Please help, I cant stop shaking and vibrating on fingers and feet — Scope | Disability forum
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Please help, I cant stop shaking and vibrating on fingers and feet

Achyshakeypains Community member Posts: 30 Connected

M 25 YO male and obese

12 Days ago I had vibrating in my feet even when I was sitting or lying down they was constantly tingling on there own, That has gone but what has came now is when I put my feet on the floor its like ive out them in a vibrating floor and it goes all up my legs. but they dont tingle anymore when they are not on the floor

7 days ago I started getting tingling in my fingers on my right hand

5 days ago I started getting body tremors where it fills like my body is trembling all the time

The worse is my fingers and hand when sitting down using my laptop i slightly tremor in both hands, I pick something up it moves on its own,

2 days ago I started getting achy dead arm in the same right arm.

It feels like its all getting worse.

Some background I have had high blood pressure for 6 years on Ramipril 5mg one a day and lanzeoprazel.

For many years also ive had pain all over my body in joins like wrists foot ect. Achying pains come on suddenly and then go away.

I am extremely sensitive to pain all over my body, If you push down on my arms for example they throb for ages and are painfull

I Currently take 50000 Units of vitamin D as have a deficiency. Been on them for 5 weeks

At night when i try and sleep my heart feels like its pounding out my chest " its normal rate around 70-80BPM" I can hear it when I lie down on my side very loud.

I can feel my heart beat all over my body, So if I am holding my hand or finger I can feel a strong beat there, or if i out my foot on my leg I get it in my foot a strong pulse.

, Dont think its anxiety

I had a Brain MRI yesterday as I was having headaches everyday for 2 months,

"Which now has gone"

Ive had several ECG done over pass months all normal.

I go tomorow for blood rests but expect them all to be normal.

My worry is that its to do with my heart or I have MS or Parkinson's.


  • Achyshakeypains
    Achyshakeypains Community member Posts: 30 Connected
    Also feels like there is current running all through my body arm legs chest like there's something pounding around my body
  • cupcake88
    cupcake88 Posts: 1,293 Pioneering
    @Achyshakeypains hi and welcome to the forum my disability is mental illness but these new meds I’m on come with horrific side efffects like shakey hands and shakey legs so I know how you feel . It’s really upsetting I’m not in any pain as such but it was causing me to be very uncomfortable they actually prescribed me some meds that they give to people who have Parkinson’s because it helps people who experience those side effects . 
    Before this side effect medication I couldn’t even go on my phone my hands were that bad I wasn’t able to post on here for ages . Since having this medication my shakes aren’t as bad and don’t happen all the time . 

    I recommend you speak to your doctor and ask if they can give you some thing for it because I know how uncomfortable that is . 

    I also felt like I couldn’t relax and I was constantly pacing around even tho I have anxiety it wasn’t anxiety it was a side effect of my anti pychotic meds .

    try speaking to your gp bout it and how badly it’s effecting you hopefully they can help 
  • janer1967
    janer1967 Community member Posts: 21,964 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi there 

    Sorry to hear of all your conditions you are suffering 

    We are not able to give medical advice however other members may suffer with similar symptoms 

    As you are undergoing lots of tests I presume you have consulted your gp 

    Hope you get some answers and treatment 
  • Sandy_123
    Sandy_123 Scope Member Posts: 51,903 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @Achyshakeypains welcome to forum, hopefully the results from your tests might reveal what is happening,
    You can get advice from 111 if your worried b4 you get results, hopefully all be ok
  • chiarieds
    chiarieds Community member Posts: 16,127 Disability Gamechanger
    Hi @Achyshakeypains  - & welcome to the forum. I appreciate how distressing your symptoms must be, yet it seems your GP is proactive in referring you to specialists to try & identify the cause. As Sandy says, hopefully the tests you're having will find out what's happening, & any potential cause. Kindly let us know how you get on, thank you.
  • Tori_Scope
    Tori_Scope Scope Posts: 12,496 Disability Gamechanger
    Welcome to the community @Achyshakeypains :) How did the blood tests go? How have you been feeling for the past few days?
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