Hi, my name is b33333333333! I got 0 points for everything



  • b33333333333
    b33333333333 Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    It says in my letter no diagnosis of this  pn one of the illnesses I have 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,915 Championing
    Which is another reason why you should put the decision letter and the assessment report to one side and totally forget about them.
  • b33333333333
    b33333333333 Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    It Says I hsve no anxiety or depression? This is why I was so devastated ,the other day reading it ,and how it's all incorrect , like i said it says I change my clothes daily , at no point have I ever said that, that's not what wad put in the pip firm and nit  what I said in the assessment 
    Sats can text , the lady never asked that question, no one has nor in any form that was filled in 
    Says can text on your mobile indicating you can read ??
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,915 Championing
    You are really over thinking this. Those are classic copy and paste reasons. Please put away the decision letter and the assessment report and forget about them. None of those will get you a PIP award. Move on because it's in the past now.
  • b33333333333
    b33333333333 Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    I know,  dont read it,im not,
     I'm wating for the full report , and it to be looked at again,  
    If it comes back no or the same , I'll take it to the next stage I will be taking the report to the doctor and hospital to read though as I'm sure both will be able to do a letter for me , outlining there mistakes 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,915 Championing
    I will be taking the report to the doctor and hospital to read though as I'm sure both will be able to do a letter for me , outlining there mistakes 
    You're missing the point i'm trying to make here and you're concentrating on the wrong thing. You don't need anyone to write a letter outlining any mistakes. If it gets to Tribunal they won't be interested in anything that was writen in the report and it's not going to help your case. It can actually damage your case.
    What you need to concentrate on is those real world incidents mentioned above.

  • b33333333333
    b33333333333 Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    I haven't revived the full asserers report , when I rang the assessment place up they were able to tell me a little was she put , which is diffrent to what the pip decision maker put , so I'm just waiting for the full report , the real world incidence were all changed to something completely different,  of I'm saying one thing the assers is saying the same , the occupation heath are saying the same original pip form the same why has it the real world incidences changed apart from the forms doctors and hospital and sitting face to face at a tribunal how can I say that that isn't what happens 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,915 Championing
    The only person that will know about your conditions is yourself. You will be the only person that can tell them any real world incidents related to things that have happened to you when you last attempted that activity.
    If it gets to Tribunal stage and chances are it will then I urge you to get some expert advice from an agency near you. 
  • b33333333333
    b33333333333 Community member Posts: 17 Listener
    Yes I have ,contacted a agency 
    Who will be acting on my behalf 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,924 Championing
    I hope the agency helps @b33333333333. I am afraid this is not an area of my expertise, unfortunately, which is why I have been quiet on this one. However, I wanted you to know that I am hearing you and here with you. If there's anything we can do to help, please just let us know  :)