
Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
edited January 2022 in Autism and neurodiversity
I did my first 2 assessments  one being Judy a welcome and getting to know me, and then after I did a assesment with flying frogs, and monkeys with coconuts, currently I'm worrying about if I said anything wrong or right, truly I don't know exactly what they was made to show from me, but all I did was said what I saw. Anyone else able to let me know how it went for you?


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,455 Championing
    Hi @Eyates02 :) I haven't been through the assessment process myself, so I don't want to encroach on this discussion too much, but I just wanted to reassure you that I don't imagine there's a 'right' or 'wrong' thing to say in that situation. You did the right thing by just being honest and reacting naturally. 

    I did find a thread on Twitter, which might be the same as what you were asked to do?
  • Eyates02
    Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
    Hi @Eyates02 :) I haven't been through the assessment process myself, so I don't want to encroach on this discussion too much, but I just wanted to reassure you that I don't imagine there's a 'right' or 'wrong' thing to say in that situation. You did the right thing by just being honest and reacting naturally. 

    I did find a thread on Twitter, which might be the same as what you were asked to do?
    Thank you! I got my final appointment Friday, but because I've waited years for this moment I don't want anything screwing it up
  • Sarah444
    Sarah444 Online Community Member Posts: 4 Listener
    Its about assessing your needs so there are no wrong answers to give. You also have the right to request a copy of your assessment and outcome plan of care.
  • Eyates02
    Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
    Sarah444 said:
    Its about assessing your needs so there are no wrong answers to give. You also have the right to request a copy of your assessment and outcome plan of care.
    Thank you, hopefully the results don't take too long to come through, 3 hours Friday and then they will talk through how I was 🤞
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hi @Eyates02

    Thanks for reaching out to us. I always appreciate how much courage it must take to reach out. How do you feel your autism assessments are going so far? I hope you get the best outcome possible, regardless of what that may be  :)
  • Eyates02
    Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
    Hi @Eyates02

    Thanks for reaching out to us. I always appreciate how much courage it must take to reach out. How do you feel your autism assessments are going so far? I hope you get the best outcome possible, regardless of what that may be  :)
    It's just been a bit confusing, only because of the activities I had to do I know she said there's no wrong or right answer but I don't know if what exactly has been put down currently oh my record, it's  a difficult process to wait for 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hi @Eyates02

    I can completely hear the difficulties associated with the unpredictability of not knowing the final outcome. However, there is indeed no right or wrong answer. This is because these assessments are to identify your way of thinking, and skills, rather than what you should do to meet criteria. I hope this helps and makes sense!  :)
  • Eyates02
    Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
    Hi @Eyates02

    I can completely hear the difficulties associated with the unpredictability of not knowing the final outcome. However, there is indeed no right or wrong answer. This is because these assessments are to identify your way of thinking, and skills, rather than what you should do to meet criteria. I hope this helps and makes sense!  :)
    It really does, tomorrow is the last day before my appointment on Friday, that'll be the one that I need to be fully honest, I already did something similar so I can remember everything.
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hi @Eyates02

    How are you feeling about your Friday appointment? I believe honesty is your second nature. You will absolutely fine. Please remember we are here for you if you want to talk to us about this though - either before or afterwards! (or both)  :)
  • Eyates02
    Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
    Hi @Eyates02

    How are you feeling about your Friday appointment? I believe honesty is your second nature. You will absolutely fine. Please remember we are here for you if you want to talk to us about this though - either before or afterwards! (or both)  :)
    The Friday appointment is scheduled for 3 hours, it'll be the RAADS assessment, so I need to take my time and make sure I understand what she tells me and then say if it's like when I was young and now, or never etc, then I'll have to wait a while to get my results, I gave them consent to speak to my mother if needed but I don't think that's going to happen and she works a lot so I'm worried about that as well 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hi @Eyates02

    It sounds like the assessment may take a while but you know what to expect which is a fantastic start! If you don't understand a question, would you feel comfortable asking them to repeat it or explain it differently? You would have every right to make it as accessible to you as possible. If your mum is aware of Friday's assessment she may be able to make sure she is available (especially if she has an idea about what time they could call). I am sure it will be okay, but I can understand why you might feel worried  :)
  • Eyates02
    Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
    Hi @Eyates02

    It sounds like the assessment may take a while but you know what to expect which is a fantastic start! If you don't understand a question, would you feel comfortable asking them to repeat it or explain it differently? You would have every right to make it as accessible to you as possible. If your mum is aware of Friday's assessment she may be able to make sure she is available (especially if she has an idea about what time they could call). I am sure it will be okay, but I can understand why you might feel worried  :)
    I think it make take some encouragement but I should be able to ask, and yeah my mum is aware on Friday but because its super early she'll be asleep, she's also said her memory would be terrible, so I just have to explain stuff myself like how I was as a child etc, just hoping my point of view goes a long way, I know I struggled a lot as a child and how different I was from other kids, but it's just having to be honest and explain exactly to help myself. 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hi @Eyates02

    They can't expect anything more than your best from you. It will be okay. It can be difficult opening up to people but try and remember your end goal! We are here for you if you would like to talk through anything with us before your appointment on Friday  :)
  • Eyates02
    Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
    Hi @Eyates02

    They can't expect anything more than your best from you. It will be okay. It can be difficult opening up to people but try and remember your end goal! We are here for you if you would like to talk through anything with us before your appointment on Friday  :)
    Thank you, I'll be sure to say how it goes on Friday! Hopefully the future brings more help and I discover the one major thing about myself. 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Hi @Eyates02

    You are more than welcome. I will look forward to hearing from you about how your appointment goes on Friday. I am wishing you all the best of luck with it. Is there any help you are hoping for in particular? Please remember it shapes you but it does not define you  :)
  • Eyates02
    Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
    Hi @Eyates02

    You are more than welcome. I will look forward to hearing from you about how your appointment goes on Friday. I am wishing you all the best of luck with it. Is there any help you are hoping for in particular? Please remember it shapes you but it does not define you  :)
    Basically once I know my main disability I'll be able to focus more around it and help myself to learn ways of making life easier, I'll also love to look into help in the future if I move our, someone that can help with social situations
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    edited January 2022
    Hi @Eyates02

    Understanding and strategies are indeed some of the benefits associated with a diagnosis. I am just wondering if you are already able to identify some of the things that you struggle with though? Because you can sometimes receive support before a diagnosis. It might just help to speed up the process of receiving support if you feel comfortable with that  :)
  • Eyates02
    Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
    Hi @Eyates02

    Understanding and strategies are indeed some of the benefits associated with a diagnosis. I am just wondering if you are already able to identify some of the things that you struggle with though? Because you can sometimes receive support before a diagnosis. It might just help to speed up the process of receiving support if you feel comfortable with that  :)
    Yeah i struggle a lot with the sensory side of things, and getting upset if things don't go the way I planned, I do want to do occupational therapy again, I've also been told I can get help with my OCD as well so that's already two things I can look into
  • CoffeeFirst
    CoffeeFirst Scope Member Posts: 202 Empowering
    Hi Eyates02. I’ve just read your post. 

    I understand your worries as my daughter went through similar just late last year. She too was concerned about getting things ‘right’, but of course there isn’t any right or wrong way.

    Best of luck for Friday…not too long for you to wait now, take care.

  • Eyates02
    Eyates02 Online Community Member Posts: 110 Contributor
    Hi Eyates02. I’ve just read your post. 

    I understand your worries as my daughter went through similar just late last year. She too was concerned about getting things ‘right’, but of course there isn’t any right or wrong way.

    Best of luck for Friday…not too long for you to wait now, take care.

    Thank you it means a lot!