I'm freaking out!!



  • HannMariee93
    HannMariee93 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    I like to buy furniture from Facebook/charity shops and upscale them. Try it, is so therapeutic @Snow92

    @Tori_Scope do you think I'd be able to request my report now, it's  been a week now. 

    Thanks, Hanna. 
  • Snow92
    Snow92 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Contributor
    Sounds good ? if you’re getting your report please prepare yourself mentally for the lies you will see I can’t cook for myself because of my fear of fire from being set alight when ever I see fire it triggers flashbacks but the assessor wrote I can cook my own food ?
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    I'm glad to hear that you and your doctor are working together to get you on the right medication @HannMariee93. It's also good to read that you managed to get in touch with the IAPT team, and that you had a better day yesterday. Yes, let's hope the only way is up :) 

    Yes, I'd imagine you could ask for your report now. It's worth noting, however, that some people find this makes their anxiety worse. This is because you won't know what you've actually been awarded until your decision letter arrives, so the report is no guarantee of your award. This is also because, as Snow92 has said, you might be unhappy with some of the content of the report. If you don't get the award you believe you're entitled to, and decide you'd like to submit an MR, it's better to focus on strengthening your own evidence rather than what they may or may not have misconstrued. Does that make sense? 
  • HannMariee93
    HannMariee93 Online Community Member Posts: 12 Listener
    Hey ladies I've decided not to get my report as my therapist said it wouldn't be a good idea, she thinks it will trigger an attack reading it.

     But on a VERY good note My daughter of nine has made me brim with pride this morning and ball my eyes out (she's still at dad's a hour car ride away.) But she made daddy bring her here so she could bring me a present. 
    She's only gone and  made me a advent calender with loving quotes on it. She said when I get my sad days open one. The one I've just read said "You can't have a rainbow without the rain!" Her dad helped her make it. He's being so supportive and in turn helping the kids understand in a good way what's going on. I'll post the quotes as I'm going along. 

    (Still got tears in my eyes)

    I am so blessed and that's what is keeping me going. Today is going to be a good day ❤❤
  • Snow92
    Snow92 Online Community Member Posts: 51 Contributor
    That is so cute I would cry to if my daughter did that ? sounds like a lovely family you have there ❤️❤️
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    What a lovely gesture that is, thanks for the update :)