Physio and steps

Sheffield1943 Online Community Member Posts: 1 Listener
hi my husband had a stroke two months ago and is still n hospital they are talking about him being sent home very shortly my problem is we live in a park home so no stairs inside but steps to get in the house. I have been told he would continue his rehabilitation at home and that a physio would visit each day    I find that hard to believe as while in hospital his physio is very much hit and miss more miss than hits. I think he would recover better at home but if he does not receive physio he is not going to progress to being able to walk down the steps. What are other people’s experience. Also will my husband be considered as disabled and perhaps be entitled to help with adaptions etc.


  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    When he's sent home if the physio doesn't come then you need to either contact the hospital that was supposed to arrange it, or contact his GP.

    For the adaptions, you need to self refer him to your local council social services for an assessment. An Occupational Therapist will come and assess him to see what help is available.
  • siobhan1
    siobhan1 Online Community Member Posts: 79 Empowering
    Has your husband been discharged yet? Hope you don't mind me asking but would you need the adaptations in place for him to be safe at home? If so I would tell the doctor who is discharging him before it takes place. My partner had spinal surgery last year and he called me to say he had been discharged. They just gave him medication and expected me to pick him up and push him around. I'm in a wheelchair myself and can't drive. Because he hadn't told them before he was discharged that I was not able to help him move around and he had no aids at home, they just said "call adult services". When I called adult services they said "tell the hospital it's not safe to discharge him". He sort of fell down a gap in the system. I ended up having to get a family member to take him to A&E to say he had just had spinal surgery and the dressing etc needed changing, and he couldn't walk to the toilet and we had nobody to help, so he was re-admitted and they sent him home with a wheelchair etc that he needed. I think your concerns are completely valid and I would discuss with the team involved in his care before they discharge him even if it's just for peace of mind.
  • topshoes
    topshoes Online Community Member Posts: 436 Empowering
    edited October 2018
     Hi @sheffied1943 sorry to hear about your  husband , will not be easy for any of you , if you get stuck try the red cross they maybe  able to help or suggest who can help you .
  • Ami2301
    Ami2301 Online Community Member Posts: 7,877 Championing
    Hi @Sheffield1943 welcome to the community!

    Firstly, I am sorry for what has happened to your husband. I was in a similar position a few months ago, I have been learning to walk again. I wanted to go home but my physiotherapists advised against this as I would only get 1 day of physio if I were to be at home. I am being discharged next month. I would advise for him to stay in hospital as they have all the equipment.

    In the meantime, has your husband been referred to see a Occupational Therapist? They can assess your home and put adaptations in place for when your husband is able to come home.

    Hope this helps! :)
  • Jean_OT
    Jean_OT Online Community Member Posts: 511 Empowering
    Hi @Sheffield1943

    Sorry to read about your husbands difficulties, I expect you have both had a lot to try to cope with. I'm pleased to see that you have already been given some good advice.

    I totally agree that your husband shouldn't consent to being discharged unless it is safe and suitable home rehabilitation has been arranged. Some stroke home rehab programs are actually very good but others less so!

    If the Stroke Association has a local service they may be  able to offer an opinion on the level of local NHS rehab provision:

    With regards to any necessary home adaptations,  you will be dealing with the Adult Social Care Department of your local authority rather than the NHS.  Although the GP or the hospital can make a referral you can also self refer. Even if you think a referral has already been made on your husbands behalf, it would be a good idea to chase it up yourself directly with the local authority. The most likely outcome of the referral is that they will send a local authority Occupational Therapist (OT) to assess your property and your husbands needs, and suggest what adaptations or aids may be appropriate. Often home adaptations can be funded by a Disabled Facilities Grant (DFG), although these are means tested. More information about obtaining home adaptations and other topics relevent to people who have recently become disabled can be found on the Scope website at: Please be aware that the local authority OT may not be willing to assess until after your husband has finished rehab as they may be reluctant to arrange adaptations that may not be necessary if he makes progress with rehab. Adaptations  under DFG can take up to 12 months to get put in place. 

    If you have further questions please do post again,

    Best Wishes
