Assessment done and report requested. Waiting game



  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    How long did everyone wait for copy of report? X
  • bart70
    bart70 Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    edited June 2021
    I ordered mine on a Friday morning and it dropped on my door mat on the Tuesday! So given I’ve waited a week for my award letter, it was very quick lol I wish my award letter was as quick as I need it to order my car! 
  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
     Asked for mine last thurs still havent got it lol x
  • bart70
    bart70 Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    They do say 7-10days. I guess I was just lucky lol
  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    Im having to stop myself phoning them everyday im so impatient lol x
  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    Im so sorry to hear of your desicion carebear im beginning to think i dont want to know mine now ?x
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @carebear41 it is impossible for assessors to have in depth knowledge of all conditions they may come across and indeed not required 

    They are assessing your functionality and ability to carry out basic living activities 

    The onus is on the claimant to provide enough anecdotal evidence to demonstrate their difficulties 

    The assessor forms an opinion on what has been presented to them 

    Also they are making recommendations the buck stops with the decision maker 
  • bart70
    bart70 Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    @carebear41 that is just the worst! There was so much missing from my report and things I told her she got wrong and others I think she just made up. You sound so much more deserving than other that I know too. People who claim they can’t walk yet I see them walking fine round supermarkets and shopping centres!

    I hope you gone into detail on your MR and if your able back it up with any extra letters/reports from health professionals and just as important your caregiver. Hopefully they will reconsider. Also get your MP on board. They can help too. Let us know how you get on 
  • bart70
    bart70 Online Community Member Posts: 74 Contributor
    Find his web site and there will be a link for his email on there. Explain your battle with pip and he will write to them for information and help you. Make sure you include your address to confirm you line in his area and your NI number for him to use a a ref for the DWP. 

    I understand very much how you feel and like yourself I never dreamed I would be where I am today in terms of mobility etc. Make sure you make use of the experience and knowledge of people on here. Don’t forget Scope is here to help us too. Your never alone care bear no matter how much it may seem that way. Your always have support 
  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    well im confused (doesnt take much) i phoned pip he said desicion made he thinks nothing showing his end only payment showing his end is the one thats due 30th. This month for normal amount which has me thinking its gonna be my last one think i have lost my pip altogether ?x
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    Hi @kaishalewis sorry only just saw this?! Just want to check are you saying the person on phone said he thinks a decision was made but he can't see anything his end so doesn't know? Or did they say a decision has definitely been made but he wasn't able to view it yet? Sorry just making sure I'm reading it right! And the payment on 30th probably is the normal one you're due I would think if you were getting money paid they owe you because of a mandatory reconsideration /appeal it might be separate as need to be worked out? I could be wrong though... Unless maybe you have had more information since 2 days ago? Hope so because I like you get easily confused and I'm dreading my decision etc now! :disappointed::dizzy: 
  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    I called them back because i was left really confused after that phone call a desicion deffo hadnt been made i still havent got my report either ?‍♀️X
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    Flipping heck! It's like an emotional roller-coaster!! I thought they would be trying to make things less confusing! :disappointed:
    I spoke to them again yesterday and never end up feeling any better about the whole situation! :disappointed: hopefully they will make a decision soon and you can then relax a bit! Hoping we all get the news we are waiting for as soon as possible because I don't think my nerves can stand much more of this!
    Il keep you informed if I hear anything back from them? Take care hun and as fecked up as it all is please stay strong ????? xx
  • Sammiecat75
    Sammiecat75 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Connected
    Well guys its a waiting game for me not expecting a good result to be honest i felt my asseseor was not interested at all..i know i ballsed it up maybe im too honest and If i dont get awarded my MR will be going in..waited 7 months now
  • Sammiecat75
    Sammiecat75 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Connected
    Omg when was your assesment again..? Im fed up with the whole lot if it yiu go through all this to be deflated its a total disgrace
    Im not asking ir saying i deserve anything but some help would be beneficial for me..the whole a joke.
  • kaishalewis
    kaishalewis Online Community Member Posts: 53 Contributor
    I got my report this morning as well and its full of the claimant has said she can crochet for 15 mins so she has grip in her hands and can use aids. No woman the claimant actually said i USED to enjoy crocheting now i cant do it meaning i cant do anything **** else ?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️?‍♀️X
  • Sammiecat75
    Sammiecat75 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Connected
    See they are getting all the information wrong with defo.not getting can they do.this to people..well.i know someone who is in the highest of the pip..she actualy goes on holidays 2 and 3 times a year..does all the expense stuff...saying its physcological she cant do anything for herself ..its all so wrong..
  • MarkM88
    MarkM88 Online Community Member Posts: 3,119 Connected
    See they are getting all the information wrong with defo.not getting can they do.this to people..well.i know someone who is in the highest of the pip..she actualy goes on holidays 2 and 3 times a year..does all the expense stuff...saying its physcological she cant do anything for herself ..its all so wrong..
    You can’t really make assumptions on other people. 
  • Sammiecat75
    Sammiecat75 Online Community Member Posts: 61 Connected sorry thats in the same positon i cant walk i dont shower or copk or clean my depression is terrible i have ptsd of finding my partner dead at home and trying cpr in him last year this has really effected me i have nite terrors i dont sleep my daughter is worried for my mental state i wo t open blinds ny room smells not embarrased to say as houseproud.
     But again the woman wasnt interested ..i explained my husband commited suicde in 2005 that effected me i managed to crawl back from that now i had this blow last year..i feel as if im.going off my head xx
  • Emilyb81
    Emilyb81 Online Community Member Posts: 530 Empowering
    So sorry you have been put through this same stuff it's happening over and over the exact same thing happened after my phone assessment she said I could walk 200 metres unaided but I told her I struggled to do 2 metres with a stick? She said I have no trouble bathing I said I can't use Bath or shower? There is loads of it and I'm sorry that's not what an assessment should be? How can they literally make things up its meant to be based on what we tell them?? How do they decide the opposite of what we say? Based on what? They haven't seen us it's over the phone? I have wrestled with this for months now as I had to do mandatory reconsideration but I genuinely believe and I am saying this based on the people having the same thing happen over and over again that they are deliberately refusing people hoping they are too low and depressed and unwell to appeal! To try to get some money back as they have lost loads due to covid and if one person doesn't appeal they get back a few thousand pounds a year! I'm sorry I am not one for conspiracy theories etc but it is too much? So many people getting told no then loads of them get it overturned at tribunal that should not be happening? People should be awarded correctly in first place and I understand they can't give to everyone but they need to stop blatantly ignoring the facts people tell them in assessments and completely messing their heads up further just so it takes months and months to take it further and perhaps people will give up or not bother :disappointed: so so sad watching people repeatedly having to go through so much stress and it's making people who are already poorly much worse! And they get away with it over and over because if someone gets it back at appeal stage nothing happens about the person who wasn't honest in first place or ignored what was said completely! How is that right? Sorry I should not be making issues worse here but it is so frustrating! Where else can we express ourselves about it all?? I don't expect word for word report but it's meant to at least be based on what's said??? :disappointed: hope you get the right support after MR @kaishalewis and @carebear41 m just sorry u have months longer fighting and waiting to go through! Stay strong xx