
helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
Hello everyone can you tell me anybody who got the personal independence payment for 

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome



  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    A previous thread suggests you're already claiming PIP, is this correct? Thread here. https://forum.scope.org.uk/discussion/62357/pip-assessment-report#latest Though PIP isn't awarded based on a diagnosis, so if you're asking should you report changes then no, not for a diagnosis.

  • Fin1
    Fin1 Online Community Member Posts: 33 Connected
    Hi, I'm claiming PIP and have sit a video conference next week to get it again. I looked at the small print that they are still using Atos after all the complaints last time. Apparently they clawed back 110 million, I simple don't trust them or the DWP.
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    Fin1 said:
    Hi, I'm claiming PIP and have sit a video conference next week to get it again. I looked at the small print that they are still using Atos after all the complaints last time. Apparently they clawed back 110 million, I simple don't trust them or the DWP.

    They are now called Independant Assessment Services, formally known as ATOS. https://www.mypipassessment.co.uk/

  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    My partner just got her report she got 0 the ASUS I did read that there was problems with dressing problems with eating problems with the toilet because of her condition with her front but still she got 0
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    The assessment report is not the decision, it's a recommendation. Once the decision is made if they're not happy they can challenge that by requesting the MR. Before doing this they should get some expert advice to check that it's possible to score enough points needed for an award. Start here. https://advicelocal.uk/welfare-benefits

  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    But all the boxes was tick off can do 
  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    The descriptors which one was Marked can do not even ones was ticked needs help 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    Your partner needs to wait for the decision to be made.
  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    Yes she is going to wait but let me tell you that I got my report and the ticks where in the box saying I need help to dress I need help to cook I need help with food and I had 12 points after I looked it up on the Google if you search....
    (Pip descriptors)
    You are able to see the points you got from the assessment that gives you a indication of how many points you got and normally when that goes to the department they take the word from the assessor
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    Yes, i know how PIP works. Just because the issues are down in the report, this doesn't mean the assessor agrees and recommends points. For PIP you need to be affected at least 50% of the days over a 12 month period.
  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    O right no worries but if the assessor has given nothing you think that day I will give more when they receive it
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    I'm not sure exactly what you're trying to say sorry. Usually they go with the report but not always, it has been known for them to go against it.
  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    Sorry I'm not good a explaining what I'm try to say.
    When I asked for the assessors report on the descriptors I can see that she made a little tick against each thing.
    So when I looked it up I was able to add up my score example 8 points
    So then I have a funny feeling I was going to be accepted.
    But when I looked at my partner's assessors report the text we're all at the very top of each page saying she can do it alone with no help needed so she was not able to count up any points whatsoever
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    Yes, I understand that is what you were trying to say but as I advised once the decision is made then if your partner isn’t happy they can request the MR. 
    May I ask if your partner has any other conditions other than carpal tunnel? 
  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    It's over the wait she got her letter today 000000000 so she did get it because of the orthopaedic report. As it said she had good grip on both hands before she got the steroid injection
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    She was awarded? 
  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    No 000000000 all the pages no points 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    I see. You didn't answer my question in a previous comment.

    May I ask if your partner has any other conditions other than carpal tunnel? 

  • onebigvoice
    onebigvoice Scope Member Posts: 859 Pioneering
    hello both,
      I have not been on for some time but, would just like to make a few comments about PIP's, Assessments and Reports and M R.
    Poppy 123456 is correct the report is only a recommendation to the decision maker who will make the final decision on ALL THE MEDICAL EVIDENCE PROVIDED, including the Assessment report.
    As before I know people will not like the answers I give but its the only way to understand the system.
      As a point of LAW, the Assessment report in order to be used MUST be fully justified and all supporting evidence must be shown.  IN ENGLISH: PIP's Decision Makers have no MEDICAL BACKGROUND, (shown in the their charter) and so would ask people (and companies like ATOS, Maximus, Capita/Capita PIP's and Concentrix) who have been approved by the Chief Medical Officer to assess (assist the decision maker) claimants on  behalf of the Secretary of State.
      I say the Secretary of State (DWP) because some of the above assess other benefits for Universal Credit, 6 benefits into one.  Coming to your bit::  If the Report is only a recommendation then they cannot be paid for producing the report (£680/report if simple, more if requires more work. (like MR)) 
    New legislation states that unless the report contains ID of the writer, is fully justified, etc.etc. they cannot claim a fee for the report.  Forms bought out in August this year (2022) have in the title, FACTUAL MEDICAL REPORT WRITING, in bold print going across the front, it also has documents for GP's, HP/HCP, Assessors, Decision Makers, in fact any one that writes a report about a claimant, with the intention to use the content for access to benefits.  It also has a Declaration in there that states that you understand the purpose of the form and what it is to be used for and that the report was written by you and not influenced by the Hirer, and that you understand should the content be found to be of poor quality, or not following the guide lines set out by the DWP you can be fined by the DWP, struck off from assessing, have to have retraining before being reassessed to a standard acceptable by the Chief Medical Officer, there are lots of others but the other thing is that you are liable to be fined or sued by the claimant in a private summons. 
      I have been saying for years that unless the report has all the necessary thing for its correct use it cannot be submitted as evidence or a recommendation to anyone, since they are supposed to be the experts and medically qualified to assess, under the rules of their own company otherwise what is the point of the chief medical officer approving the company.
      Now before you state why can I put in supporting evidence then?  1. All my information (and this is everyone) supplies Medical evidence in HEADED PAPER, there's is not.
    2.  All reports are shown in the Medical History of the claimant, there's is not 
    3.  I am not claiming £680 for a report that is only a recommendation, there's is.
    4.  Support letters are shown by family members who are better positioned than the assessor since most are with the claimant 24/7 or on a daily basis.  AND ARE NORMALLY UNPAID CARERS.
    5.  ALL information supplied by your GP or any one that treats you can be traced and is in the medical history.  Where the new Report Guide Lines written in August 2022.  ALL STATE MEDICAL FACTUAL REPORTS, and is a guidance of the laws that apply to the relevant person writing the report.
      It even states that a Nurse can fill out a report on behalf of the GP, but in order to claim the FEE for the report it must be signed and dated in the declaration form that they are on a MEDICAL REGISTER and show their Medical registration number.  No if's No buts.

     DWP Medical (Factual) Reports  A guide to completion. (this copy April 2022) Brought out by the DWP. 

    1.1.2 Who uses the report? Decisions on benefit entitlement are made by non-medical decision makers. Decision makers will use your report and will seek the advice of an experienced healthcare professional trained in disability assessment to review and interpret the report where needed. Your report may also be used if your patient appeals against a benefit decision

      This report came under review as soon as it came out since there are still errors in the report.  It was again rewritten in August with some amendments but the main body especially the TITLE which uses the terms MEDICAL.  ALL the new reports state MEDICAL so that they can claim the fee for writing the report.
    It your report fully justified?  NO because you have stated that it is a recommendation to the decision Maker?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 63,179 Championing
    @onebigvoice I'm not sure why you commented here because that information isn't really going to help the OP.