Delay Occupational Health

sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
edited October 2020 in Work
I have started a new job for a month now and my manager keeps saying OH will contact to discuss my what they can offer me for my disability. I am now been put on observation on calls, but not doing my full work. keeps saying Monday to be then follows, now month has passed. I don't know what to do, I made a verbal complaint to my manager, she is being great chasing OH. Covid is the excuse, shouldn't take a month to support a new employee. Can anyone give me advise please, what to do? is it ok to leave the job, compensation I can claim from the company for the delay? Anything really appreciate it.

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  • Ross_Alumni
    Ross_Alumni Scope alumni Posts: 7,611 Championing
    Hi @sufian94

    Sorry to hear you are having trouble getting the adjustments you need at work, did you broach the subject with your new employer before you started the job?

    If you think the job is something you will enjoy going forward, I wouldn't suggest quitting, it can be a stressful and often challenging process to get any adaptations in place but it will be more than worth it I'm sure. 
  • sufian94
    sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected

    I did they promised since day 1 and feels like its empty promise. I complaint they can only apologise. Is it worth staying, with a company like that? I was wondering, if I get any kind of compensation or anything, I don't want to go without a fight, tommrow it could be someone else in a similar situ like me.
  • sufian94
    sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    These are not normal times, lots of people are off work and those that are able to continue to work they are under huge amounts of pressure trying to do the job of many others as well as their own because of people being off sick.

    You've only started working 1 month ago which really isn't long at all, even under normal times that's really not long.

    As Ross has said, did you ask for the adjustments before you started working?
  • sufian94
    sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    yes i did. I'll give it till end of next. week, as i'm getting paid and doing nothing, but observing.
  • sufian94
    sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    I'm working thorugh agency is it best to contact them and let them know the situation?
  • sufian94
    sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    I'm working in a bank, i really don't want to mess up. Sorry, to act dump,  I didn't understand what RA means?
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    RA = Reasonable adjustments. what adjustments are you asking for?

  • sufian94
    sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    I asked for double headsets or something that I can hear the phones properly 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing

    If it is then for the sake of just £14 i'd buy my own. I know you shouldn't have to but these are very difficult times and it will likely be quicker to do it this way.

  • sufian94
    sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    Thanks, I’ll check it out. 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Online Community Member Posts: 21,922 Championing
    If you are getting paid for just observing then they have made a reasonable adjustment already by not expecting you to take calls until you have the equipment required

    As a HR Manager for many years it can take a while to get OH to do the assessment especially if your company use an outsourced service and that us without the problems of covid.

    You really need to give them more time and leaving would not be a good idea as you will find it difficult to get another job, and to me they sound like a reasonable employer 

    You could contact the agency and ask them if they can supply what you need but as suggested if you can purchase them yourself then I would do so and try claim the money back. 

    If this is the only thing you require to do the job then it is advisable ti get your own as they then would be yours to take to other emloyers
  • sufian94
    sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    I will wright to my agency and let them know what’s happening, if they can provide it. They doing their best by me. Agency work, I’m sure they can find me somewhere else, I’ll ask them that. If not patience is the key. Thanks very much. 
  • poppy123456
    poppy123456 Online Community Member Posts: 64,463 Championing
    sufian94 said:
    I will wright to my agency and let them know what’s happening, if they can provide it. They doing their best by me. Agency work, I’m sure they can find me somewhere else, I’ll ask them that. If not patience is the key. Thanks very much. 

    Surely you can buy this yourself rather than finding another job. If it was something that cost so much more then i could completely understand but it's not a fortune and at least it will allow you to do your job, for now at least.
  • sufian94
    sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    Yes I’m buying myself, now, then claim the cost. Also they said OH will do a assessment and see, what other things they can give to make work easier. 
  • sufian94
    sufian94 Online Community Member Posts: 25 Connected
    Hi to update I told my agency they not happy with the treatment I’m receiving, they have reported it HQ for a complaint. Need to wait for the outcome, while agency says stay at the role, they find disability friendly role. 

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