Hello @dee4848 Good morning how are you? Please can I say to your question about the support group ESA. DWP decide it is all based on evidence.
Supply new evidence as I have said. Any changes no matter how small. Inform them, might review your benefit.
Criteria means you supply good clear evidence. Spent a lot of time. Years and years in WRAG group. Which is means you have to do job searches and the rest.
This is what I believe the DWP have the power to decide not you. Yes there are advantages. You get extra premium. Also do not have to be bothered by Job centre.
Although you can do volunteering if you wish. My own personal experience you have to inform Job centre. I not volunteer now, if only because could go against you for any assessments in my opinion.
Has been mentioned at several assessments I have had, then told to be declared fit. Sign on again.
All benefits what ever you get are subject to review. My suggestion keep all evidence, letters from Doctors and medical professionals.
I have had friends who get PIP or the DLA plus ESA . Some have severe mental health issues. They would never really get reviewed. One friend I asked because of my situation. I have this just get letter saying.
More suggestions would be to look at websites and other benefit related ones. Works and Benefits excellent to look at. Has the real inside story what the hell is going on. Regarding all benefits. The knowledge you gain means you are one up for yourself.
Look at Disabilty News as well lots of stuff there to help knowledge wise on line.
I say I am not an expert but I am getting there. Even I do not know everything. Impartial benefit helplines and organisations can help you. Welfare rights.
Hope you just keep tuned here a lot of info as well.
Take care
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I would think going through a PIP assessment and giving them the evidence those changes auto flag up the ESA.
Anyone on ESA your DLA is on the same letter and is not taken into account but it's there in black and white, they do know if you get it. :-)
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@whistles & @Thespiceman yes I got a letter the other ay From ESA how it' worked out and says Pip is not counted so yes they know I'm getting PIP now ....thankyou i will look at the info you provided0
Also to add again I have posted regarding sharing information with ESA & PIP/DLA?
It is and always has been connected.. I was on DLA & my ESA assesment was also used in making my DLA decision and it states it on my DLA that ESA was used for a decision.
Im now on PIP & ESA SG.
You can clearly read what is a fact here. This is done any many situations, ie vica versa.
We all full well know information is shared within this system.0 -
@Governments_A_Joke Thankyou for this and yes I'm sure il be hearing soon aswel and I agree with your user name.0
I was about to put what's SG, then realised.
I was already on DLA when the ESA was brought in, so I didn't have an assessment that people are talking about.0 -
When the PIP Award arrives I will ring ESA and ask them if my benefit is going to change. it's easier than just sitting and waiting.
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Will do.
No idea how it takes ten days to print and post a letter, but it does.
Just a thought to anyone filling in PIP, it takes up to ten days to get the forms, up to seven days for them to process the other way, so you only get TWO weeks to do them. If this is all happening at Christmas and New Year it's at best awkward and worst really unfair timing!0 -
You can get a two week extension by ringing them
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Thank you all for your help and advise
its so nice to know people are there and I don’t feel so alone
dont think I could face a 1to 1 interview at the moment but maybe on a good day
thank you all again and I will wait my firm and think I will take it to the dwp to help me fill it in as I have been warned not to panic when it arrives as it’s rather large
steve0 -
Wait for my form0
I have all the MRI evidence also mental health unit and open road also doctors for them to contact0
Hello @stevenheather Please may I suggest any forms consider either CAB for filling out any forms.
Help and advice. Have knowledge and expertise. Other options are speak to support workers, health workers if that helps.
I use CAB spent two hours recent PIP form . Two ladies from the bureau local to me. Helped me .
One of my tips is to do a draft of answers. Your health history. Everything about you what you can and can not do.
According to the guidelines in the booklet to the benefit concerned. Either ESA or PIP.
Take down to the bureau with them assisting to fill it in with the drafts answers and descriptors.
Offered me suggestions on how to word everything. What to put in besides my answers and anything else.
Hope that helps.
Best wishes successful outcome.
Take care
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Thank you for your advise
all welcome as this seems a mine field and I am not strong enough to fight any desision0 -
Hi,What benefit is this for please, ESA or PIP?0
i have today just received my pip claims form
it looks very scary but guess not if broken down
i have been on esa for about 5 years0 -
Going to see Peabody drop in centre tomorrow to get help filling in the form0
Form filled out but now very anxious going to send it tomorrow0