Having a bad week

janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
Hi all 

I don't normally post about my problems but this week so far I'd testing my strength 

Toby struggling emotionally crying lots having issues with couple of friends , dealing with not being able to do sport or go in army.  Doesn't want to go out as everyone plays football and he can't.  He doesn't want to go to cadets anymore . His friends teasing him about me being disabled . Also starting to understand why his dad doesn't see or contact him apart from birthdays 

Do you think I should source sine counselling for him or is it just teenage hormones 

I talk to him and makes him feel better but I think I'm too close to be effective 

His friends he is having issues with are also coming and sitting in our garden outside his window I have asked them to go 
 The other night they came without me knowing while toby was at cadets and threw stuff through his window onto his bed 

Then to top it off my mum has been rushed into hospital today after gp came to see her and called ambulance 

Sorry for passing all this on but hoped by letting it out would help 



  • Old63
    Old63 Online Community Member Posts: 21 Connected
    Why can't he go into the Army? Is it because he is looking after you? Some father he is. He is supposed to be there to guide the lad. Those are not his friends if they are teasing him about his mother's Health. Have you tried asking his Co of the cadets for help? A bit advice get a couple cameras put up. You don't won't un welcome guest's at any time. I hope your Mum is OK. You need to sit down and rest.
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @Old63 he can't ho in army as he has been told he can't do any sport or exercise without a knee brace due to dislocations his bones are not aligned 

    Thanks for your suggestions I have thought of cameras 

    I agree they are not his friends it all started since he had a girlfriend think they jealous 

    Breaks my heart to see him like this 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Thanks @Teddybear12 the gp thinks it's gall stones mum is 85 and getting quite frail 

    Thanks for your support 🙏 appreciated 

    It upsets me seeing what toby is going through and I feel hopeless at times with my disabilities preventing me helping him physically I can only support him emotionally 
  • vikingqueen
    vikingqueen Scope Member Posts: 1,758 Championing
                I have just bought a small camera that links to my phone, It was about £40 and the price of a memory card. It has been brilliant as I was having trouble with children playing football. 

             I can't really suggest anything other than maybe talk to his GP, but the one consolation is he has a wonderful mum who cares deeply for him. 
  • 66Mustang
    66Mustang Online Community Member Posts: 14,990 Championing
    I can't really help but just to say sorry to hear you are having problems

    Maybe focus on his strengths and remind him of those would be a good way to build him back up?

    I noticed when I was school age that often when someone got a girlfriend or boyfriend all their other friends of the opposite gender would stop talking to them and become passive aggressive, not heard it happen with friends of the same gender though
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Oh @janer1967 it breaks you heart when your children go through this sort of thing, just thinking of my three lads when they hit this age they either went weepy or angry, poor Toby got it all going on - with his "so called" mates probably because he is choosing his girl friend over them, and he is unable to do his favorite things at the moment. 
    What i would say, but it doesn't always work is never drop all your friends try and compremise, unless of course he is trying to pull away from them if they up to no good ???? All we can do as a parent is be there for them and give advise when they need it, hopfully things will settle soon, i found it a stressful and worrying time sorry to say xx
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I wouldn't mind but one of his so called friends I have supported as he stays here a lot eats here doesn't get on with his family then to find he has been making fun of me knowing toby is very protective of me and that it would wind him up 

    He isn't welcome 

    Toby does have other friends but I have spoke to him about not shutting them out . He doesn't want to meet up with them as he can't join in the football 

    I'm sure he will be OK just had so much to go through this last 5 years and now he old enough to understand more it's all cimg to head 

    Thanks @SueHeath nice to know it's something others go through 

    His dad left us 6 years ago and 6 months later I became disabled a lot fir a 10 year old and knew it would come back to bite af some time 
  • bg844
    bg844 Online Community Member Posts: 3,883 Championing
    Hoping he feels better soon, I definitely think he should seek help. No offence but being a teenager he might be putting on a shell even with him crying and sometimes it’s nice to rant and chat to another person. I think with the past 6 years everything might of been slowly building and now might be his time to ‘burst’ before he feels a sense of relief.

