ESA Income base & contribution based

MAE63 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
My husband is disabled after an RTA and he claims ESA, legacy benefit, its both Income related & contribution based and have not received the cost of living payment. Why is this as he does get Income related on the claim. I work P/T and am his carer. DWP are aware of this. are you NOT entitled if in receipt of both .Thankyou


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited August 2022
    You are entitled to it even if just part of it is Income Related but are you sure his ESA his Income Related? If it's his claim and you're working then any earnings you receive of more than £20/week will reduce ESA entitlement £1 for £1. In another thread (which i assume was your son or daughter that posted) it said the mother was working 12 hours a week so there should be some reduction in the ESA if part of it was Income Related. Thread here
    If he's in the Support Group and his ESA is £117.60/week then this is all contributions based and you won't be entitled to the CoL payment. If it's more than this then something isn't right with your claim and your husband needs to contact ESA. If it's less than this amount then they have included the deduction for income and his claim would be Income Related so he should have received the CoL payment.

  • MAE63
    MAE63 Online Community Member Posts: 6 Listener
    Thank you for your reply. I have just checked he does get £117.60. I can see on his letter that it states Income related & contribution based, that's what was confusing. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    edited August 2022
    ESA letters are well known for being extremely difficult to understand. The Income Related top up is probably included in the calculation but your earnings would reduce it. As he's entitled to contributions based then he's entitled to £117.60/week. If all his claim was Income Related then his weekly amount would be less.
    Just so you're aware, his ESA will not automatically entitle him to free prescriptions/dental or eye tests.He can apply for the NHS low income scheme by filling out a form. Details here.