Carers allowance and ESA



  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Yes I have contacted ESA 3 times now on the phone 😞 this is why I have a new letter from them as proof that I was in the support group. Could it just be a time issue for the paper work do you think? It has been 2 months now. Nobody seems to care or seems to be doing anything at the moment 
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    What makes me laugh poppy is that we had money coming out regularly out of my employment and support allowance and that is already being deducted from my UC money I had a notification from universal credit last week. They soon managed to sort that out 
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Apparently Poppy there are four groups of universal credit I have just read and it looks like I have been put into the work focused into view which means I don’t get extra money is this right? 

  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    Apparently Poppy there are four groups of universal credit I have just read and it looks like I have been put into the work focused into view which means I don’t get extra money is this right? 
    Can you say exactly what it says?
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Where sorry?
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor

  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    I think at the very least I have been placed in the LCW group this seems so unfair as I have been on a support group on employment and support allowance since 2008 with a short break in 2016 due to me getting married and then I got placed Straight back onto the support group I have been so ill mentally over the years I haven’t had to do and they were capability assessments or have any interviews. My last one apparently was in 2013
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    As i advised even before you claimed UC, you're entitled to the LCWRA element from the start of your claim. Not including this element in your claim is incorrect. The letter you received from ESA did you send this to UC?
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    I know Poppy 🥲 I am going out of my mind…. It is like they are batting to and fro
    no one seems to be helping me.
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Yes I have . I don’t honestly know what to do next
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    The letter I have received from employment and support allowance says my entitlement start date and the current amount of money I was having was £187 pound a week
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    It seems very strange as the communication to one another (Between employment and support allowance and universal credit) seems perfect when it comes to the child maintenance money that was coming out of my employment support allowance that got sorted out four weeks ago 😂
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    My only other suggestion is to contact your local MP. Tell them exactly what happened but be straight to the point.

  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    The letter I have received from employment and support allowance says my entitlement start date and the current amount of money I was having was £187 pound a week
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Ok thank you Poppy 🥰
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    edited October 2022
    Where sorry?
    I thought you were referring to a message from DWP when you said
    I think at the very least I have been placed in the LCW group 
     I don’t need the Citizens Advice information - I know what the groups are.

    When they get the information from ESA you will have LCWRA (because in ESA Support Group). Until then you will not be put in a group because you have not had an assessment. You are currently treated as a jobseeker, however your Work Coach can turn off some of the normal requirements (they have discretionary authority to do this).
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Oh sorry my mistake 🥰 I phoned up employment and support allowance at 8 AM this morning and a lovely lady said that they had sent universal credit the MPF50 form is it? 7 weeks ago…. She was very empathic to my situation as I couldn’t stop crying she has sent them another email universal credit that is as a matter of urgency so that they can get the money that I am owed paid to me but also so they can get the LCWRA element put on my claim. Until then unfortunately I am having to attend work focused interviews 🥲 which I will find impossible to do. I have made my husband an appointee to speak in my behalf on the phone etc…
    the whole process is degrading, exhausting and demoralizing. I have been treated like a criminal I am 50 and my physical and mental health is only getting worse as the years progress. The system really isn’t fair against disabled people. 
    Thank you for replying by the way 😊 Dwp seem to act like they are little gods who are above Certified doctors and medically trained psychiatrists and counselors!
    I am going to get in touch with my local MP today has kindly advised by Poppy 
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Hello again Poppy
    I hope today is a good day 😊
    Just to let you know I have wrote an email and sent it to my local MP I will let you know the outcome of this long exhausting battle
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    It sounds like ESA have done all they can do. It's now up to UC to move forward with this and add the LCWRA status to your claim and pay what they owe you. Believe it or not, it's not unusal for this to happen when transferring from ESA.
  • Debbie1234
    Debbie1234 Online Community Member Posts: 184 Contributor
    Oh really? That’s kind of reassuring Poppy but also disturbing 😳 for other poor people, especially for ones who don’t have a spouse, family member or close friends to lean on and vent/cry to .
    This website is truly a lifeline, Not only for the knowledgeable kind people like yourself but it makes you feel less alone in this cruel world it seems. 
    I must admit the five times I have spoken to employment and support allowance they have seemed genuine and really helpful to my cause. 

    Thank you once again