Pip end date - what happens next

griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
My adult daughter was awarded PIP at higher rate for 2 years for a MH condition and is due to end in February 2022.  Before this date will she get forms through to reapply or does it just end and you apply again?



  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    If she was awarded by dwp and not tribunal she will get review forms around 6 months prior to end date 

    If awarded at tribunal she will get a letter around 14 weeks prior to end date telling her to re apply 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    griff11 said:
    My adult daughter was awarded PIP at higher rate for 2 years for a MH condition and is due to end in February 2022.  Before this date will she get forms through to reapply or does it just end and you apply again?

    If the award was made by DWP she will be sent a renewal pack before the end date. If the award was made by a tribunal she will be sent a letter reminding her of the end date with an invitation to start a new claim.
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    She was awarded by DWP after submitting an appeal.  They rang just before hearing to say they had changed their decision - originally zero points, to 6 points on MR to then full award for daily living and mobility.  So I guess she should get review forms soon.  She's not in a good place at the moment so I need to remind her husband to look out for them and alert me so I can help her complete.

    Thank you.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Yes that's right around Sept time 
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    As my daughter so unwell and not picking up post and I don't want to hassle her husband further as he's under a load of pressure with her unwell, working full time and studying I asked her if I could be her appointee.  She said yes.  She's not up to ringing PIP and telephone line closes at 5.30pm which is before her husband gets home.  She will only let me in the house if she feels up to it and then I'm either not allowed to sit down or sit on one chair.  As my back so bad at the moment and I know you can be on hold for 30 minutes plus.   I rang today to find out how I can become an appointee.  Explained the issue and the customer service said she could only give me limited information as her representative - they have me down as this but review forms should be going out soon and she couldn't send me a copy unless I'm an appointee. So I've printed out a letter that I'll get daughter to sign.

    Is there anything I should know/do as an appointee.
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @griff11 - there's some info on the government's website:

  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    chiarieds said:
    Hi @griff11 - there's some info on the government's website:

    Thanks.  A couple of points jump out at me:
    1. spend the benefit (which is paid directly to you) in the claimant’s best interests.  Won't the money continue to go direct to her bank account?
    2. DWP arranges to visit the claimant to assess if an appointee is needed -  she won't let them in at present if they visit at home.  If she has to attend somewhere again an issue as she's not leaving the house.  Her GP sent to her to hospital as emergency for severe ear infection and her husband had to take morning off work to get her to GP & hospital as she wouldn't let me take her as she said he calms her.  Can this be done via video call?
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    edited August 2021
    I read on another government site that it can continue to be paid into, in this case, your daughter's account.
    i. The department’s preferred option is to pay into an account in the name of the appointee managed on behalf of the customer – an “appointee account”. The banks will set up such an account; or
    ii. The appointee’s own account;
    The appointee may suggest the following:
    iii. The customer’s existing account to which the appointee has access;
    .......this will only be arranged if the bank gives its approval. This is necessary because banking law requires that the account holder is capable of managing their account; where they cannot the account would usually be frozen or closed. We must tell the appointee to speak to the bank. However, we should pay benefit into the account until told that it has been closed.

