Hi, my name is Samantha22! Is PIP doing face to face assessments?

Samantha22 Community member Posts: 1 Listener
edited June 2022 in PIP, DLA, and AA
Hey just wondering does anyone know if pip is doing face to face assessments, I sent my form on 27th of February got a text on the 30th of March to say they received form rang today was told its with capita, it's been 5 months now whys it taking so long, I have really bad mental health and anxiety really uncomfortable and anxious about this assessment. Also its a review claim. 


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,841 Championing
    PIP assessments are currently being done through either telephone, video call or face to face at an assessment centre. Most people have assessments, even for reviews. Paper based assessments are rare. There's quite long backogs in a lot of areas so 5 months for a review isn't long at all. Some are waiting as long as 10 months for an assessment.
    Once an appointment becomes available you will be contacted.
  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hello @Samantha22 and welcome to the community, it's nice to see you join.

    Sorry to hear about how anxious and uncomfortable you feel about this process, as mentioned above F2F assessments are back underway again but there are lots of delays at the moment which means that things are taking much longer than usual.

    Do you have any techniques or other support in place to help you to effectively manage your mental health through this challenging time?

    This is a very supportive and welcoming site to be a part of so I’m hopeful that you’ll find it to be a positive outlet. Feel free to have a look around and get involved wherever you’d like 😊 I have included below a few of the pages I’d recommend having a look through to get used to things:

    • The virtual coffee lounge which is one of our categories, in which we play games and talk about general subjects such as hobbies and interests
    • The recent discussions page, which shows an overview of everything happening across the community
    • The categories page, which shows a full list of discussion groups on the community

    If you have any questions at all then don’t hesitate to ask.

  • meaghan
    meaghan Community member Posts: 42 Contributor
    hi samantha 22 i returned my review form in at end of august 2021 ive only just had my assessment this week ,,hopefully you will hear soon ,it is anxious time while waiting but unfortunetly nothing we can do but wait ,,,good luck 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Community member Posts: 61,841 Championing
    That's a really long wait for review!! 

    There's other members here that have been waiting this long for their review. It's because they've been concentrating on new claims for quite a long time.