    I wish you both the best.  
  • life
    life Online Community Member Posts: 526 Empowering
    @janer1967 maybe he can do some football coaching and be involved that way. There's football coaching badges and level's. Best to start young. 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    Hi @janer1967 I'm glad you have posted, it's good to get support for you too. 
    Some freinds they are, raise the issue with the school too. As the freinds will be doing same there I presume.
    Might be worth speaking to the cadets to see if they can make him feel involved more. It's a shame you can't talk to their parents as well. 
    Councilling might help. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    If it was me then i'd start by speaking to his school because they can hopefully help with some councelling. Sometimes, it takes outside help to give some extra support and it will be good for him to have someone else to speak to rather than you, his mum. Yes, we are always there for our children but a lot of the time they can't always open up to us about what's in their mind.
    You can also speak to his GP as they will also be able to sign post you in the right dirrection. There is help out there for both of you.

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    Thanks everyone for your suggestions I will consider the best way forward 

    I think I will go through gp as I don't want these so called friends having more to taunt him about if they find out he is having counselling through school.

    I can also imagine the waiting list time for anything on NHS 

    Mum being kept in for tests etc all I know so far 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 61,643 Championing
    Sorry Jane meant to add hope your mom is ok
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Hi @janer1967 Hope Toby and your Mom are okay today oh and ofcourse you xx
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @SueHeath thanks for asking toby been OK yesterday and today . We have discussed counselling as an option but he feels he can open up to me rather than stranger so going to hold fire see how he is next few weeks 

    Still waiting to hear any more updates about mum 
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    Bless him at least Toby willing to talk to you @janer1967 thats the best thing ever, there is going to be a few ups and downs for a couple of years now sorry to say Janer - sounds like still waiting on test results for poor mom then , we know they don't rush themselves. xx
  • SueHeath
    SueHeath Online Community Member Posts: 12,388 Championing
    I'l second that @Biblioklept with Janer and Toby's relationship x
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    I wouldn't say toby is my carer he does help me with few things but nothing that interferes with his own life just the odd chores and being my eyes . But thanks for the suggestion 

    Thanks @SueHeath and @Biblioklept for your kind words it means a lot I try my best it is a challenge as a single mum however I'm sure that's why we have such a good relationship 

  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    @Biblioklept I understand where you were coming from and no offence taken and welcome the suggestion 

    He may not be my carer buf he is my rock and I will do anything I can to support him . I owe him my life as he rang 999 when I went into coma with sepsis which is another event he is now recalling and on his mind and something you wouldn't really want your 10 year old to witness 

    My proudest mummy moments was when he was awarded a bravery award by ambulance service . 
  • Binky1234
    Binky1234 Online Community Member Posts: 467 Empowering
    @janer1967 my youngest is 20 and when he was roughly 17 he just seemed to well not be himself and I just knew their was more too it than a moody teenager. As I have two sons so was experienced in the teenage boy hormones.

    My son like your Toby was getting a hard time from so called friends and what I did when I realised he either was not willing to talk or just unable to express his emotions I bought him a note book and put it in his room with a letter saying Hi son as you know I love you and I'm worried about you, I realise something is unsettling you and it is breaking my heart that you cannot talk me. I was wondering if you want and only if you want no pressure, but if you feel up to it maybe write down how your feeling and I reply with a letter.

    This worked as I got a long letter and we sorted it all out and I'm happy to say that my son is now 20 and has  found out who his true  friends are and more importantly he is who he is and very proud of who he is. He is in a wonderful relationship with his boyfriend with the full support of his family and friends ❤

    With support anything is possible the problem is, it's trying to persuade a young mind that we have their back and are not too old to not understand the presuures of being a teenager. I'm so glad that Toby can talk to you.

    A notebook for my sons feelings helped him put down on paper what he found hard to say in words. 

    I hope you and Toby get through this tough patch.
    Sending you both virtual hugs 🤗