    I know instead of coming out to a person's house that this can be sorted over the phone currently (due to Covid-19); hopefully this will continue, but I don't know when things might revert to a home visit, sorry. Others may know more, but perhaps you can ask when you ring up to start the process.
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    edited August 2021
    @chiarieds thank you.  I do not have access to her bank accounts so that won't be an option.  Really all I want is like with HMRC as a representative I get copies of all my hubbie's correspondence to ensure it's all dealt with.  Same with her PIP as for time being she's in no position to do a review.  I remember from the time of her originally claiming PIP she found it so difficult and upsetting and we really don't need any set backs at current time.  I'll wait till they contact me to discuss in case there is a halfway house where I have copies of her letters and can discuss claim on her behalf but she remains in control if you know what I mean.  She just needs help at the moment.
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,756 Championing
    griff11 said:
    I'll wait till they contact me to discuss in case there is a halfway house where I have copies of her letters and can discuss claim on her behalf but she remains in control if you know what I mean.  She just needs help at the moment.
    Please do update us if you find something like that.  I'd need someone to do any verbal stuff on my behalf this time but am perfectly capable of managing money and filling in forms myself.  
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    griff11 said:
    I'll wait till they contact me to discuss in case there is a halfway house where I have copies of her letters and can discuss claim on her behalf but she remains in control if you know what I mean.  She just needs help at the moment.
    Please do update us if you find something like that.  I'd need someone to do any verbal stuff on my behalf this time but am perfectly capable of managing money and filling in forms myself.  
    Will do .  HMRC allow this so don't understand why DWP don't .  
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    My daughter had letter today saying her PIP ends February and reapply my ringing .  Says someone can ring on her behalf but she has to be there !  Trouble is she won't let me in house as her OCD is still high and her husband gets home at 6pm - leaves house 7.45am.  Been no response to request for me to be appointee.  Us this the only way to reapply .  The letter been sat there since the morning but only now know about it as she waited for her hubby to get home from work to have her mail-she can't puck up anything from floor!
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Online Community Member Posts: 16,688 Championing
    Hi @griff11 - would her husband be able to ring at the weekend? We've had several members saying they've had calls from the DWP on Saturdays at least. Unfortunately when ringing them he might be on hold for quite some time, but, if possible, perhaps worth a try.
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    Line says Monday - Friday only.  Lines closed outside of these times due to covid 
  • OverlyAnxious
    OverlyAnxious Online Community Member Posts: 3,756 Championing
    It's a shame the form arrived yesterday.  Otherwise her husband could have felt mysteriously 'unwell' on Friday afternoon and had to come home, allowing him to phone, and recovering again before work on Monday...   

    You say she won't let you in the house...would it be possible for you to sit outside an open window?  She would still be able to answer her name on speakerphone without having to hold the phone.

    I've got the shorter review form last week myself, so no phones so far.  Hopefully it'll be paper based again as I can't do face to face or phone assessment.
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    So rang today . Daughter in our garden .   They says sending form  out as it's a new claim.  Asked if ur could be online firm and told no but I know new claims can be online form.   Said will send form to my address.  Daughter in a bit of meltdown when he said she'd have to attend assessment as she is struggling to leave house since June.  He said just put on form.  
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    griff11 said:..Daughter in a bit of meltdown when he said she'd have to attend assessment as she is struggling to leave house since June.  
    The call handler sending out the form has no way of knowing whether or not an assessment will be required nor, if one is (as is likely) what form of assessment will be arranged. Although F2F assessments have been reintroduced most are still phone assessments but obviously this may change over the coming months.
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    So forms arrived just over a week ago.   I had copies of previous application and request for review and appeal (decision over turned before appeal).  I typed up notes and sent to daughter to review, then from revised notes I filled in form.  I did declare on form I was filling on behalf of daughter and the reason why.  I attached the typed up notes as in Q no. format same as form.  On two descriptors I realised I would not have enough room to write up issues so referred them to this note - I listed and and numbered all my attachments.  I was told on the phone this was acceptable .  All supporting evidence same as previous appeal claim but my letter as supporting evidence of her day updated as she no longer lives with me.  I tried to get her hubby to so a letter but he just didn't have time as he works full time, studying for professional exams, looking after my daughter and he had to go away with work.   I felt I was putting him under too much pressure.  

    I haven't written so much for years by hand.  So much so I've had a sore hand for a week!   I'm still annoyed she couldn't have electronic form as I know it's available and I've asked them to respond in writing why it wasn't possible.  

    Don't expect to hear anything for months !  
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    You can type up everything and all you need to hand write on form is ‘see enclosed notes’ against each question.
  • griff11
    griff11 Online Community Member Posts: 148 Empowering
    calcotti said:
    You can type up everything and all you need to hand write on form is ‘see enclosed notes’ against each question.
    When she says she couldn't fill out paper form herself because of OCD  but she could do in computer they offered someone to call her and she dictate it to them instead.  She didn't want to do this as she finds it stressful talking about what she can't do.