How would you see my experience with mainstream dating apps and disabled dating?



  • Splatmate24
    Splatmate24 Online Community Member Posts: 411 Contributor
    @L_Volunteer i have try to talk about what i like and what i dislike .she always seem to sound angry and that always confused me and she always change her mind about what i can or can't do when comes to dating she hasn't once change her mind about mainstream dating or disabled . it doesn't go anywhere each time that i try to talk . always seem to her way and yet again change her mind again . i always get mixed signal what mum to . dad is also becoming more annoying .
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    It sounds really difficult that your mum always seems to sound angry @Splatmate24. Are there any times, in particular, your mum sounds angry?

    I am hearing that you don't feel able to choose how you date. Not least with your mum always changing her mind about what you can and cannot do. 

    You have mentioned your dad becoming more annoying. Would you feel comfortable sharing in what ways your dad is becoming more annoying?

    You only need to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with but we are here for you and listening to you  :)
  • Splatmate24
    Splatmate24 Online Community Member Posts: 411 Contributor
    @L_Volunteer . is was last night in Manchester. when on the fast train from  warrington central train station into Manchester oxford road  trains were very much picked and very busy .   and  always making jokes about  alcohol and thing that i don't understand when my make jokes about my ginger beer or just jokes about me .  he kept doing after when trains back to  bank quay  and did same thing with train .  is also has few other times as well .  My mum always seem to  angry  i seem think she always to be lying when I'm not angry but i still feel like she still is angry when comes to dating and being in relationship and has talk to her to express my feeling and always seem to shut down after few hours . when i don't talk to her about it or anything that i do with dating and find other ways to . try to talk to me and take to take  me out in town or anywhere . i get annoyed at both my parents but mum s also i can't express what i have preference for some mainstream dating apps that i prefer over disabled   dating . i also i don't guys that doesn't act their age since is also turn off . no matter how old the guy is .  I think is something that happen in previous college that went to that made my mum even more strict about what i can what i can't do with dating .

  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    This sounds really frustrating @Splatmate24. What makes you think you can't express your preference to your parents?

    I think you have done really well expressing your preferences to us but I can hear you might not feel able to express your preference to your parents, unfortunately.

    Here for you and listening to you if you would like to share more with us. You only need to share as much or as little as you feel comfortable with though  :)
  • Splatmate24
    Splatmate24 Online Community Member Posts: 411 Contributor
    @L_Volunteer my mum can't hear very well . dad has always be on more jokey side that i don't really like that much . mum always seem to get angry when i mention anything to do with dating  and seem to only aim to me . I'm only one that has strict rules with dating . i can express thing with when i was in college with member staff . that got more from staff from my college that went to . now my mum always shut down and don't even speck to me much unless is going out .
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    I can hear how frustrating and unfair this feels for you @Splatmate24. It sounds really important to you that you have people you can express things with, especially as this is not something you feel you have with your mum and dad  <3
  • Splatmate24
    Splatmate24 Online Community Member Posts: 411 Contributor
    @L_Volunteer I'm already left college . yesterday was bad day . with not being able to enjoy myself because of stupid birthday party with even louder music and my mum and dad didn't do nothing but kept me and forcing me to dance when i don't want to . my mum kept trying get me to dance and taxi was cancled and blocked another 11:30 .  my younger sister on holiday in part of London . they still kept doing the same thing over and over again .
  • L_Volunteer
    L_Volunteer Community Volunteer Adviser, Scope Member Posts: 7,922 Championing
    Oh no @Splatmate24. Can completely hear how all that sensory input meant you were not able to enjoy yourself  :( Did you manage to talk to them about how this made you feel and your preferred plans?