


  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,454 Championing
    I'm sorry to hear that they didn't get any points @helper :( I'm sure that must be disappointing for you both. 

    Have you had any time to think about what your next steps will be?
  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    Well there is no point of a mandatory reconsideration because of what the occupational therapist said and his report was that my partner have power in both hands at the time he was seeing her because of so much pain and he was assessing her for a steroid injection because he said before getting a steroid injection there was 5 plus 5% power on each hand grip and I don't think we can get home to change that report
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    I realise that PIP isn't awarded based on any diagnosis but if this is your partners only health condition (and you haven't mentioned that it isn't, despite asking a couple of times) then i can't see how they will score enough of points needed for an award.
  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    She has no other condition 
  • jacko1957
    jacko1957 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
    I'm not sure whether or not I can claim pip...I have peripheral artery disease...COPD and asthma...I have had a by pass in my right leg due to pad and now after stents my left leg is suffering...was told I need a by pass but they wouldn't do it because of the length of blockage meant I would need plastic tube instead of my own vein...told I had to manage the pain...because I put pressure on my right leg limping I have damaged my knee...I also have enlarged prostate..COPD and asthma but I still work...would I be able to claim pip
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    jacko1957 said:
    I'm not sure whether or not I can claim pip...I have peripheral artery disease...COPD and asthma...I have had a by pass in my right leg due to pad and now after stents my left leg is suffering...was told I need a by pass but they wouldn't do it because of the length of blockage meant I would need plastic tube instead of my own vein...told I had to manage the pain...because I put pressure on my right leg limping I have damaged my knee...I also have enlarged prostate..COPD and asthma but I still work...would I be able to claim pip

    PIP isn't awarded based on any diagnosis, it's how those conditions affect you against the 12 PIP activities. As no one here knows exactly how your conditions affect you then we can't tell you whether you would qualify. You can see the PIP descriptors here. https://pipinfo.net/
    There's more information here, which would be worth reading to give yourself a better understanding of the descriptors and what they mean. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/personal-independence-payment-assessment-guide-for-assessment-providers

  • helper
    helper Online Community Member Posts: 46 Contributor
    Even you work you can still claim pip ocpd yes my mother in law got pip for that but you know that it's not what you have gets u pip it's how it affects your daily life on what you can or can't do 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,467 Championing
    Yes people work and claim PIP because it's not about being unable to work. However, if the work you do contradicts the reasons why you're claiming PIP then it can go against you.
    Although it's not about a diagnosis, there are some conditions that can be well controlled with the right treatment. You can have a disability but not be entitled to PIP because if you don't meet the descriptors, you won't score enough points needed for an award.