What can be done about lying PIP assessors?



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I just got my daughters PIP assessment report back and the pip assessor has lied about many things Im so glad that it's not just me who sees this. Im going to call the DWP and explain what's happened and leave a complaint against the pip assessor as he has been discriminating against my daughter and it is so very unprofessional. We are going to appeal this and hopefully the complaint will go to someone higher up as this person should not be assessing pip applications as he lies, contradicts themself and is straight up been discriminatory towards my child.

    Have you looked for the descriptors/activities in the report to see where they've placed the dot/tick? You can use the PIP self test and transfer the dots/ticks from the report into the self test. At the end it will tell you how many points (if any) are recommended. https://www.benefitsandwork.co.uk/pip-test-form

    The report is a recommendation only and you can't appeal anything until the decision is made. Even if there's contradictions in the report, this doesn't mean that there isn't enough of points recommended for an award. I've know there to be some contractions in reports but the recommendation can still be at least 12 points for each daily living and mobility. If this is the case here then there wouldn't be anything to appeal, if the decision goes with the report and very often it does.

    I wouldn't expect the report to contain everything you said word for word. It's their opinion based on everything that was written in the form, all the extra evidence you sent and what was said during the assessment.

    For complaints abotu the report you'll need to contact the health assessment providers and not DWP. DWP are not responsible for what's written in the report. For details how to complain please see their website.

  • sallyanna169
    sallyanna169 Online Community Member Posts: 5 Contributor
    janer1967 said:
    Hi and welcome to the community 

    It's not easy to prove they have lied as the report the submit is their opinion of how you function against the descriptors based on your assessment and application 

    As above I'm not saying it doesn't happen sometimes a claimants opinion and the assessors vary 

    In your case regarding the dog walking you need to explain that there has been a discrepancy by following the appeal process 

    You can also lodge a complaint with the assessment provider and hopefully the more people do this may result in action to prevent this in future . Though from what you read these complaints don't seem to go anywhere 

    My assessments have always been a true reflection 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    @sallyanna169 were you meant to leave a comment after quoting another members comment?