Completing two personal actions



  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    sierrafox said:
     My Occupational Health assessor said to me: why do you want to know if you’re autistic or ADHD? I said because it would give my life meaning to a lifelong problem. 

    Yes, i completely understand that! It doesn't change anyone as a person but it will give you some answers to those questions you may have had for a very long time. (Been there and done that)

    I’ve always struggled! Severe anxiety has always been there. Though you don’t have to be autistic to have severe anxiety I guess. 

    No, you don't but anxiety often comes with Autism.
    Completely and now on my crisis team lines I’m “suspected autism” so I imagine in December for my review I may have to mention it. 
  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    If I felt that I only scored 9 points now for this descriptor. Is that a change or circumstances? 

    I have no idea if I have improved tbh but say if I felt that. Is it a change of circumstances? 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    If you don’t know if your conditions have improved then how did you come to the conclusion that you would now only score 9 points? 
  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    I have no idea how they reach the conclusion anyway. 

    What I do know is I probably should have scored for points elsewhere. 

    That said my condition has got worse with self harming. Whether that counts I don’t know. 

    But let’s say it was a 9. Is it a change of circumstances?

    My review is December
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    You’ve been advised a few times that no points are scored for the Support Group. You just need to meet one of the descriptors, which you did. 
    Again, you are over thinking this, way too much.
    Regarding your review, the timescale they give you is nothing more than a guide. Support Group/LCWRA is an ongoing award until a new decision says otherwise.
    At the moment reviews are suspended and have been for more than a year. Whether they will have started back up by December is anyones guess. Judging by the backlogs of people still waiting for their first work capability assessment it’s doubtful the reviews will start back this year. 
  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    Okay. I’m just concerned they don’t know about my condition worsening as well what with the self harm etc. 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Your worsening of condition isn’t going to affect your claim because the Support Group is the highest award. Nothing further to be said.
    Its a lovely sunny day here today. What is the weather like where you are? Do you have anything nice planned for the rest of the day? 
  • dp267p
    dp267p Online Community Member Posts: 69 Connected
    edited August 2022
    Your worsening of condition isn’t going to affect your claim because the Support Group is the highest award. Nothing further to be said.
    Its a lovely sunny day here today. What is the weather like where you are? Do you have anything nice planned for the rest of the day? 
    I’m always worried too about these benefit claims tbh. I only got a one year award for ESA as well. 

    What does the descriptor mean?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    dp267p said:
    Your worsening of condition isn’t going to affect your claim because the Support Group is the highest award. Nothing further to be said.
    Its a lovely sunny day here today. What is the weather like where you are? Do you have anything nice planned for the rest of the day? 
    I’m always worried about these benefit claims tbh. I only got a one year award for ESA. 

    No, you didn't. ESA Support Group has no end date like a PIP claim does. It's an ongoing award until a new decision says otherwise.
    dp267p said:

    What does the descriptor mean?
    As advised previously in the thread..It means exactly what it says.
    Cannot, due to impaired mental function, reliably initiate or complete at least 2 sequential personal actions. 
    This can be anything from planning, organising, prioritising, switching  tasks etc etc. All things that can relate to mental health.

  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    Sounds like it’s a bit of a contentious descriptor. 

    One that isn’t quickly applied. I know for myself my severe depression and anxiety has limited my ability to do my personal care, household chores, shopping and other stuff. Some days I spend a lot of time in bed or lay down due to fatigue and apathy. 
  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    Would a GP be expected to know the difficulties you have with work and descriptors? For both ESA and PIP
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited August 2022
  • calcotti
    calcotti Online Community Member Posts: 10,001 Championing
    sierrafox said:
    Would a GP be expected to know the difficulties you have with work and descriptors? For both ESA and PIP
  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    One that isn’t quickly applied. I know for myself my severe depression and anxiety has limited my ability to do my personal care, household chores, shopping and other stuff. Some days I spend a lot of time in bed or lay down due to fatigue and apathy. 

    Is this the kind of stuff initiating personal action looks at?

    the Benefitsandwork handbook states it’s more complex stuff. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    sierrafox said:
    One that isn’t quickly applied. I know for myself my severe depression and anxiety has limited my ability to do my personal care, household chores, shopping and other stuff. Some days I spend a lot of time in bed or lay down due to fatigue and apathy. 

    Is this the kind of stuff initiating personal action looks at?

  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    I know I’m a pain! But have they got this wrong?!

    The benefitsandwork forum have a different answer to this:

    Hi sierra

    As stated in a previous post, NS ESA is a benefit paid to you if your ability to work is limited by either ill health or disability.

    question 11 focuses on your ability to learn (and remember) how to do things. If you can learn a task one day, but have forgotten how to do it he next day, you will not be considered to have learnt it.

    Two type of tasks are considered: simple and moderately complex.

    A simple task involves one or two steps. Setting an alarm clock.

    Moderately complex involves three or four steps. Setting a washing machine.

    What does it actually mean? Is it washing/dressing? Not doing the laundry? Staying in bed all day due to depression. Staying up late because you can’t sleep? Fatigue where you don’t feel like doing anything? What exactly is it? This would come under PIP, remember ESA is work related .

    To score you must be unable to do the activity for the majority of the time, this is different from PIP which is the majority of days.

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited August 2022
    No wonder you are confused, going from one forum to another like this.
    That’s nothing to do with activity 11. That’s activity 9 learning tasks.
    Nothing further to add than whats already been advised many times.
    9. Learning tasks.
    Cannot learn how to complete a simple task, such as setting an alarm clock, due to cognitive impairment or mental disorder.

  • Cartini
    Cartini Online Community Member Posts: 1,107 Trailblazing
    I`m following both threads on here and on B&W - I`m getting totally confused too :#
  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    My last comment on this:

    Does posting on forums and using your Universal Credit journal mean you’re initiating personal actions? 

    Are those initiating personal actions. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    sierrafox said:

    Does posting on forums and using your Universal Credit journal mean you’re initiating personal actions? 

    Are those initiating personal actions. 
