Pip decision after receiving assessor report



  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    That's what I was thinking because the assesor has all the information you provided and makes a recommendation based on thier opinion and thier medically qualified so I doubt a dwp dm would look at the same evidence and go against it if they did I don't get were they would have a leg to stand on about how they came about the decision to go against a medical professionals opinion but I have seen some story's on here that sound like it's happend before but I guess I won't know until I receive a decision its driving me insane with anxiety the thought of having to do a MR and go through months of waiting again is horrible 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    danixxx said:
    @poppy123456 think we’re both aware of that 
    but I have never known anyone who was awarded it from assessor point of view but not by the DM is what I was gettin at to @JamesSmith33
    I've seen it happen on here.
    its driving me insane with anxiety

    It's a very stressful process for everyone, myself included. Hopefully, it won't be too much longer for you.
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    @poppy123456 oh really my apologies 
    I have heard of stories were thee assessor scored zero an therefore the DM denied pip 
    wasnf aware of the assessor recommending pip an the DM going against it 
    @JamesSmith33 try not
    to worry easier said than done I know soon be over with 
    i honestly thought I would  get enhanced daily an standard mobility 
    but I was awarded standard for both 
    better than nothin at all and I am 2 scared myself
    To do a MR for enhanced incase I loose the lot 
    also it’s 2 stressful and doesn’t help my mental health 
  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Did you score enough point from assesment report to get enhanced daily living or did u just feel u should have got enhanced daily living regardless 
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    There was 2 descriptors I should of scored points for which would of awarded me enhanced but I got zero points by the assessor 
    never mind at least  I am gettin something @JamesSmith33
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    Hi @JamesSmith33 have you had your award letter yet ? 
  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Hi yes the decision maker gave me exactly what was recommended in the assesors report my backdated payment went in and next day my decision letter arrived you should be fine have you phoned to see what's happening ?
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    See what’s happening over which sorry ? @JamesSmith33
  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Your decision
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    I already had mine haven’t I I told you this haha we was speaking
    about it couple
    weeke ago 
  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    Sorry I just read the chat back yes I see what you mean now well I guess they do mostly go with the assesors report ures was exactly same and so was mine 
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    Are you also receiving lcwra @JamesSmith33
  • JamesSmith33
    JamesSmith33 Community member Posts: 24 Connected
    No not atm are you 
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    I am awaiting an assessment for it am in a que they advised me last week 
    have you applied ? @JamesSmith33
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    edited December 2021
    danixxx said:
    I am awaiting an assessment for it am in a que they advised me last week 
    have you applied ? @JamesSmith33
    The LCWRA element is part of Universal Credit, which is a means tested benefit. Not everyone is entitled to UC and it depends on a person’s circumstances. 
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    Yes I am entitled to uc as I claim that now whilst waiting for the lcwra assessment due to my inability to work 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 59,145 Championing
    danixxx said:
    Yes I am entitled to uc as I claim that now whilst waiting for the lcwra assessment due to my inability to work 

    I know you claim UC because i have advised with that on previous threads. My comment was aimed at others in general because you asked another member if they have applied for LCWRA.
  • danixxx
    danixxx Community member Posts: 128 Connected
    It was just a question to see how he is getting on with his was unaware he wasn’t claiming lcwra