ESA permitted work question

Jax1928 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

I'm thinking about trying to do permitted work (I'm currently in the ESA WRAG because of autism and ADHD).

I can't get through to Citizen's advice to get any advice (ha!), so I'm wondering if anyone here knows.

I'm anxious about telling DWP I want to start permitted work as I'm worried that they'll stop my benefits or move me across to UC and the idea of jumping through all the hoops is making me really, really anxious. I know this is not how permitted work is supposed to work, but I'm also incredibly cagey having been on the receiving end of DWP shenanigans more than once.

The work is just some home based computer stuff for 14 hours per week spread out a couple of hours at a time.

Does anyone know what happens when you send the form off to DWP?


  • Jax1928
    Jax1928 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener

    I accidentally posted this in the welcomes section, so am moving it across here.

    I'm thinking about trying to do permitted work (I'm currently in the ESA WRAG because of autism and ADHD).

    I can't get through to Citizen's advice to get any advice (ha!), so I'm wondering if anyone here knows.

    I'm anxious about telling DWP I want to start permitted work as I'm worried that they'll stop my benefits or move me across to UC and the idea of jumping through all the hoops is making me really, really anxious. I know this is not how permitted work is supposed to work, but I'm also incredibly cagey having been on the receiving end of DWP shenanigans more than once.

    The work is just some home based computer stuff for 14 hours per week spread out a couple of hours at a time.

    Does anyone know what happens when you send the form off to DWP?

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hi @Jax1928

    Welcome to Scope's forum. It is great to see that you have joined us. Sorry to hear that you were unable to get through to Citizen's advice, did you try their telephone number and online chat? Please also remember Scope has a helpline if you would prefer more 1-1 advice. However, hopefully, we can support you here on Scope's forum. Unfortunately, this is not my area of expertise and I am hoping someone with more knowledge in this area could also respond. However, the Government ( state that "you can usually work while you are claiming ESA if both of the following apply: you work less than 16 hours a week and you do not earn more than £143 a week". Following on from this, they also state that once you send the form off to the Jobcentre Plus, they will tell you if the work you want to do meets the permitted work conditions ( I hope this helps! Please feel free to let us know if you have any follow-up questions or need clarity about anything  :)
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hi @Jax1928

    Please do not worry about where you placed your post. In your case, it was your first post so it is fine that you posted it in the welcomes and introductions section. Plus, it is always okay, it just means one of us may need to move it across as you did  :D
  • Bpositive91
    Bpositive91 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    Can someone start work if they haven't yet sent off the form to alert DWP of the work they are wanting to do or do you have to send off the form, wait for approval before you may begin the job ?
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited January 2022
    Bpositive91 said: Can someone start work if they haven't yet sent off the form to alert DWP of the work they are wanting to do ..
    Yes you can but you should tell them as soon as possible, as it says in the permitted work fact sheet already linked to in the previous replies
    If you can’t tell us before you start work, you should fill in a PW1 form and send it to the Jobcentre Plus office that deals with your benefit as soon as possible after starting work.
  • Bpositive91
    Bpositive91 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    calcotti said:
    Bpositive91 said: Can someone start work if they haven't yet sent off the form to alert DWP of the work they are wanting to do ..
    Yes you can but you should tell them as soon as possible, as it says in the permitted work fact sheet already linked to in the previous replies
    If you can’t tell us before you start work, you should fill in a PW1 form and send it to the Jobcentre Plus office that deals with your benefit as soon as possible after starting work.
    Hi, thanks for that info 

    Also if I work part time could it affect my mum's universal credit or will it not affect her as she has separate claim ?

