Can you claim ESA as well as PIP?

33Snapper Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
Can you claim ESA aswell as PIPS ? I claim lower rate of DLA but am now having to use wheelchair when outside and was hesitating contacting authority to update  but need to claim blue badge now 

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  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 125 Listener
    edited March 2017
    Hi @33Snapper

    Yes, you can claim ESA and PIP (and many people do) - ESA is paid to people who can't work because of their condition or impairment.  PIP is paid to people who have difficulty doing things in their daily lives because of their condition or impairment.  So people who both can't work, and also have difficulty doing daily stuff, can claim both benefits - they are for different things. 

    Blue badges aren't linked to ESA.  You automatically get one if you receive the high rate (or score 8 points) of mobility component (DLA or PIP) or you can also get one if you meet the 'discretionary criteria' that are set out by your local authority. 

    It's worth knowing that the criteria for DLA and PIP are similar, but subtly different, and (unless you were born before 1948) you will at some point be transferred to PIP and reassessed under the PIP rules, so read up on those to give yourself an idea of what's in store.  

    CAB have a document on the PIP Descriptors, which is the points scoring system they use: 

    Claim ESA by calling the DWP ESA Claims line

    Blue Badge application on the gov website (or contact your local authority directly)

    Hope this helps.  

  • 33Snapper
    33Snapper Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    Yes very helpful thanks. I have just made contact to inform my symptoms are now greater so will now be new PIPS application. I get ESA too.Hope fully I will get mobility at higher rate then will get blue badge so husband can park easier to get wheelchair out of car.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    You don't need the higher rate of PIP for mobility I am on the standard rate and have just got my blue badge. You have to have I think it's 8 or 10 points on the moving around activity that's number 2 activity in Mobility when you look on your PIP claim form. That gives you automatic Blue Badge qualification. Please take note Rosie from Scope...  
  • Matilda
    Matilda Online Community Member Posts: 2,592 Championing
    Yes, you automatically qualify for Blue Badge with PIP standard rate mobility 8 or 10 points.  However, with DLA you only automatically qualify for Blue Badge if you get higher rate mobility - but local authorities will consider awarding Blue Badge for lower rate DLA - or even for no DLA or PIP.
  • wildlife
    wildlife Online Community Member Posts: 1,289 Trailblazing
    It's 8 points. I checked the criteria..x
  • [Deleted User]
    [Deleted User] Posts: 125 Listener
    quite right @wildlife, good spot! 
  • kainaat
    kainaat Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected
    I am at pip and my husband is DLA
    We are getting ESA but i did nt tell DLA that i am at now getting pip if i tell DLA then they will increase money
  • kainaat
    kainaat Online Community Member Posts: 11 Connected
    I did nt get u what mean body is required?
  • Debbie_Alumni
    Debbie_Alumni Online Community Member Posts: 932 Empowering
    Hi @kainaat,

    PIP has replaced DLA so you won't be able to get both. Once your PIP decision has been made your DLA claim will end. I expect that there would be some kind of communication between both benefits so that you're not double paid.

    If you need further advice please let me know.

    Best wishes
  • edwierdo
    edwierdo Online Community Member Posts: 3 Listener
    i was on ESA then i was taken off of iT why i dont knoW i was advised to apply for PIP which i did and got, also at the same time my jobseekers went up, are these two linked, what i meanis did my jobseekers go up because i got PIP???
  • wilko
    wilko Online Community Member Posts: 2,438 Championing
    @ edwierdo, the job seekers and PIP two different benefits most likely a coincidence, PIP goes up in April. When you get PIP you can apply for more benefits, worth a look into local council benefits, council tax housing benefit warm front utility discount from the main suppliers for electricity. 
  • Allessa
    Allessa Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Can they cut your ESA after failing an assessment due to them not listening to all the information when your on PIP ?
    my first assessment for ESA I was in there for nearly an hour,this one i was only there for maybe 30 mins at most,it was like she was trying to rush it.
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,188 Championing
    Hi Allessa and welcome

    An ESA assessment should have nothing to do with whether you claim PIP or not

    When was your decision and have you challenged it ?
    Have you asked for a copy of the assessment report

  • ritzy123
    ritzy123 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hi, I have just been awarded PIP but got it backdates from December when I first applied for it but, my Esa should have gone in same time as my pip award but has not, does esa stop when you get pip....I am on esa in support group for past 6 yrs.....
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,188 Championing
    Hi ritzy
    The two benefits are paid separately. If you are in SG then your ESA will not stop until you have an assessment or fail to attend.
    It may just be a DWP **** Up, only way to tel is to ring DWP

  • ritzy123
    ritzy123 Online Community Member Posts: 2 Listener
    Thankyou for replies....
  • Daio
    Daio Online Community Member Posts: 5 Listener
    I been so worried on verge of a breakdown I really thought I lost my high rate pip because the cut my ESA to £2501.10 my nurse told me it.was ok not to worry ESA and pip are 2 different things. I thought it was all rolled into one
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,188 Championing
    edited April 2018
    Daio said:
    I been so worried on verge of a breakdown I really thought I lost my high rate pip because the cut my ESA to £2501.10 my nurse told me it.was ok not to worry ESA and pip are 2 different things. I thought it was all rolled into one
    The two benefits are separate and use different criteria
    ESA looks at your ability to do any kind of wrok
    PIP looks at help you need with daily activities and mobility

    Some of the criteria are similar but are fundamentaly different

  • JamesGeorge
    JamesGeorge Online Community Member Posts: 29 Contributor
    edited April 2018
    Hello. I've been reading the content for moments here re PIP and ESA. It's nearly 4am, I'm in a state worrying, can't sleep as got a text message from DWP today saying 'we need to talk to you about your ESA claim. Please call us straightaway on...'  the thought of it has upset me as the text sounds very official and surely anything important would be sent in the post?  I've only just been awarded PIP and have been claiming ESA since early 2017. My two thoughts are that, my condition worsened a month after my ESA assessment and I did not let them know re the ESA - didn't see how it would make a difference as my situation is worse and I can not work and I am already in the SG category. The only other thing I did not inform  the DWP of in relation to the ESA is a recent 5 night stay in hospital, which the PIP officer said made no difference. I realise in hindsight I ought to have advised of any changes but. I. Now think the DWP are going to use my mistakes against me so they can reassess my  ESA in the hope of stopping that and my PIP.  The point is, my situation has worsened, I still cannot work, my condition  has deteriorated and I now think I'm going to be expected  to have to go through the DWP nonsense all over again. I couldn't bear it with my anxiety being worse than ever. I dread hospital and GP appointments and yet we all know a DWP one is  hostile 99.9%  I believe they are doing this just to. Make things hard for me as I won my appeal at tribunal that I did not appear at in person due to my anxiety. Does this resonate? Any thoughts? Should I ring them or wait for a letter? I'll be all wound up regardless until this is sorted. I'm not well, this is the last thing I need. I really do loath the DWP
  • CockneyRebel
    CockneyRebel Online Community Member Posts: 5,188 Championing
    Hi JamesGeorge and welcome

    Please try not to worry.
    The Dwp are really only interested in changes if you get better. As you are already on the top rate of esa and in SG any worstening of your condition will make no difference.
    You should call them as requested to find out what it is about.
    As you have just been awarded PIP are you eligable for SDP ?

    ESA has no affect on your entitlement to PIP other than the premiums as above

    Please let us know how you get on


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