kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
Just got copy of my report.Am shaking as dont want to read it.


  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Try calm down have a cuppa then open it 
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    Mostly lies n only 2 things ticked but i dont really understand it all.
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    I just phoned pip n no decision has been made yet but it with DM already.He said this is why they dont like sending out copies of reports cause it causes distress n confusion.In my report he has ticked does not need help with dressing then underneath it says does not get dressed due to depression n spends weeks in sane clorhes n needs prompting so what he writtern does not go with what he ticked.Hopefully DM will have acess to much more info.
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    What’s points have been recommended in the report? 
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    I know DM will side with assesor report even though they have past claims to look at n docs letters so mite as well end it all as have notjing keft.Everybody on here says DM goes with report so whats the point.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    The point is that the PIP decision isnt all your life is worth . 

    You are a valued member of this community and we all are here to support you whatever the outcome 

  • Cher_Alumni
    Cher_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 5,714 Championing
    @kes2611 How are you feeling today?  I sent you an email yesterday, if you could give it a little read and get back to me that would be great :) 
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    When i get my decision letter that will have 0 points on it cause they will go with report even though i worse since last assesmet i not gonna appeal as dont have strength. my brother waiting for me.....
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    Have you even added up what the assessor recommends? 
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    Yes 4 for daily living n 4 for mobility but letter v confusing as underneath the boxes where he writes notes on each page it says needs prompting n other stuff so not sure.
  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    Perhaps when i filled out my claim form i shd have put no change cause nothing has changed i have just got worse but i wanted to explain things n it was v similsr to what i wrote last tine. I suffer with amxiety m panic m if i go out n start 2 panic i start shoutin n causeing a scence. I have slipped disc n walking is v hard m have to keep stoppin but cause i said i cld go shpppin but had to keep stoppin to rest my bck i scoted no points. I think it v unfair n pip is v hard to get for mental health issues.i scored no points for not needing any help on planning a journey cause it mite cause distress wich is not fair. I hope DM does not go with report n looks at all my evidence from last claim. 
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Community member Posts: 3,121 Connected
    I have no experience of a review. I am led to believe though that’s it not recommended to put “no change” so I think you have done the right thing explaining things. 

  • kes2611
    kes2611 Community member Posts: 124 Contributor
    Gonna wait on decision letter n see how i feel then.I did write 3 page letter when sent back claim form so am hopeing DM looks at docs letters n does not go just by report.