    Thanks again

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    calcotti said:
    Bpositive91 said: Can someone start work if they haven't yet sent off the form to alert DWP of the work they are wanting to do ..
    Yes you can but you should tell them as soon as possible, as it says in the permitted work fact sheet already linked to in the previous replies
    If you can’t tell us before you start work, you should fill in a PW1 form and send it to the Jobcentre Plus office that deals with your benefit as soon as possible after starting work.
    Hi, thanks for that info 

    Also if I work part time could it affect my mum's universal credit

    Thanks again

    No, as advised by Calcotti on your other thread here
  • Bpositive91
    Bpositive91 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    calcotti said:
    Bpositive91 said: Can someone start work if they haven't yet sent off the form to alert DWP of the work they are wanting to do ..
    Yes you can but you should tell them as soon as possible, as it says in the permitted work fact sheet already linked to in the previous replies
    If you can’t tell us before you start work, you should fill in a PW1 form and send it to the Jobcentre Plus office that deals with your benefit as soon as possible after starting work.
    Hi, thanks for that info 

    Also if I work part time could it affect my mum's universal credit

    Thanks again

    No, as advised by Calcotti on your other thread here
    Hi, thanks Poppy. So if I start part time work it won't deduct or affect anything from my mum's UC .

    I don't have another thread, I asked a question to Calcotti  on someone else's thread which was related somewhat to this. 
    She didn't address this question about if my part time work would affect my mum's. UC  though but answered my other question.

    Thank you again,  sorry if It seems I might be going over things or repeating similar things .
     I get very worried and thus obsessive sometimes as part of my condition/s

    Thanks for your help, understanding and patience throughout 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    You have another thread which i posted a link to, you commented on that this morning and Calcotti answered your question. Please see
    the link I posted above.
    As previously advised you working does not affect your mums Universal Credit. 
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    Bpositive91 said: I asked a question to Calcotti  on someone else's thread which was related somewhat to this. 
    She didn't address this question about if my part time work would affect my mum's. UC  though but answered my other question.
    You may have missed it but I did say
    calcotti said:
    Your mum’s UC is not affected by you working.
  • Bpositive91
    Bpositive91 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    You have another thread which i posted a link to, you commented on that this morning and Calcotti answered your question. Please see
    the link I posted above.
    As previously advised you working does not affect your mums Universal Credit. 
    Thanks sincerely for your help and I have took all the advice  on board.
    I only have one thread , this thread belongs /was created  to /by someone else 
  • Bpositive91
    Bpositive91 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    edited January 2022
    calcotti said:
    Bpositive91 said: I asked a question to Calcotti  on someone else's thread which was related somewhat to this. 
    She didn't address this question about if my part time work would affect my mum's. UC  though but answered my other question.
    You may have missed it but I did say
    calcotti said:
    Your mum’s UC is not affected by you working.

    Thank you sincerely, I have taken all your advice on board and I really appreciate it
  • Bpositive91
    Bpositive91 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    I have applied for a job picking vegetables in a a packhouse and the woman said go in tomorrow to register which I assume means I have been given the job, she said it's fine that the maximum hours I can work is 16 though in email I mentioned I want 8 hours .
    I have no clue what the job role is .

    When should I notify ESA about this ? I won't really know until tomorrow I suppose if I'm going ahead with it . 

    If I take the job can I send off the form after starting, do I need to call ESA up and tell them also ?
    Do I also need to contact council ? I receive housing benefit ( or my mum does ) 

    I am a bit worried my severe ESA premium and /or pip mobility or daily living might be affected also .

  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited January 2022
    Tell ESA when you know exactly what you are doing.

    If your mum gets housing benefit this may be affected by you working (unless she gets a disability benefit herself) and she should report your earnings to the local authority. If you are getting a Severe Disability Premium in your ESA I infer that your mum does get a disability benefit herself, if that is the case then you are not expected to contribute to the rent and your earnings will not matter. 

    Your ESA amounts will not be affected provided you remain within the Permitted Work limits.

    Your PIP is not affected.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
     the maximum hours I can work is 16

    That's not correct, if you work 16 hours per week your ESA will end. You need to make sure it's less than 16 hours per week.
  • Bpositive91
    Bpositive91 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    Thanks Poppy & Calcotti .

    I did mean to write the maximum hours I can work is under 16 hours not actually 16.  Ideally 8  -12 hours I think will be ok .

