Completing two personal actions



  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    Last question and this is for my review so I know how better to fill in the questionnaire:

    Do you score points for LCW?

    For example: going out accompanied by someone scores 9 points etc

    and if it is a points system for “LCW” - how many points do you need?

    LCWRA is obviously picking a descriptor or substantial risk. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited August 2022
    This has been answered previously. LCW you need to score at least 15 points.
    LCWRA has nothing to do with LCW.
    For the review just do what you did before because you were found to have LCWRA. The review may not be when you think it is because at the moment they are still suspended because of backlogs.

  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    I’m curious actually. On the report (which I obtained it says LCW / LCWRA information) and it mentions suicidal thoughts and crisis lines. How would I know if that was also the reason I was found to be LCWRA?

    I wish we could have an open discussion about the descriptor they chose for me because it sounds like a real contentious one that tribunals don’t want to touch. 

    Check this out: 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    Didn’t you have information from DWP saying it was activity 11?
    that link is regarding LCW and point scoring, which isn’t the same as LCWRA.
    sierrafox said:

    I wish we could have an open discussion about the descriptor they chose for me because it sounds like a real contentious one that tribunals don’t want to touch. 

    Haven’t we been doing exactly that across multiple threads? 
    Nothing further to add than what’s been said time and time again. For this reason I’m out. 
  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    Yes the letter states you were awarded 15 points in the activity Completing two personal actions. 

    That is what the letter says, with the decision makers name at the bottom. 

    I am still TOTALLY confused by this points system. If you’re found to be LCW do they then look at LCWRA? 

    Do you need points to be LCW? Then they look at an LCWRA descriptor. 

    Please just inform me so I can compile my next review 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    edited August 2022
    sierrafox said:

     If you’re found to be LCW do they then look at LCWRA? 

    sierrafox said:

    Do you need points to be LCW? Then they look at an LCWRA descriptor. 

    No. As has already been advised several times, LCW has nothing to do with LCWRA.

  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    I asked a silly question and received this answer from another forum:

    “”” I am not aware of writing on forums or texting comprising this task. The examples I provided are derived from various cases. If you use the sort of examples I have suggested these are obvious and non-controversial.
    I'm not entirely sure what personal sequential actions would comprise gaming or writing on forums. I think there is a great danger that if you proudly exclaim on your ESA/UC form that you can't complete or start a task whilst on a forum or you fail to prioritise which weapon to pick up when on Xbox, DWP might think hmmm shouldn't be playing Xbox, or posting online should be at work!””””
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    My only advice is to stop going on other forums. I'm out now as nothing further to add.
  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    My only advice is to stop going on other forums. I'm out now as nothing further to add.
    People who are severely depressed play computer games. 

    What else can you do when you won’t leave the house? I was advised to connect with people. 

    Makes me feel glum when people say that. You should be at work! 

  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    I see no harm playing computer games or speaking to others on an internet forum. You should ignore those that say "you should be at work"
  • bluefox
    bluefox Online Community Member Posts: 647 Empowering
    I’m still finding that descriptor so confusing but I’ve noticed in my own daily life that I need help with household tasks. 

    I also need encouraging and prompting to do self care (some days I don’t do it at all tbh) 

    And I don’t do my own shopping and I don’t cook my own meals. 
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    It is really positive that you found a way to make it more manageable for you @bluefox :)