No PIP call for assessment. What happens next?

postmanpat68 Community member Posts: 39 Contributor
edited October 2021 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hi all.

I was scheduled for a pip call this morning to my mobile, but after waiting for well over 3 hours the call never materialised.
Does anyone have experience of what happens next as capita said it could take a week to investigate the non call.  



  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Hi there 

    Unfortunately all you can do is wait and see what the reason was for them not calling and for them to reschedule 
  • postmanpat68
    postmanpat68 Community member Posts: 39 Contributor
    Capita did call on Mon 18th with another Telephone assessment 24hrs later on Tues 19th, no apology as to the previous no show.

    I did find the call stressful and a little bit degrading as in one question the assessor did sound quite irate when asking why I use a dosette  box and alarm to remind me to take medication (not sure if she knew what the dosette box was), I did say they are not the same and because of a TBI recently I need both which didn't seem to go down too well.
  • postmanpat68
    postmanpat68 Community member Posts: 39 Contributor
    Update.....  :|
    I got the same points as if I was a UK entrant for Eurovision, zero on both, the report was not the same assessment that I had over the phone.

    They said I use a perching stool but no points, I use an app and dosette box for medication but no mention in report.

    Showering/bathing no points but have to use long brush and help from partner due to Failed back surgery also with dressing lower legs.

    Said I have good use of power in both legs as I drive occasionally (auto) despite left foot drop and wear a lower leg brace, no points for mobility despite the same evidence sent when I was awarded a blue badge with no assessment and they estimated I can walk over 200m without aids.
    Apparently when I get angry and argumentative (ptsd/TBI/depression) with others because the police haven't been involved no points. 

    I have started to write a MR with a letter from partner with better examples.
    I was not believed with regards to all my medication as apparently I take no meds for pain or anxiety
    I take sertraline, pregabalin for both.

    I'm sure that the assessor was not listening in the end due to a irate conversation regarding the dosette box saga.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,485 Championing
    Have you had the decision or is it just the report? If it’s the latter then the report isn’t the decision, though they mostly go with it, it has been known for them to go against it. You will need to wait for the decision before you can request the MR.
    so many people think the assessment is there for them to write verbatim what you said, it’s not. It’s for them to gather more evidence to support your claim. They then write the report based on everything you sent and what you said during the assessment.
    Having a blue badge is not going to help you with a PIP award. 
    Using aids to help you doesnt automatically score points for them. It depends why you use them.
    When you write the MR you need to give a couple of real world examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you. Include information such as what exactly happened, where you were, did anyone see it and what the consequences were. Your anecdotal evidence will be the best you can send because you are the only person that knows exactly how your conditions affect you. 
    A letter from your partner will only be useful if it states how you’re affected against the descriptors.
    Timescales for MR decisions are between 2-12 weeks. 
  • postmanpat68
    postmanpat68 Community member Posts: 39 Contributor
    Have you had the decision or is it just the report? If it’s the latter then the report isn’t the decision, though they mostly go with it, it has been known for them to go against it. You will need to wait for the decision before you can request the MR.
    so many people think the assessment is there for them to write verbatim what you said, it’s not. It’s for them to gather more evidence to support your claim. They then write the report based on everything you sent and what you said during the assessment.
    Having a blue badge is not going to help you with a PIP award. 
    Using aids to help you doesnt automatically score points for them. It depends why you use them.
    When you write the MR you need to give a couple of real world examples of what happened the last time you attempted that activity for each descriptor that applies to you. Include information such as what exactly happened, where you were, did anyone see it and what the consequences were. Your anecdotal evidence will be the best you can send because you are the only person that knows exactly how your conditions affect you. 
    A letter from your partner will only be useful if it states how you’re affected against the descriptors.
    Timescales for MR decisions are between 2-12 weeks. 
    I was the decision letter with a the DM's report, I never asked for the assessment report as I think it would have just made the last 3 weeks hell.