Carers allowance and ESA



  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Oh dear 😒 that is not good news at all. I will phone employment support allowance tomorrow and let you know the outcome. My employment allowance payments stopped so I automatically thought they had notified one another also. I am afraid that they will refuse my LCWRA 

    I feel like I am going to have a heart attack today my heart is racing
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    Have you been able to call them today @debbie1234? How are you feeling?
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    edited September 2022
     :'(  hi Tori
    not too good unfortunately. I have been in bed all day with my mental health. I’m battling with UC they are saying I need to have an assessment with them even though I’ve been in the support group for ESA and then all of a sudden I get a pip review form through the door too in the post even though my award was until February 2024. It’s just a little too much for me at the moment 

    thank you for asking though 

    Note from moderator: screenshot edited to remove personal information
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    @Debbie1234 you have your NI number showing on that screenshot which isn’t allowed because it’s personal information. Please edit your comment if possible and remove the screenshot. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Did you have any deductions in your ESA for anything? That amount doesn’t suggest Support Group rate. If there’s no deductions are you sure you were in the Support Group? 
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Yes I think I had 50 pounds of Fortnite coming out for a social fund loan and also child maintenance for my husband which they are already starting to deduct from my universal credit isn’t it funny how they are quick enough to take money from you and sort that out but not give you the money you are entitled to 🤣
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    The recent amount was £294 a fortnight after all the deductions were taken out 😊

  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    I phoned ESA yesterday and they are sending me a letter to state I was in the support group. She said my last review was in 2013 and low and behold I am due for one apparently. 🤣 in 2013 I had been sectioned in hospital due to my mental health so I presume someone must of done it for me. It seems it’s coming from all angles at the moment 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Yes I think I had 50 pounds of Fortnite coming out for a social fund loan and also child maintenance for my husband which they are already starting to deduct from my universal credit isn’t it funny how they are quick enough to take money from you and sort that out but not give you the money you are entitled to 🤣

    That makes sense now, thanks for that explanation. Yes, it's true how that deduct money quicker than paying it.
    That's a long time without a review, so you could possibly be due one quite soon.
    Hopefully you will receive that letter soon. Though i would have been a lot easier if they had contacted UC directly.
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Hi Poppy 
    I hope you’re having a nice day….
    yes I couldn’t believe how quickly the Dwp were at getting in touch with child maintenance section etc… and they will be deducting immediately 🤣
    so with the social fund loan and maintenance this months standard rate won’t be £525 it will look like £370 😭
    the child element of £290 went on my sons clothing for school as he no longer wears a uniform now, bag, books, folders, Polly pockets, lockers etc…
    and now on 1st October we have to pay £187 to the council tax I honestly don’t know what we are going to do. Also I’ve been in bed since receiving the pip review award letter and I don’t have the strength or mental capacity to fill it out so pip will probably stop on 18th October too
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Yes thankfully I don’t remember having a review for ESA so I have been blessed on that account 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    I bought some xmas presents for my 2 grandchildren online last night so had to go and collect them this morning, just got home.
    For your PIP form please contact them and ask for extra time to return the form and they will give you an extra 2 weeks.
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Awwe… I have recently become a grandparent 💙 isn’t it wonderful 😊 I am sure that they will love their gifts.
    thank you, I will muster up some strength to phone them
    I'm struggling to find more evidence since the last lot I sent them in October of last year. This is when they awarded me enhanced for both elements. It seems ludicrous. I can’t send the same evidence either I’m told. The only thing I will be sending is a letter written by my husband and the letter written by my daughter and to explain that I have had to have Physio for my back and that I am on the waiting list to receive help for my agoraphobia and panic attacks. Oh and I have to have an mri for my back. 
    It’s like they want blood out of a stone
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    They certainly are! There's no rules against sending the same evidence you previously sent, so go ahead and send it.
    The best evidence you can send will be your real world examples of exactly what happened the last time you attempted each descriptor that applies to you.
    Include detailed information such as where you were, what exactly happened, did anyone see it and what the consequences were.
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Thank you Poppy I will do ☺️ Take care and speak to you soon. This form is a lot thinner this time around so that is a positive 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    It does sound positive that the form is a lot thinner this time around @Debbie123. Hopefully more manageable! 

    Please feel free to let us know how things go and if you need any support in the meantime. We are all here for you, even if that's just listening to you  :)
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Hello 😊
    thank you, I posted the form yesterday so we shall wait and see…. I emailed the psychiatrist and asked for evidence to back up that side of things,  it was 150 pages long so I just chose a select few to send to pip for now
    I’m not optimistic with them and I am expecting to have to appeal etc….
    I just want to be left alone once and for all to get on with living my life managing my illness the best way I can with help 
    the beginning of the form makes me laugh 😂 like a disclaimer to tell the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth! They are basically calling you a liar from the onset. 
    Unfortunately the minority along the way and years has made it so incredibly difficult and degrading for the genuine people 

    thank you for checking in
    take care
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Hi Poppy 
    Just to let you know my LCWRA Still hasn’t been added to my money and this is the message I received nobody seems to be doing anything I don’t know what to do 😞 I still have a work focused interview booked in for November 1st. Do you know who can help me regarding this or do I have to get a solicitor
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Did you contact ESA like i advised you to do a few weeks ago? The message on your journal also advises you to do the same thing. When you contact them you need to ask them to send UC the details of your ESA Support Group award. Or, if you have a letter from them then you can send UC that letter as proof.
    A solicitor isn't needed because they won't have any benefits knowledge.
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    It's an administrative matter, not a legal matter.