    Definitely don't declare on your CV, otherwise it'll get insta-binned without even being read.

  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @MarkN88 I follow advice but I have always disclosed my disability  in my cover letter though on my cv 

    I have worked most of my life only been out of work since last march 

    I am facing a new challenge  of changing jobs at the age of 58 ? lol but been pleasantly surprised  as I have been shorted listed for 4 jobs today and three interested and need to fill in additional  information do fingers crossed ?lol 

    @MrAllen1976 are you looking for work to earn extra money or because you want something to do,?

    Also we're you hsveing care when you were doing voluntary work? If so how did you work around it then and if you worked  would  you need the carers all day?  You don't have to answer  I am just trying to help with solutions for you ?
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected

    Im pleased to hear the good news - good luck. 
  • Lisatho11987777
    Lisatho11987777 Scope Member Posts: 5,874 Championing
    @MarkN88 thank you 
  • woodbine
    woodbine Community member Posts: 12,117 Championing
    @MrAllen1976 I suspect you might not like me saying this, but, if you are so reliant on carers how do you expect to go out to work? I'm not having a go just genuinely interested at how you expect to square that circle. As @janer1967 says it sounds like some sort of home working would be ideal.
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 1,651 Connected
    woodbine said:
    @MrAllen1976 I suspect you might not like me saying this, but, if you are so reliant on carers how do you expect to go out to work? I'm not having a go just genuinely interested at how you expect to square that circle. As @janer1967 says it sounds like some sort of home working would be ideal.
    Home working would be an option but even they expect you to work full time, which I can't do.. I looked into being an Avon rep last year, and because I don't drive deliveries etc would be a nightmare, and my customer base would also be very limited as all my neighbours at the Flats have varying degrees of mental and physical disability.