    I asked the lady at the agency if I could do a day's trial beforehand  so I could get an idea  if I think I could cope, she said they do not offer trials.
    I d
    I do not want to go into it with no idea of what work I will be actually doing and how I might  feel there because it might be too overwhelming for me . 
     She said tomorrow if I go will be to register and any question's I have can be discussed if I get the position , so it seems I am not actually guaranteed the job from tomorrow. 

    I might actually disregard this  job yet, I would prefer a part time job in a retail store . 

    Mum receives housing benefit and Universal Credit  for health complaints of her own. I receive severe disability premium with my ESA. 
    From advice given It appears I do not need to make contact with the council if I take up part time employment . 

    Thanks sincerely   
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited January 2022
    Mum receives housing benefit and Universal Credit  for health complaints of her own. I receive severe disability premium with my ES
    If you’re mum gets UC she does not get Housing Benefit because you can’t get both (unless the accommodation is temporary or supported). Her help with rent will be the housing element of UC. It’s importance to be clear because the rules in respect of non-dependant deductions for UC and Housing Benefit are different. For UC your income makes no difference to any deductions. She would not need to tell the local authority regarding housing because they are not involved in the administration of the housing element of UC.

    She should probably tell them in connection with Council Tax Reduction if she is claiming it. Every local authority has its own scheme so whether or not it makes a difference will depend on your local authority rules.
  • Bpositive91
    Bpositive91 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    edited February 2022
    calcotti said:
    Mum receives housing benefit and Universal Credit  for health complaints of her own. I receive severe disability premium with my ES
    If you’re mum gets UC she does not get Housing Benefit because you can’t get both (unless the accommodation is temporary or supported). Her help with rent will be the housing element of UC. It’s importance to be clear because the rules in respect of non-dependant deductions for UC and Housing Benefit are different. For UC your income makes no difference to any deductions. She would not need to tell the local authority regarding housing because they are not involved in the administration of the housing element of UC.

    She should probably tell them in connection with Council Tax Reduction if she is claiming it. Every local authority has its own scheme so whether or not it makes a difference will depend on your local authority rules.

    hi, thank for for all that information, I have read it all and taken note. 

    I went to the job  registration today and I filled in the forms etc but hours later once home I received a text from her saying the employer only wants full time but she will ask and try see if they can allow part time.
    She did initially tell me under 15 hours a week won't be a problem not sure why she said that without consulting the company. she works in the office at a different location and  is not the actual employer 

    I have a bit of a dilemma with having 2 surnames as an adult. 

    When I was about 9 -11 years old my mum married my step dad. I took on his surname and my surname at school changed to match his.
    However I do not know if my surname was officially changed and noted via the records/system or not 
    I assume it might have been officially changed as an adult I opened a bank account in my step dad's surname, and my national insurance number  is also in his surname. I do not remember what ID I brought to open bank account, mum came with me and sorted most of it out 
    My birth certificate ( which I am not in possession of atm ) and expired passport ( now missing ) is not in my step dad's surname but my Mum's pre marriage surname. 

    How would I go about presenting an employer with ID etc with a mix match of surname ?  birth certificate is in a different surname to my national insurance and expired passport, etc 

    thanks as always
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing

    You will need documents that match surnames 

    If your name was changed officially your mum should have change of name papers this with birth certificate will be needed . You can get copies of birth certificate and can apply online but only any good if you have change of name document as well 

    If your name wasn't changed officially you will have to use your birth name 
  • Bpositive91
    Bpositive91 Online Community Member Posts: 57 Connected
    edited February 2022
    janer1967 said:

    You will need documents that match surnames 

    If your name was changed officially your mum should have change of name papers this with birth certificate will be needed . You can get copies of birth certificate and can apply online but only any good if you have change of name document as well 

    If your name wasn't changed officially you will have to use your birth name 
    Would the registry office who do birth certificates also have a copy of name change if it was changed officially ?

    I assume it must have been official for me to have opened a bank in that name and to have my national insurance in that name too .