the unaccessable courts — Scope | Disability forum
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the unaccessable courts

Dreamer97 Community member Posts: 2 Listener

The reason  why I came to this community is because I did a petition about making all court accessible as I had a bad experience with an a partly accessible court. Witch involved me sitting very close to my abuser and bumping into him as we were both disabled and the witness rout wasn’t accessible. So please sign my petition to stop this happening to anyone else.


  • Dreamer97
    Dreamer97 Community member Posts: 2 Listener
    Hello, The main reason I came to this community, is I did petition about making courts in the UK accessible for the witness and everyone in the court room. A little back story I was abused as a child. I took my abuser to court and he's no in jail BUT the court experience was made worse by the inaccessibility of the court itself. As I had to go through the public doors as the witness doors wasn't accessible. I bumped into my abuser because of this. In the actually court room I had to sit very close to my abuser because I couldn't get into the witness box. I don't want this to happen to anyone else so please sign the petition .
