Any advice on what questions are asked during assesment?



  • Leigh14
    Leigh14 Community member Posts: 597 Empowering
    I’m so sorry you’ve been left feeling this way @Sammiecat75. You’ve been through a horrendous time already with finding your partner, plus your own issues. Life can, and is, so unfair at times.
    I know it’s hard, but try and put the assessment out of your mind, wait for the decision, if it doesn’t go in your favour, you still have the chance to do a mandatory reconsideration if you want to proceed with it.
    As for your GP, well, there are no words. You can try Talking Therapies, and you can self refer. 
    I hope you’re ok, and you can switch off from today. Take care.
  • Sammiecat75
    Sammiecat75 Community member Posts: 61 Connected
    Thanks everyone.
    I have tried self help but this covid people donot get back to trying to work through this on my own.
    My work involved me in a private session with grief through them..that was even traumatic..asking me silly questions.
    So today i have woke up and said to myself its another day forget about everything
    If this assessment doesnt go my.way i dont know if i have the strength to to a MR .its all overwhelming for me